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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. Thanks, ladies!


    No thanks needed. Through the years I have seen so many people pass. My grandmother (the flower shop one) just died at the end of June. :mellow: I will miss her, but will never forget how healthy and vital she used to be. She had to suffer for several years before her death and that is the sad part.


    My memories of people who died suddenly and without any sickness are just the memories I have of them as a person.


    Maybe it's like that with your uncle. But no one had a clue it was coming, not even he. He went on doing something he enjoyed. He was your best friend.


    I know I have angels looking over me and based on what you said; you surely have them watching over you. :)

  2. Tonight we went to Bugaboo for my mom's birthday.


    Yesterday I cooked for the first time in a little over a week because my middle child caome home after 2 weeks away and she appreciates my culinary skills. :D Last night we had oven fried chicken, baked sweet potatoes, slaw, and cornbread. She loved it and said she had missed my cooking. :)

  3. My great grandpapa. Never really knew him. Just remember him being tall but I was 9.


    I guess my "real" death was my mom back in 99'. That was not as bad as everybody thinks. Everyone expected me to fold. I was stong. I had 5 yrs to prepare. You never can prepare enough though. It is harder on me now because I have kids and I have questions :(


    That is very true. You are never ready even though you can read the writing on the wall.



    My grandfather died when I was 4. I wanted to see him, so my dad pulled up a chair so I could look at him in the coffin. He looked so peaceful. I remember he had a very painful death in 1952 before all the things for cancer were developed and I was happy he was not moaning anymore - just sleeping.


    That was my first experience with death.



    The first grandparent I lost happened when I was 8. I never knew the big strong man I saw in the home movies from my mom's childhood. My grandfather had his first heart attack when I was about 6 weeks old and all I remember of him was a good man who was fragile. He wouldn't have bypass surgery because he thought it too risky (and to his credit, it was a "new" thing at the time). He proceeded to have a few heart attacks through the years. When he had his fatal heart attack it was hard to accept for me. But now I know that maybe medical science could have helped him, even at that time. It seems he was a stubborn man. Wonder where I get it? :rolleyes:

  4. The first time I ever knew someone who died was when I was in Kindergarten. A boy in my class died in the plane crash at New Hope. Edited to add: It was during my Kindergarten year when the plane crash happened.


    In the years that followed, my mom and grandmother opened a flower shop. While that shop was running, I saw quite a few folks I knew at the funeral home after they passed.


    Now, I'm not sure that I wouldn't be this way had things not happened like they did in my childhood; however, I am one of those people that isn't "spooked" or "creeped out" by a body.


    So, fess up, what what is your first memory of death.

  5. There is a really great new bookstore in downtown Dallas. It is called "The Next Chapter". She also serves gourmet coffees. A really nice lady runs it and has some good deals. She sells new and used books.


    She offers store credit if you have books you no longer need.


    Where is the store? I usually only get into Dallas proper on the weekends, but would like to know. BTW, it was great seeing you yesterday. ;)

  6. Is there a book store in Paulding county? I would love one!


    I would LOVE a bookstore. Hiram, Dallas, New Hope....just somewhere closer than The Avenue @ West Cobb.


    BUT, (addressing the OP) New Hope isn't a city. It is a booming community, but not a city :( . I would love it if New Hope were to become a city and therefore would have a post office. :)


    edited to add:


    I grew up in the Dallas city limits, but New Hope always felt good to me. I remember the plane crash, but didn't understand that New Hope wasn't "Dallas" per se at the time. Although the "New Hope" folks always said that is where they lived, it took me a few years to understand that what I thought of as "the place where the plane crashed on the road that looks like a ribbon" wasn't actually Dallas, it was New Hope.

  7. I have to add somehing to my post.


    Although I do think it is easier after the first child, it is still heart touching.


    My son, youngest child, will start pre-k this year. Now he marks the end of the trail so to speak. Although I can't quite put my finger on where all the time has gone, I probably won't cry.


    and BTW, my oldest is going into her Junior year of HS this year. :unsure:

  8. Well, you probably will cry. :(


    When my oldest started Kindergarten, I was heavily pregnant with her little sister. I took her to school, and wearily said goodbye to her. She was like, "bye Mommy". :blink: No worries on her part. I cried the whole way to work. :( Then I cried some more.


    I don't have any words of advice, I was at work her first day of school so I stayed busy; I did think of her all day though. I didn't realize at the time that "all" kindergarteners were new, for some reason I thought it was just "my" kindergartener. :wacko: It is hard to turn your child over to school.


    The only words of encouragement I have are these: It is easier after the first child. ;)

  9. I would say good morning, if I hadn't missed that part of the day already. :) So, things being what they are I'll just say good afternoon.


    I went to the laser show last night it rained on us like nobody's business, but it was still a lot of fun. In all the times over the years I've been to the laser show, that is the first time I can remember getting rain there. It was a great time none the less; I was in fantastic company.


    I think NHG and I are going to see a movie today. She is opting for Dead Man's Chest (this will be her 4th time :wacko: ) and I'm going to have to see something else. :)


    I hope everyone has a great day!

  10. First off I'm not trying to start trouble it's a real question -


    If God's will will be done reguardless of how we pray - Why pray?


    Lets give an example - Child dying in hospital we pray he gets better - He dies - Folks say well it was God's will :blink: Child dying in hospital we pray he gets better - He infact is healed - Folks say well see prayer works. :blink: So If only the out come we want occurs then prayer works but if a different ending comes about then it's just God's will and we can't understand His Will. So Why Pray if it really just depends on God's will anyway.


    Just a question. . .


    I've been there. :rolleyes: My child lived. Not because I prayed for life, however. I prayed for a life which could be enjoyed and well lived. Things weren't so simple, and never will be. :) My child is happy now and loves life. However, I will never forget the other parents who watched their child die. Were they worse people than I? No. Did they love their child less than I did mine? No. It is just heart-wrenching to hear the news that a young person has lost their life. I will never forget the sounds of a family who had lost their baby. Never. I just think that what is going to happen, will happen. If prayer makes you feel better, then go for it.

  11. Thanks, I have missed you guys too, but I am LOVING my new job!!!

    Glad to know its still all my fault... :glare:

    Why you been rubbing in them?!!?!? :wacko:


    I haven't been rubbing anything in your pits, buddy. :blink:


    Her work banned her and super girl from posting.... guess they counted up the keystrokes and realized they weren't doing a danged thing at work but posting! :lol:

    Oh and I do miss p.com, but I love my new job, so its ok if I have to miss posting for a few weeks, its well worth it to enjoy going to work!

    Oh and does someone need to show you how to do the quote thing correctly?!!?? :blink:



    I think it's your fault. :angry:

  12. Hey Hey Hey, Lesley!


    Have I read all the responses? NO!


    Let me tell you what I think anyway!


    I breastfed my 3 children for varying amounts of time (5 months, 4 months, and 8 months respectively). I actually had a friend ask me when my son was a baby (the 8 monther) when I planned to stop. I told her (jokingly) that I planned to stop when his moustache started to tickle. :lol:


    Now, the reason I said that is because he was born with some substantial health problems. :( But he did breastfeed the longest, and despite his problems at birth, he has had the least sickness (caught from other people) of my 3 children. ;)


    Now, I probably wouldn't have continued past a year with any of them; although I did plan to go a year with him, but weaning was his choice. :)


    Nothing gross about boobies. Nothing at all. ;)

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