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LauraLeigh Farms

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Everything posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. Prayers for the family.
  2. Prayers for peace and comfort. Your strength and courage may have saved, not only your life, but the lives of your coworkers and even the robber.
  3. Red Shoulder hawks are small. A pair has lived on my property for several years. I see them carrying small snakes to their nest when they have young.
  4. The horses have been moved next to Scott Clonts' Body Shop.
  5. I'm so glad you're going to be there! I'm decking Sky out in something very special for pictures.
  6. I worked on the originally retrofit for the Humvee from the first blast tests to the finished kits that were installed in the existing units. I remember visiting military bases and seeing worn out equipment unfit for use. This was during the Clinton administration.
  7. IMHO there are many areas that should be cut before they start on defense.
  8. "If you don't understand this, or can't understand what you're reading then find some other hobby. I know that I am smarter than you, and probably more educated as well." i_have3dogs
  9. I lost my job due to defense budget cuts almost 3 years ago.
  10. Someone built a tree stand on my next door neighbor's property. She was very angry and had it torn down. Her property is posted.
  11. Renae Hudgens is the wife of Mitch Hudgens, a Paulding County Deputy Sheriff. Renae has an illness that has depleted the family's financial reserves and strapped them with mounting medical bills. The community has come together with a block party that extends from Rodney's Barbeque in New Hope to Publix and across the street to Walgreens. This will be an event with something for the entire family with live music, a dunk tank, a 60+ mile escorted motorcycle ride, bingo, a rolling video arcade, jump house for the kids, face painting, pony rides, dozens of vendors and plenty of food and fun.
  12. As long as I can keep my working cowboy boots and running shoes, you can have the rest.
  13. I am both a Christian and a conservative. But, I also know that you cannot legislate morality. My conservative views stem from my faith which I will gladly share with anyone who is interested. However, I do not try to force my beliefs on others. It is my personal opinion that our government is in need of an overhaul but the right demonizing the left or the left fanaticizing the right will not accomplish anything.
  14. If there are no problems at the dentist this afternoon; I will be at the meeting.
  15. Thanks for the link! It would be wonderful to have parents involved in the program but I know for some children, it may not be possible. The idea behind 8,9,10 Ride to Win is to work with children before they get to middle school. Workng with horses is a wonderful way to build self confidence and self esteem for those who need help in that area. Also, kids won't find it easy to bully or intimidate a horse. They will have to use other methods to get them to cooperate with them.
  16. I am looking into an anti-bullying program through Horses4Heroes called 8,9,10 Ride to Win. It is a free program for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders using horses to help build respect, trust, confidence, communication and conflict resolution skills. I would need a school couselor willing to assist with the program on Saturdays for a few weeks.
  17. We rarely agree but I'm with you on this one.
  18. My mom didn't ground me because I had done something wrong. She just didn't appreciate my sense of humor.
  19. My mom read my diary, when I was 14, then grounded me for two weeks.
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