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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. MamaEllen, I was so sad when SG told me the news late today... I cannot imagine how hard it is for you now. I love you all very much!


    Thank you. :wub:


    I am sorry for your loss but glad she is at peace.




    I hope this quote helps you feel better -


    Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. ~Author Unknown


    That is very nice, thank you.

  2. SuperGirl


    I will try not to go too soon, but you and all my babies have to try to let me go first.


    This afternoon life was as it should be, the elder going to her rest and us left to carry on.


    You are right. As much as it must hurt to lose a parent it is just wrong to lose a child. I came close to that with the Chancester. Thankfully, he hung in and decided to stay with us. :wub:


    I hope for you to never have to go through losing one of us. I am just sorry for you. By the time I know how you feel right now, there will be no way for you to know it.


    BTW BabyGirl lost a tooth tonight. :)

  3. Thank you everyone. :wub:


    My mom is better now that this struggle is over. I told her tonight, as the funeral home took Granny away, that she had better not pull that $hit on me anytime soon :blink: . She said she doesn't plan to! ;)

  4. It wasn't an "attack" on you, but the whole thing would have been better handled in a pm rather than being put on the board. JMO...


    Had I known the report button was working I would have used it. Last I heard it wasn't. And who knows which moderators are on at what time? I certainly don't. All I could think of was that I definately did not want NewHopeGirl finding that thread under any circumstances. That's JMHO.

  5. We just got back from dinner--it was yummy. The daughter looked hilarious in a giant sombrero while the waiters sang (compliments of her youngest brother and father's scheming), :lol:


    Did you get pictures? :D

  6. Plese forgive me if this response seems catty or snarky.


    It was a post that had 2 likns embedded to websites that neither belong on this board nor we would want any of our young people to see.


    I saw it not long before I left work today. I have not replied to answer questions as to what the thread was "about" as my grandmother's life is winding down and I had more pressing things to attend to. :)


    It was not meant to be a tease, but was actual links to actual websites that are just not needed on Pcom.

  7. Good question! :glare:

    WOW!! There are a lot of us with kiddies turning the big 16 this year!! Rev's son just had his b-day, yours is tomorrow, and SG's daughter's is in a few weeks too!! It is sad.... :(


    It is weird how our kids are getting older, but we aren't. :blink:

  8. Bwitchy I hope your daughter has a great Birthday!


    to many of yal to wish a Good morning to, yal have been dang busy this morning LOL

    I am dragging plus trying to clean house,


    SG How is your Grandmother this morning?


    I haven't heard anything new today.

  9. Bocce!

    I haven't seen that played in years. :)


    How about......Ring Toss!



    Note to self....do not be confused by the different versions of the ring toss game that popped up in Google.


    Bachelorette Ring Toss? :lol:

    I have been out of the loop. :p ;)


    Great idea Os.


    Sounds interesting.

  10. Amy - Thanks for starting this thread


    Most folks don't know just how much she means to you grandchildren.....


    I've known her for 45+ years and her life was all about service to her family - if her grandchildren needed anything Granny tried to fill the need....she taught all of you very well....and I know that all of you have thanked her over and over both directly and living out most of the pricniples she tried to teach...your Mom will be proud of the way you started this thread


    Get to bed and get some rest.... :wub:




    Thank you. It was good to see you tonight and I know Granny was happy to see you as well.


    Going to bed soon, I'm sure we will be seeing one another very soon. :wub:

  11. And just as a side note: Tetralogy of Fallot happens in dogs and cats (maybe other animals, I don't know) just as much as in humans. I should probably save my passion for next February (heart defects awareness month)!!!

  12. That's a good idea!!


    I've actually had someone in the line in front of me pay for mine as well. Never knew who it was though!! :)



    You're not supposed to know!


    Try this, pay the fare for the car benind you on a toll highway (ga 400). Pay $5 at the drive through at the cleaners for the car behind you. It is fun! :)

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