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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. Soapy, BabyGirl told me a about what went on this evening. I am so sorry! We have had our go around with bullies too. Want me to come over and whip some a$$ for you?

  2. Yeah! Besides, if we get too many people believing all this tunnel stuff those of us who depend upon the tunnels will have a hard time getting around. I mean, my commute to Atlanta via the east Paulding tunnel is already up to 15 minutes one way!


    I know what you mean. When the monorail becomes fully operational, the tunnels should become less congested. It least that is the theory. :ph34r:


    I hope I haven't said too much. :unsure:

  3. Oh, don't even get me started.


    If one went into the south side of their yard and start a fire and then a lonesome bird, perhaps a dove, were to fly over the fire, but became consumed by the fumes, it would take a man made of a solid metal, perhaps steel, to take care of that situation. ;)


    I have known Moody was going to retire for several months now. The replacement should not sit in the chief's chair even one day!


    Searching will get you where you need to be. Thank goodness I don't live or work in the Marietta city limits. :huh:

  4. the frecks are disappearing one by one...first Grounded, then CB now that freck Misty...whar the be goin???? :blink: :unsure:


    They are being sucked into the freck vortex one by one! :blink: Which one of us is next?

  5. Left lane dwellwers


    people who are constantly late


    This one is weird: it does perturb me (not pi$$ed off, mind you) when expectant parents say that no matter what the gender of their unborn child is, they will be happy if it's healthy. Now I understand on a logical level what they are saying. I also understand that if they were by chance to have an unhealthy child, they would be just as happy and proud as anyone else. I'm just being honest, but this is something that makes me say to myself "Eh".

  6. Trust me, it won't stop him from sleeping. Nothing can.


    Guess what he is doing right now? Yep, sleeping on the couch and I have to listen to him. :blink:

    I actually sleep most nights on the couch because he isn't sleeping good :( . He falls asleep while driving alot and has to pull over to nap. So I try not to disturb him. I don't go to sleep til around midnight. He goes to bed around 9 but is up at 3. So I feel like if I go to bed then I will disrupt his last 3 hours and then I feel bad.


    So I am ready for him to do this test and gets things back to normal.


    Sounds like sleep apnea then! I don't have it, just was unable to get into a deep sleep. My dad has used a C-PAP for several years now and says he sleeps better than he can ever remember!

  7. Way To Go :D

    thank you for all the info.

    I will find out as soon as I get the test done.

    I don't know how long it take to get the results though.

    Super Girl,

    it was a win win for you all the way :D

    He is a doll, you know.


    Thank you. He sure is a sweetie. Now, we do eat healthy about 80% of the time. He knows what hot dogs, chicken nuggets, french fries, cookies, chips and all that are and honestly I would not have it anyother way. However, he begs for broccoli. :ninja: He is willing to eat any veggie in the world. He loves salmon. Just last night he ate 2.5 salmon fillets. :blink: It just goes to show that healthy eating comes easily when started from the beginning. :)

  8. thanks Super Girl :wub:

    I went thru some flaxseed {liquid} & am out but I will get some more.

    I have fish oil, I think thats the same? :unsure:

    I am going to start walking 3 times a week,

    starting in the morning for 20 minutes.


    Well, fish oil is and isn't the same. The Omega fatty acids are good for you. There is an Omega 3 and an Omega 6 anthough I am fuzzy on the facts of which one is "better" than the other, although both are helpful. From what I recall, any non-animal sources of these fatty acids are better for us than animal sources, although fish oils are not bad by any stretch of the imagination.


    Good for you, Nanny! Take care of yourself. It is the only way to do things. :)


    Looking back, I am really glad that I got scared by my cholesterol all those years ago (although my doctor was not very concerned about it). I had no way of knowing that I would have my son at all and especially that he would have a congenital heart defect. Since I changed the way I ate back then, he has eaten heart healthy for his entire life. I am grateful for that because honestly, with as much stress as I was under when he was born and went through his surgery it would have been a lot to have to change "everything" about our diet during that time.

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