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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. Yay Great Aunt Boo!


    Pearl Harbor Day 2001 is when I had my first ultrasound of The Chancester! I still have that 9 week fetal picture framed in a magnet on the fridge. :wub:


    Congratulations. Little girls are so much fun. Especially if they are amenable to ponytails and pink dresses, etc. :ninja:

  2. that's alright...it's new news...i found out at the beginning of the summer...i'm 10 weeks and 2 days along (due Feb 9th)


    i'm going to get one of those tickers to go on my signature after i go back to work and tell work people....work people know me on here and if you've ever been in a school then you know how rumors fly


    Well, congratulations little girl!


    An Aquarius will be a fun little person. :)

  3. I didn't vote in the poll. Honestly, I don't have the time or energy to contemplate the end of the world. My goal is to make my own footsteps as light as possible and to teach my children to do the same. Other than that my day to day life is just consumed with getting through well, day to day.


    I think we should be kind to the earth, use less when we can, and most of all realize that everything we buy and do has an impact on the earth. I am only in control of myself though and don't waste my time with trying to convince others to change. For example; some people on here will just fight and argue that their opinion is RIGHT and everyone else needs to get on board. I laugh at those people. How funny to be stressed out because others don't believe like them. :wacko: Take some BP meds!!!

  4. there was an old lady (she's 40...right?)

    who lived in a shoe (or a 1-bedroom apartment)

    she had so many children (2+3+4=9!!)

    she didn't know what to do!

    my ultrasound only showed ONE baby! *sigh of relief*




    I miss all the new news. :unsure:

  5. Beleive me, my family (especially the kids) would love to keep them. However, we have three cats, two dogs, five gold fish, and fifteen chickens ( we ate the partridge and cut down the pear tree :) ) Needless to say we don't need any more pets.


    If we can't find a home for these guys soon we'll have to take them to the human society. I'd really hate to see them put down, but we just can't have any more pets. I just wish people would stop dumping their problems out at the park. I guess they think the animals can just survive on their own in the woods. But with, hawks, coyotes and bob cats around here, these former pets live a short brutal existence before they meet an untimely demise. Of course if the park ranger's kids pick them up...well that's a different story.





    Could we work out a time to come see these little sweeties? My oldest has been wanting a cat of her own lately. We have one cat now, but she belongs to my youngest daughter (although we share her :wub: ). Are they all litter box trained?

  6. Hey, as long as we're on this subject, I want to give snaps to Kennesaw Florist (I think that's the official name).


    My company sent a beautiful big plant for my grandmother's funeral. The florist subbed it out to another florist in Powder Springs (cause that's sooooooo much closer :wacko: ) Anyway, the Powder Springs florist did not carry things out in a professional manner. They had 2 pieces to deliver. The one from my company was fine since it was a live plant, but the other one was just dead :( .


    When Kennesaw Florist learned of what happened they sent another plant just as beautiful as the first "to make things right". I love it when a business shows such integrity. :)

  7. I didn't care for it either <_<


    Another movie I finally saw this week was The 40 Year Old Virgin, it really sucked!!


    I wanna see the Devil wears Prada. I'm so glad you liked it, maybe I will too :D


    I saw that one this past weekend at the cabin in Tennessee. It was all right, not as good as I thought it would be; definately better than Wedding Crashers though.

  8. When working as a case manager with battered women, I repeatedly ran into Ephesians 5:22-33

    Wives submit to your own husbands as to the Lord.


    What many of the women failed to understand when they would quote that verse as a reason to put up with the abuse was that it goes on to say that a husband should love and respect his wife as he would love himself and the Lord.


    We also saw our fair share of Colossians 3:18-19:

    Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them.


    Which, again, is all well and good unless the husband considers bashing her head in with a bat instead of a pole as not being harsh.


    Amazingly, there were women that we worked with whose pastors had given them these verses as a reason to stay in the relationship and 'tough it out'.


    I have to concur with this one. It is the most abused scripture (no pun intended) that I can think of.


    A close second would be "spare the rod, spoil the child". I am not opposed to spanking when needed, but the same scripture goes on to advise parents to not provoke their children to wrath................but that part seems to go unmentioned. :unsure:

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