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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. I really don't care what people believe. REALLY.


    My heritage is such a mixture that it is no wonder I have such an open ended idea about what truth really is. I grew up in a hard core, elitist kind of religion. :blink: It never sat well with me though.


    I am mostly Celtic. Some Cherokee. A little bit of my Celtic roots were Spanish; "Black Irish", if you will.


    I just don't have it in me to be mean to people. Not at all.


    I tolerate all kinds of things.


    When I have had enough of someone, I ignore them; and will eventually tell them to go to he%% if they persist.


    So, I voted option #3. ;)

  2. I read the original post and nothing else so as not to influence my response. :)


    I love watching Joel Osteen's program whenever I see it on TV. I have a book of his. What I like about him so much is his positive message, and how encouraging it is.


    Never ever, have I finished watching one of his messages and felt like kicking myself in the butt. However, back when I did go to church there were many times (more than not) that I left believing that I never would "make the cut". :unsure:


    We all need encouragement, and he knows how to do that, very well.

  3. I still see Danny every day when school is in, he still drives a bus!


    I rode Mrs. Rainwaters bus, on her bus you was not allowed to talk, had to sit with feet on floor, and hse assigned seats


    Then I had Boyd Cole WHOA big difference there, that was a bus gone wild LOL


    Get out of here! Does he still like biscuits? :blink:


    Betty Grogan for most of my bus riding years...but I also remember changing buses to get to the Jr High & the driver was Danny Rakestraw...he was a trip...everybody loved Danny!!!


    I too know Janie Etheridge but not from her bus route!!! She was my landlord for about a year! she is a very sweet lady!



    Indeed. :D

  4. I am so sorry this has happend,


    I know this is like a slap in the face to all Wiicans/pagans.


    I wish there was something I could do!


    I will tell you this, I would rather have Wiccans/Pagans fighting for my life then I would a lot of Christains, and that is coming from a Christain!


    again I am so sorry this has happend, :(



    Me too! I have met a few Pagans and let me tell you that not one of them has ever dealt with me in an underhanded manner! Now some "Christians" on the other hand....... :(

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