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Everything posted by NumberCruncher

  1. chicken and dumplings. hubby's slaving over the stove.
  2. i lit my thumb on fire and nearly wiped out a jogger. both ice related incidents, sort of, both occurred on roadways in cobb. both happened on friday, but neither made the news. thank gawd. so, yeah, your numbers are skewed.
  3. dallas hwy and barrett pkwy are fine. there was some ice on the bridge just before ridenour yesterday, but it was still passable. i have no idea about due west.
  4. dang. i guessed florida keys for pic #1, than changed my answer.
  5. yep. keeping my job is worth it. i left early, traveled main roads, and kept my speed slow enough that i didn't have to use my breaks when i encountered any ice. while none of us has any control over what the other drivers are doing around us, that goes for days when it's not icy too.
  6. glad you made it. i usually go dallas to due west to k'saw due west then the airport rd all the way to the chastain/bells ferry intersaction. i took dallas hwy to barret pkwy and then cut over on cahstain meadows this morning. pretty clear ride. just a few spots to watch out for.
  7. holler if you need me to send the sled dogs!
  8. i took dallas hwy, from the walmart area, to barret parkway this morning at 6:25 there are some areas to be careful of, right around preceinct 5 seemed to be the worst. barrett pkwy headed toward the interstates are virtually clear. just some ice and spots to be careful of around ridenour. i wouldn't reccomend going the back way to K'saw. i normally do, every morning, but i think it's safer to stay on the main roads today. be careful!
  9. the schools in paulding went full day yesterday. no one died while waiting at the bus stop, or while traveling home from school. this morning, it's treacherous out there. i'm glad to see that the schools are closed. i never once doubted the reason for concern this morning. however i did arrive at work at 7:09 safe and sound. if you are afraid of the road conditions, please, don't travel the roads. if you think that your vehicle might not make it over the ice, please stay home and stay safe. i think we can all breathe easier knowing that our kids don't have to be transported bac
  10. no!!!! i started a second topic abut the call from last night, and felt like an idiot. wanted to make sure i didn't do it again today. is there another topic today?
  11. well, thank goodness i checked first before i started my own topic!!!
  12. maybe i'm the one who has bad taste? nothing in my house would match a safari themed bed spread or a shower curtain that looks like it should be hanging in a funeral parlor window. gawd. i wish i had a camera with me. i'd run over there and take pics.
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