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Everything posted by bellaprincess

  1. Ah, fun times.... (and like I said...I normally agree) Okay in the instance you noted I can see why you have an issue with Type 2 diabetes and I honestly can say when I see someone that is overweight, eating poorly and not exercising it does make me a bit mad. I can not fathom doing that to yourself. I eat right, exercise and my fat weight is 110, yet I will always have a pump to regulate my insulin. I personally do not expect anyone to do anything for me. Yes sometimes I have to snack when it is not lunch, or check my blood when not very convenient, but other than that I am good with
  2. I honestly do not know. I am not a lawyer. At least with it being a law, I would assume that if it could be proven it could be fought, but as I stated in the rest of my post it I am aware it does happen all the time. (and the chance would be small you could fight it, but any chance is better than none.)
  3. As a Type 1 diabetic I think your response is crappy. Treatable yes, with insulin, preventable, nope. What about the emergency worker that contacted HIV or the person that was getting a blood transfusion? I normally agree with most of your responses, but I do not think this one was thought out. Do I need to be included in the guidelines? Not right now, I have not run into any issues because of being diabetic that I have not been able to work out with others, but I might be in the minority. HIV? There are still many ignorant people when it comes to that and I believe it would be beneficial.
  4. I just bought a t shirt at Charlotte Russe this weekend...lime green one shoulder. Brought back many memories. I figure I can wear it when I work out. My children would disown me if I wore it in public!
  5. Jill~ Didn't they just post the position yesterday? I would think that it would need to be open to all and meetings held before a principal was named, but I do not know where you received your info. It might be correct. Ktan~ That was what I was thinking, but again I do not know. Maybe the posting was just a formality and they know they want her. IDK.
  6. Okay..so what if the ped does ask and the he/she gets a yes/no response than what? Is the doctor going to go into the "be safe on the internet" spiel that the kids have heard from numerous people? Is the child going to suddenly break down and confess that they do and everyone else is doing something and he/she is so depressed from seeing the pictures? Is the doctor just going to tell the parents that little johnny has a FB page make sure you monitor what is being said on there and talk with him? (That the parent should know and be doing anyway and if they aren't what will make them suddenly be
  7. Obviously this technique is not working for you child if the teacher "continues to make him write." I personally have never used writing as a punishment. Writing something over and over as punishment never seemed to be an effective form of consequence for the behavior displayed. If you are bad you write? (writing multiplication tables, sight words, perfectly fine) Some methods I have used would be to move a child to a seat far away from the close friend when they can not seem to stop talking. If I notice talking after that move they can come sit next to my desk. Next move would be out to the
  8. Thanks. I did #1 and they said they had not heard about it, and just kept burning. After an hour I called a friend that works at the FD and lives close by, he stopped by my place and made friendly chat with the neighbor. Burning has stopped. Some people have no sense. I do not want them burning down their house, mine, or anyone's, but I do have to live next to them and did not want any bad feelings. Worked out this time.
  9. Any ideas on who is replacing Crowe?
  10. Cappuccino Punch 1 cup espresso (or very dark brewed coffee) 8 cups milk 1/2 cup sugar (I use splenda when I make it ) quart chocolate ice cream quart vanilla ice cream Mix everything, but ice cream, ahead of time chill in fridge. Mix in softened ice cream before serving. Stir to incorporate. Different flavored ice creams can be used for other "flavored" cappuccinos.
  11. Have you tried Jean-Marc XO? I really love that vodka. I also enjoy Jewel of Russia. Those I drink straight. I usually use the Belvedere for martinis.
  12. Place the berries in a sauce pan over medium heat bring to a boil and stir until thick and syrupy. You really do not have to do anything else. Some people like it sweeter and add a little sugar or orange juice. If it does not thicken to the consistency you want you can add a tiny bit of corn starch. (A little at a time until it is your idea of perfect. )
  13. I just had the a-ha moment! The bank transferred to cover your debit, I just transferred to transfer. (to have extra to shop!) There is a small fee of $10.00 to cover a transfer if you charge and do not have enough to cover it in your main account and they have to transfer it. I find that reasonable to avoid a NSF fee. (or get turned down for a purchase) :pardon:I don't love WF, not at all, but I don't find that specific charge unreasonable if they have to do it. I did see a lot of the media coverage and some here too. I luckily have not been hit with any charges and realize that their s
  14. I just did this today for the second time and was not charged the first time, or see anything (yet) this time. Where is that policy? Is it based on the type of account you have? I just do not want my account figures off, or hit later for fees...... TIA!
  15. Dip the jalapenos in eggs, then into the beer and flour mix and toss them in the deep fryer. He loves them. I have tried one and it was fine, but I do not really like fried foods so I can not swear they are good. LOL
  16. I am not sure what they actually use but I know if you use beer and flour they wind up tasting the same. (Per my husband)
  17. Did you call the Tea Room in Powder Springs? I went to a shower there and think it was a Sunday afternoon. (I know they rent by the hour for private parties, but I just can't guarantee it was a Sunday.) This place was nice too. http://www.lejardinblancga.com/LJB_tea.html
  18. I just opened an email from Wilford Brimley! He was reminding me I could get a new (free) meter if I need it. :rofl: Now I really am diabetic which is why I get the e-mails, but it was hilarious to read your post go open my e-mail and there he was!
  19. I have mine on their also. If you are a Facebook friend you have my number anyway.
  20. ??? Not sure why that would make him a hypocrite, but I will tell you I have personally gone to a restaurant on a Sunday when I realized we did not have a bottle of wine and I wanted a glass with dinner. (Would have been much cheaper to just have to stop at the grocery store and pick one up, but that's okay, helped out a local business) Disclaimer: Before anyone starts jumping up and done and screaming I do not not drink and drive.
  21. Good question. I went to the Georgia Coalition website and all I found in the about us section was a bio on Jerry Luguire. Nothing regarding their stance on liquor, Sunday alcohol sales. I just do not understand the Sunday banning. Many observe their religion on other days. If you buy liquor on Saturday you are a good christian but on Sunday you are not? I truly just do not get it.
  22. I picked up the baby shampoo tonight. I am too tired for the soak mom bath, so I will do it tomorrow and see how it works! Thanks to all that have replied. I have never had a flea issue, but it is great to have that info on Dawn!
  23. Long lasting! Sounds great. I am going to try that too. LOL @ former member on squeezing the lemons!!
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