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LauraLeigh Farms

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Everything posted by LauraLeigh Farms

  1. Horses over the age of ten that aren't adopted are euthanized. Please help us get Conquistador and the older horses released so that they can live out their remaining years in freedom. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eH6g4x4CKs
  2. Thank you for posting this for those of us who couldn't get off work to be there.
  3. Prayers for the families of all who were lost and for our service men and women and their families.
  4. I would like to add my thanks, also. LLF
  5. I didn't see that but I know that the objective observer required to document the round up had her access restricted after she overhead one of the hands saying that he would have used an electric prod on one of the horses if she hadn't been around taking pictures. This video made me both heartsick and angry: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKz1XmTT-R8 The Cloud Foundation has done a wonderful job keeping the horse community updated on the activities of the BLM.
  6. At last a little good news. This is from The Cloud Foundation website. "The roundup of the Pryor Mountain Wild Horses is over after six days- the wild horse and burro specialist made the decision to call it so the helicopter did not go out today and no more horses were brought in. The reasons given for ending this roundup were: The gather operation is nearly complete and horses were coming in sore-footed. one mare (Brumby) tied up on Monday night The BLM feels it would be hard on the remaining horses to be brought in There is a new lit tle black foal on the mountain top Th
  7. I was in my office in Woodstock. My assistant's husband called to tell us about it. We thought he was joking. We were able to get the news on the office computers. I remember saying over and over, "How could this happen?" Wondering if anyone I knew had been in the towers or on one of the planes. Then we heard about the Pentagon and the plane going down in Pennsylvania. I was so thankful that my husband was in his office in Atlanta and my daughter was at her home in Hiram. Then the panic of realizing that it may not be over yet set in. I remember praying for the people that were on tho
  8. I just heard on MSNBC that there are still some passengers on the plane.
  9. I have learned that Cloud is being released back into the wild. Conquistador, the older stallion, and his mares were not. Unfortunately, he and most of his band are over 10 years old. If they are not adopted, they will be euthanized.
  10. Based on the number of horses being returned to the wild and the mares that were placed on contraceptive drugs before being released, this herd will become non viable. This is a shame because these horses are very close genetically to the horses brought here by the Spanish. We have a little Spanish Mustang here at the farm. If any of you parents would like to introduce your children to Lexie, you are welcome to visit.
  11. The stallions that have been rounded up and placed in holding pens together are fighting, foals are being injured by larger horses that are driven by panic. One of the round up hands said that he would have used a shocking device on one of the horses if the objective observer required by law had not been there photographing certain procedures. The next day her access was restricted. This has nothing to do with being a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or any political ideology. This is about monitoring our government's handling of our natural resources and our national treasures.
  12. Naturegirl, I am rapidly learning that some people on this board are incapable of discussion without name calling or ridiculing the position of others. Now I remember why I let my commerce membership lapse and had not, until recently, visited this forum. Subliminal messaging is a facinating subject. People should be aware of it's existance. I have often wondered if it has been used on a limited basis in commercials geared toward children. Especially after witnessing some of the tantrums that have taken place in the cereal aisle at the grocery store.
  13. Thanks for the Tuesday morning smile, Millcreek!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuAcPoi9f0w For updates please visit www.thecloudfoundation.org These are "our" wild horses living on "our" public lands.
  15. Yes, please! We will need people who can help the kids with the horses and people to help serve snacks and drinks.
  16. There is no minimum age requirement. However, for very young children it will be more like a pony ride and an opportunity to touch and pet the horses. We have safety helmets to fit almost any child 2 and up.
  17. 5 isn't too young. As a matter of fact, I got my first horse when I was 5. We have saddles of all sizes both english and western and horses to go with them.
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