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Everything posted by NumberCruncher

  1. Quit drinking. Seriously. I'm saving tons of money, losing a bunch of weight without the empty calories, gettin to work early without the hangovers, and remembering everything I do when I'm out with my friends. A sober life is a happy life! If you find yourself turning to drugs or alcohol in the evening or weeken after a long day or week, you might not be that happy. Who needs to escape from a happy reality? I have 76 days of sobriety!!!
  2. Ask cmorg. He knows all about the ways of the Egg. He's an Egg master. :nodding:
  3. only if you pet it as you walk under a ladder while holding an open umbrella in the house and throwing salt over your left shoulder.
  4. if they had gotten a warrant, it would have been only for the marijuana, right? would the knife have 'counted' that way, since it wasn't listed on the warrant?
  5. On call this weekend, 3rd out. This means plenty of downtime around the house to catch up on chores and sleep. Might get in a scary movie marathon tonight!!!
  6. ugh. the vulcan is in the shop. we blew it up on the way back from the Rumble on Noble. the shovelhead is almost ready to ride, need to get the damn S&S carb off of it. depends on how much it costs us to rebuild the the engine on the other bike as to how soon we can get that work done. i'm hoping we won't have to ride the bagger to Lolo's birthday bash. i hate that damn big ol monster!!!
  7. i guess i won't give a crap about what anyone has to say about me after i'm dead.
  8. unfortunately, we are on call that weekend. but i have spread the word to encourage our friends to participate!
  9. i've had an ok week, i guess. not much gets to me anymore. if i can control it, i try to change it for the better. if i can't control it, why stress over it? sure, tragedies of this world make me sad, but i can't let that impact my mood, or that will impact my life directly. i have a happy life. i like it, and i'm trying to keep it that way. hope everyone gets to feelin' better soon!
  10. I have Chinese takeout stuffed in the saddlebag. Hopefully the exhaust pipe keeps it warm on the way home.
  11. Cool thanks! We are in our way home from Paulding. I'm trying to watch on the back of the bike......
  12. Physical comedy does nothing for me, except insult my intelligence. I feel the same way about special effects.
  13. I dislike Florida as a whole, for no particular reason other than the rain that ruined Thunder Beach this Spring. Florida call fall off and float away for all I care. That being said....the article above now gives me a reason to be pissed at Florida, legitimately. So I am. Even more.
  14. Meh. If doesn't bother me. He's a badass. That's why the pictures are so precious to me. They show a rare glimpse of sweetness. I'm thrilled that I was able to capture those moments.
  15. Former vicious prison inmate. And I've been very open about that fact. Still. Cute pics of my ol man and our pups.
  16. that's exactly why i won't stand for one being put in mine!
  17. i wasn't fast enough with my camera to get them exchanging kisses.
  18. yep. that's my badass boyfriend.....he turns to mush over baby animals.
  19. i'm not giving up any rights, nor having my rights infringed upon because of the idiotic decisions of others. that guy ^^^ should have a breathalyzer installed on his vehicle, or have to wear an alcohol monitoring anklet.
  20. Why? I don't drink. Why should I have to take a a breathalyzer test to start my car? My room mate did 2 years. The guy she killed was her passenger. Crappy situation. I think she should have done more time.
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