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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. I couldn't get into Wedding Crashers at all. I didn't even finish it, and I love Vince Vaughn.


    I am almost finished reading The Devil Wears Prada, which is good since I started it last summer :blink: However, I'm nervous to see the movie because they apparently deviated VERY far from the book.


    I didn't read that book thank goodness. I don't like it when a movie is very different from the book. :angry:

  2. Folks, I am tolerant of errors in this publishing form because I've spent time publishing in other forms ... newspaper and yes, I even wrote a chapter in a real, ISBN 'book'.


    That said, there is one MAJOR, STUPENDOUSLY BIG DIFFERENCE between what goes on here and what happens in traditional ink on paper publishing.


    That difference is that at the least there are three sets of eyes that see the text with the specific intention of finding and eradicating errors while in this form of self-publishing ... you and you alone fill the role of writer, editor and proof-reader.


    And why do you think there are the jobs of 'writer, editor and proof-reader' at every newspaper and publishing house?


    I'll tell you quite simply why. There is no writer on the face of the earth who can perfectly edit their own material.


    This is because as a writer, you are blind to many of your own errors including but not limited to spelling errors, especially at the time of creation.


    Write something, take a few hours off from it and come back with editor's eyes and you'll change it, massage the words and find some errors (but not all) but you'll only see these errors with the new eyes.


    My point is that anyone who expects perfection in writing and editing in this medium has inflated expectations. It isn't going to happen.


    Now that is not to say that some folks are not better writers than others, but I don't care who you are; you will make embarrassing errors that if you're like me, you'll correct when (and if) you return to a piece and read it again.




    PS: That is why member plus orange, black and pink allow the member to edit their item without showing an edit. That is a vanity tool designed to let the member correct the silly errors that they missed when they first posted a piece.



    Great post. I used to work for the MDJ and what you said is absolutely true. Errors happen. I hate it when I make spelling errors and correct them as soon as I see them.

  3. have you ever seen him in persone? i bet he has a 28 inch waiste.


    Yeah yeah I know he could probably fit in my pocket, but he has a fantastic body from the neck down. Course he might bring a lawsuit against me if I hurt him. :unsure:

  4. Listen, SG...I understand that you may feel that way.


    It would be a peachy, perfect world with no human errors of any kind.


    That is not reality!


    quicksilver is a butt munch!


    quicksilver just couldn't help but stir the sheeze pot!


    If I understand what a p.commer is stating (spelling errors included), then communication happened! That is what this web site is all about!


    I agree, if I can understand it then everything is kosher. I don't think I've ever called out anyone for their spelling (except for REV once and that was in a joking manner because she/he spells the same word wrong all the time....honestly, I think she just does it because she knows better and also knows that it bothers me that I know she can spell it correctly, however she is a freck and can speck her mind in the manner she chooses. I know she worships the quicksand I walk on anyway).


    Butt munchers piss me off almost at the same level as my own grammital errors.






    Human errors and I are tight buddies. Trust me. ;)

  5. Bad spelling makes me sad. Plain and simple. :(


    It really does, and I'm sorry if that bothers some folks.


    I do make grammatical errors myself, but let me assure that I am kicking myself in the a$$ over them. Truth be told nothing pisses me off as quickly as my own grammatical errors. :angry2:

  6. I too like the was Advantagous sounds. . and Copasetic makes me think of Coppenhagen (sp) because it's fun to say. ..

    Intrepid really? hmmm would never have guessed that :ninja: Sanguine.. .let me go look it up.. .




    Shhhh, you!



    san·guine ( P ) Pronunciation Key (snggwn)



    Of the color of blood; red.

    Of a healthy reddish color; ruddy: a sanguine complexion.


    Having blood as the dominant humor in terms of medieval physiology.

    Having the temperament and ruddy complexion formerly thought to be characteristic of a person dominated by this humor; passionate.

    Cheerfully confident; optimistic.


    That's why I like it. ;)

  7. edit

    and then a simple little scent takes us back in time to exactly where we were when we used to know that smell.


    Smell is probably the strongest "memory trigger" sense I have. There is a certain soap smell that always reminds me of Egleston. Adam's clothes that he was wearing just before he went to have his surgery are sealed in a ziploc bag, and have been since I undressed him to go to the OR. Every now and then I smell those clothes and I am right back at that time. It reminds me to stay humble. ;)


    I have days like that. Days when a memory is sparked by some little something.

    Takes me back to kinder times, when the world didn't seem so big.




    The world seems so small to me now. Not big at all. :huh: I remember the days of a big world, when you couldn't go to the store to get what was needed at any time, night or day. We had to make the best of things, now it seems that everything is right at our fingertips. :unsure:

  8. Just a few things.


    Today at work I was listening to a CD that someone made for me about 2 years ago. I haven't listened to it much at all, but wanted a musical companion for today so I was listening to it. The very last song on the CD was Amazing Grace, on bagpipes. I froze! Then I turned the volume up just a little. You see, I'd never been to an actual burial where bagpipes were played, although I do like bagpipes and have heard them before; just not at a burial. When my grandmother was buried on the 30th of June, there was a piper there. He played 3 songs, the second was Amazing Grace. I had tears welling in my eyes at the memory.


    My 10 year old wanted to watch a home video tonight. On this video was a man playing a banjo on the porch of an old homestead in the Smoky Mountains. We just drove past that home this past weekend and my mom told me that several years ago she saw a man playing a banjo on the porch of his Grandfather's home. It seems she videoed it as well.


    Right now on the video, my great-uncle is just talking about his childhood. He passed just last October.


    I guess today is supposed to be a day of reflection for me. :unsure:

  9. LR, I am so sorry that you are hurting. :(


    You can hold your head high because you made a difference to your neice. No matter what, she will always remember the love and devotion you have for her.


    Like Ellen, I have been dealing with loss as well. So can I come to the crying party too? :(

  10. Oh, CarolMarieHild!


    As you know, I used to work for the same psycho you work for and he just made me nuts! :blink:


    Right after I started working there he told me to turn off the A/C every day when I left. One day when I left, he was having one of his "late meetings" and I left the A/C on because they were still there and it was hot summertime and I thought they might appreciate a little A/C. Seems logical, right? WRONG! :unsure: The next morning I had a post it note on my desk that instructed me to "always" turn the A/C off when I left. So that is what I did. Guess what? The next time he had a "late meeting" I turned the A/C off when I left and the next morning, there was an addition to the post it note. Above "always" the words "do not" had been scribbled. :wacko:

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