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Everything posted by sexymom

  1. 3 more minutes and counting...and I couldn't agree more! I was enjoying my lazy day. damn weather.
  2. Longest 15 minutes EVER! Sitting outside watching and waiting and trying to keep my son clueless as to why. UGH!
  3. How do you get started on Amazon? I didn't think of selling on there. And I thought it was for buying new items.
  4. I've noticed that too. And as a seller on Ebay, it's just as bad.
  5. Never said it was, just said why I don't want MY child to go. My son went and did great, but it's always a fear when strangers watch your children.
  6. Thanks for the link, just signed up!
  7. Good God everyone! Point 1: A CHILD WAS PHYSICALLY HURT Point 2: IT WAS A TRUSTED DAY CARE PROVIDED THAT HURT THIS CHILD. End of story. Looking at those 2 points...you see NOTHING about race, culture or slavery. Get over it, get back to the point at hand and pray for this child and his family. Point 3: This is why I do NOT want my children going to daycare.
  8. OMG yes! I hate those suckers! Our 2 dogs stay outside a lost. We have an acre with a creek and woods...We've sprayed, but the foliage around the creek is out of control. i've bathed them in shampoos, dawn, you name it. I even wen to the herb shop and bough some oil drops...penny something...It smells like peppermint. and some brewers yeast. Haven't seen a difference. Normally I say NO WINTER, but I'm actually looking forward to it so these suckers will go away!
  9. That is totally how I feel LOL
  10. I would have FREAKED out and crashed. I'm terrified of those suckers!!
  11. I'm like Mrs. B. I may or may not go to Academy. I will probably go in there to see what all the excitement is about. My husband likes to golf so I may or may not shop there. Now THAT would be AWESOME! Well, my MIL did ALL of her shopping there as well as have all of her prescriptions there. My husband also spent hundreds of dollars a month of his prescriptions there too. They just transferred his scripts to rite aid and now our prescription cost is more each month. So we did help them as well. Oh yeah! I forgot that one! LOL I was wondering if they still did t
  12. I'll definitely be checking that out. Thanks for the tip. Yep...if ya gotta shop at HellMart because there's not any grocery stores nearby, might as well get everything else for way cheaper.
  13. I'm off Pine Valley Rd and I have to drive at leave 5 miles no matter where I go to hit a store. Actual grocery stores are spaced too far. So I totally agree! That would be awesome!
  14. Great...cuz we need ANOTHER sporting goods store in Paulding. LOL Just like we need more banks, drug stores, gas stations and churches (no offense meant). Why not build something different and useful.
  15. Well yeah. It's in my neighborhood.
  16. Anyone here what happened in Pine Valley Park? Just saw an ambulance and fire truck go down my road into the cul-de-sac.
  17. Ugh, I just noticed I missed the last one. Anyone know when the next one will be?
  18. Scott & Amy Freeman 49% Brenda & Mark Parker 45% Karen & Henry Kelley 5% Michelle & Rick Sutter 0% Wendy & Curis Johnson 0% WOO HOO!!!
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