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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. Yes, I have that movie as well as a PBS film that mostly focused on Vivien Thomas. Mr Thomas was Dr. Blalock's technician. Mr. Thomas was a black man with only a high school education; however he did the "footwork" in that he created the same defect in Anna and then did the procedure to "correct" the defect.


    At the time that the procedure was preformed on the first human baby at the verge of death, it was Dr. Blalock's first time doing the procedure although Mr. Thomas had done it many many times.


    Here are some links:






    Just in this country, 3000 babies are born with Tetralogy of Fallot each year. :( These children, left untreated would live to be maybe 1, 4, 10 or at most into their 20's. It is the most common cyanotic (blue) heart defect.


    I just thank my lucky stars all the time that my son was born at the time he was and that we were so close to such a fantastic heart hospital. :wub:

  2. http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/mcp/anna/


    Here is a link for Anna. She was a pioneer in that she had the very first open heart surgery ever. Anna survived! Because of Anna, many people had a chance at life through OHS. The defect that was trying to be corrected was the very same one that my son was born with. Thank you, Anna.


    Anna is the only animal with a portrait on the wall at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.

  3. SG - you know you all are in my thoughts and prayers,


    But here's something I bet you didn't know....I always thought your granny was such a funny cool person.... she was one of the first ppl I could ever remember being around who said whatever was on her mind and it was so vastly different from the world of secrecy and silence my family always lived in that I always thought she was the coolest person.


    your mom was pretty cool too, I guess that's where she got it from?


    Granny has always said what she thought! She remembers you and has asked me about my "little blond headed friend" more than a few times over the years!!!


    Thanks, girl. :wub:

  4. I hope my mom doesn't mind my posting this.


    My grandmother has had a long life so far. She has not been well in almost 4 years, however. Now she is in the hospital and it seems that she is in her last few days in this life.


    When I was at the hospital tonight, with so many cousins around; I could not help but think of how many of us would not even exist without her!!!


    Just remember us. Also, I am asking for thoughts for my girls. Their dad's grandmother is down to her last days as well so my girls may be losing 2 great-grandmothers in a very close proximity of time. :(

  5. Erwin is not 16 yet? I thought she was a month or two older than Big C :wacko:

    Tell her I said HAAAAAAAAAY!! :wub: and Happy Birthday Erwin!!!!!


    They do grow up fast :(


    I'm wondering about the 5th :huh: Do I know what this is about? :blink:


    No :lol:


    Erwin will be 16 in mid July. She is counting down the days! :wacko:

  6. Sorry about the traffic problem, but I'm impressed with your navigation skills. I would be in Canada or New Orleans right now.


    We went to the farmer's market, but we got there late because of the top of a pine tree that is no long attached to the tree, thanks to Friday night's wind with no rain event. We still got some scallop squash (the kind that looks like flying saucers) and some cucumbers from a very nice man who owns Countryside Farms. He does not use any chemicals on his crops. He had already sold out of his tomatoes, but he said he grows Sungolds (and others)...and if you have never had these, you should try to get some. They are a small super sweet orangish cherry tomato. He also had recipes that he was giving out with he produce. There was another vendor with potatoes and onions, but we grew some of those ourselves, so I didn't need any, but they looked good!



    I got an eggplant from that man. Now I just need to google a recipe for it!

  7. I was horribly sick with my first daughter. Ended up with a feeding tube in my chest for 6 months - puked 10-15 times a day - lost 30 lbs immediately - miserable. Heard the theory about it being an overload of estrogen and agree with it - wasn't as sick with my son. Ginger root is a good option. Lemon water or popsicles are also something to consider - definitely try to stay hydrated. It helped me with my second pregnancy understanding that even with throwing everything up, I still had to keep eating throughout the day or your body will start deteriorating. The normal reaction to vomiting is to try to wait until the nausea passes before eating again - don't do that. :wacko: Keep eating something every other hour even if you're throwing up - your body will absorb some of it.


    The most important thing to remember is that THIS TOO SHALL PASS! There is a finite period of time associated with this pregnancy - and it will end at some point. Each day survived is another day closer to the baby's birth. Sometimes I felt like I would be sick forever - and with a first child, the reality of it really being a baby takes a while to sink in - all you know is that you feel like crap all the time. There really is a little baby growing inside of you - it's helps a little bit keeping that in mind.


    I wish both of you the best of luck. I know it's hard watching your child be so miserable and not be able to do anything for her - it was hard on my mom. I have two wonderful children now - and even though the pregnancies were nightmares, to have a wonderful new person in your life is miraculous and worth every minute of it. If there's anything I could do to help, please PM me or let me know in some way. Hang in there, both of you!


    OMG! I was the same with my girls. Just sick, sick, sick. Morning afternoon and evening. Sick all the time! The thing that kept me going was just knowing that eventually it would end and then all my sickness would pass. Now my sickness exists on a different level, but all moms know about that :wacko: . Regarding pregnancy; there is no way through it, but to do it! :wub: It will all be worth it in the end.

  8. Oh girl, I feel for your daughter!


    Maybe she is having a girl because I was sick the entire time with the girls and only about 12 weeks with my son.


    Anyway, what helped me was ginger root. Get some ginger from the store and after peeling it, cut it into thin slices and make some ginger "tea". It worked wonders when I was pregnant with my son. However, no matter what I tried when I was pregnant with my 2 girls ever helped. :( I have read a theory before that moms are sicker when carrying girls because of such an overload of Estrogen in their system. I don't know if that's true, but I will say that the toilet and I became very close when I was expecting the girls and nothing I tried helped very much. :huh:

  9. Ok, lets get to it!


    First, did anyone else go to the Farmer's Market today?


    Second, I got caught in the aftermath of a truck that "lost its load" in TN just after 75 splits into 24 in Chat., TN today. I went the backroads, and despite my very poor sense of direction, I made it to where I needed to be only an hour late. :D It was fun though, because my middle child was so very excited to cross into Tennessee on another road besides the Interstate. She swears that has never happened before, but I know better. ;) We had a nice detour. Now, BabyGirl is in Knoxville for a week :( , but NewHopeGirl is back home and I did miss her. :rolleyes: Next week I have to go to Chat., TN again, but from there we will go to Alabama for a weekend of boating!!!!


    Third, my boy will be 4 soon! Dayum, where does the time go?


    Fourth, right after my boy is four NHG will be 16!!!! We need to have a bash for her. Who wants to be there?!!!!


    Edited to add:


    sixth: I thought my Comcast modem was fried from the storm yesterday. However, my mom is a genius and talked me through it, now it is fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am back online!!!


    Fifth, well, never mind.....if you want to know avout the 5th thing and you know me, then call! :)

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