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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. Oh & Your welcome Super Girl! :D


    I will be over there to do the rest of the house shortly. I woke up a little late today. :blush:


    I hope you will be as pleased with the rest too. :)


    I can't wait to see it when I get home. :)

  2. i dont know how to post under things for sale sorry


    One of the mods could probably move it for you. I just wanted to make sure you knew that it was posted as a freebee. ;)

  3. I didn't take the original post as being mean or nasty.


    It's like this, people can post what they want and others can reply how they want. Some may not think that you should have posted that, but like you say hind sight's 20/20.


    Don't sweat it. Water off a duck's back. ;)

  4. HAHA!!


    What? :blink:



    Yes SG we missed you!


    Nope I don;t have her password, she has my pass wordwhen I have to get her help with things, I have 2 pass owrds Isue,


    I have also had to ge tlacey to help me also,


    so I have a password for them to use to help me when I need it and then I have my pass word that i use,


    I learned that one time I let epmom use my pass word to go in and fix something for me she cussed every one out under my name LOL and they thought it was me LOL


    YAH Pengiun You got it


    LR, you give out your password? :blink:

  5. sorry pengiun I don't know what else to do except give Jabez your password and let he go in under your name and do it, and then you can change your pass word..


    I have had to do that before when I could not get my avatar set.


    You know Jabber's password? I may could use that. :ninja:

  6. maybe if you are off one day a few of us can get together for lunch or something, I would not dare expect you to cook for me girl, unless you were planning on me doing the cooking? if so then yep I think we should do lunch out one day definetly LOL


    I cook every night dear.


    I won't be off again for a while. :)

  7. SG you can come and cook dinner here anytime you want to LOL


    My kitchen is your kitchen LOL


    Oh, Lady Raider! You are welcome over here anytime. :wub: I don't cook the usual southern fare. Once in a blue moon I will make corn bread. We eat a lot of produce here. My kids all know what Butternut squash, Spaghetti squash, and "cauli" rice is. :lol: We try to eat healthy and the youngest 2 love it! My oldest picks and chooses, but overall is probably eating healthier than she used to. It worked out well because my son is probably going to have the healthiest abnormal heart ever. :wub:


    So, if you would like to come have dinner with us some time we would consider it an honor. :)

  8. SG fried chicken huh? LOL


    Have yal read RRR post? everyone is going crazy, you have parents hitting kids, you have spouses hitting each other, neighbors fighting, friends fighting,


    what the heck is going on?


    Fried chicken is the devil. :angry: My favorite piece uses the most Weight Watchers points. The thigh.


    There has been no hitting of any sort here. :)

  9. Ugggh!


    I have gained so much weight this week!


    Just a little tip, but try bring a bereaved family something else besides fried chicken once in a while. ;)


    I would apologize for the hijack if we weren't in the hijack thread.

  10. SG the child being placed with the natural parent was once a concern, but the child now wants to live with the natural parent, so the custdians of the child have decided to let her.


    Do you know what all is involved in something like this? will it be easy to do or will there be probelms? I am just wondering how far a judge would get involved in a sitaution like this,


    would he just take the custdians word for it and let the child go or would he order anything like home visits? stuff like that


    I don't know a lot about it, LR. I have had the girl's dad try to take them away from me ONCE. The day in court was an embarrassment for him and he is the one that brought the case. :wacko: I almost felt bad for him because of the embarrassment issue, then I thought of what he had said about me and I quickly got over it. :D


    If the custodians don't say anything against it, and the mother is able to care for the child now and that can be proven, then there shouldn't be much of a fight for getting the child back.

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