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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. I am sorry that I did not see this thread earlier. One of the crash victims was a classmate of mine. We were in kindergarten together that year. About 5 years ago I took my oldest to the New Hope Cemetery to visit my great grandpatents' grave. While we were there I showed her the other grave and told her that I went to kindergarten with this boy and he ws killed in the plane crash before he could finish his first year of school. The one grave that gets to me every time is the mother and son that had to be buried together because their bodies could not be separated. The foot marker of the grave reads Mother and Son. I remember the day the plane crashed. We went up 381 as far as we could go, but there was debris everywhere. I was only 5, but the memory is still very strong. I would love to see a memorial.

  2. OOOHHH...the DFACS subject. I know someone who beat their child with a plastic clothing hanger, and admitted to smoking pot and got their children back in THREE DAYS! This person agreed to have some kind of on-going counseling, but only went once. There has been no follow up or action. These children have a loving "other parent"(parents are divorced) who spent a lot of money on an attorney trying to keep them out of foster care because DFCS would not let the other parent have them while the situation was being investigated. I thought that was really stupid.


    Some claims are not followed up on, It does seem that the false reports are always treated with the utmost seriousness,however.

  3. Mt Tabor Park also has a summer day camp program. It is done by a lottery system and if you can't be there the morning they do the drawing, there probably won't be a spot left. If you need to know when the drawing is, Mt Tabor or Taylor farm. It should be soon if they have not had it already.


    As far as DFCS guidelines, Children 13 and older can babysit for up to 12 hours a day. That seems like a long time to me and there is a lot of variation in maturity from one 13 year old to the next. (My 13 year old will be 30 this summer!) There is a certified sitter course offered at Mt Tabor park. My oldest took that course and really enjoyed it.

  4. My Mother's Mother made the best potato soup. I mean the best, my sister and I have talked about that recently. I love tomato sandwiches with a little mayo and salt and pepper. The tomatoes have got to be just right though, as in if you left them alone another day or 2 they would be rotten!!!

    Oh, don't even get me started on fried green tomatoes!

  5. I am on my own on a day to day basis. If they get sick, I have to take them to the doctor and miss work. That kind of thing. I get no help whatsoever (financial or logistical) for my youngest. I do get financial support for my oldest 2. My mom (ellen of dallas) lives very close and is always a great help. Thanks, Mom! There are more single parent households than ever before so it is not just your imagination.

  6. That would make sense, but they can't do that. They can't get funding from the state based on projected future student population even though there are subdivisions going in everywhere and it is clear to us all that the groth will continue for a while.

  7. Happy Mother's Day to all the single mom's out there.


    I am a single mom of 3 gret kids, but I know how it goes when you don't have anyone to help the kids get a gift or remind them to thank you.


    Keep up the good work!



  8. Staringvacantly,


    I have tried and tried to remember what I did on my 17th birthday and I am drawing a blank. I remember my 16th and 18th just fine. I will tell you this, The year I was 17 was so much fun. A couple of months after turning 17 I started my junior year at PCHS and it was by far my favorite year in school. The sheer joy of knowing that I was almost finished, but without all the pressure and uncertainty that comes with being a senior and knowledge that I was about to be on my own.


    Congratulations on your birthday. I will be 33 in June and am not quite sure how that can be since I was just 18 about a month ago!!



  9. I have mixed feelings on the trailer classroom issue. Both of my daughters are currently in mobile units this year. My 2nd grader was ambivilent (as she is in all things), but turned out to love it. My 8th grader has homeroom and 2nd period in a mobile unit. She says it is ok except when it rains because of having to get wet and being soaked form the schins down to her shoes. There has got to be a better way to build the schools.


    My 2nd grader is being moved to Roberts from Abney next school year because Abney is so overcrowded. While I can logically understand that she will grow to love her new school just as much as Abney, it is not right that our kids can't go to the school that is closest to their home. I don't need the realignment process explained to me again, but my opinion is that the schools should be in the middle of their particular district. Period. It makes no sense that a child can't go to a school that is 1/2 mile away from their home, because it is overcrowded from population going 7 miles away in the other direction.


    This is just the problem we are going to have in this county until we get some industry here. There are not enough jobs in Paulding. We have to go to Cobb to work, meanwhile so many from Cobb are moving here because of the better realestate prices and everyone's children are shuffled around from year to year. Be it to a different school or to a mobile unit. I don't know the solution, but something has to be done.

  10. Sounded like carpenter bees to me too. Traveler, do you have any new construction around your home where the wood has not yet been painted?


    Carpenter bees make holes in untreated wood large enough for you to put your finger into. I believe only the females sting and that is rare. The males do most of the work and have no stinger. The do make a lot of noise too.


    Here is a link for you.



  11. New Hope Girl,


    Think way way back.....Do you rememer the Burgundy and Gold cheerleading siut you used to wear and the little pom pons you used to shake? Could it have been a dream? No, I remember it too......You were a (GASP) CHEERLEADER!!!


    Please don't shut yourself out from entire groups of people because of how they are dressed or because of who their friends are. Take it on a case by case basis! Don't force yourself into a mold at such a young age that you may regret later. Refuse to belong to a clique. It is the only way to go! Spend your energy and efforts by being the best You that you can be. And study, 9th grade is tough.


    I know we have had this talk a lot lately, but maybe you will "listen" to your mother in email format.



  12. Is anyone else upset about this?


    We live in 12 Oaks. Currently, the district elementary school is Abney. At first, the focus group recommended sending 12 oaks to Roberts next year. Daughter was not too excited about changing schools, but I could understand sending 12 Oaks to Roberts. Now the focus group is recommending that 12 oaks go to Russom. All I have to say to that is; WHAT?!!!! That school is at least 6 miles away. There is no reason why young kids should have to spend that much time on a bus when there are 2 more elementary schools that are less than a quarter of that distance from our home.


    Another thing that bugs me is this. Due West Crossing is recommended for Roberts and 12 Oaks is recommended for Russom; BUT Due West Crossing is closer to Russom and 12 oaks is closer to Roberts. People in these 2 subdivisions will have to drive past eachother to get to their school district. It just doesn't make sense.


    I intend to complete a school choice form so daughter can still go to Abney.

  13. We live in 12 Oaks. Currently, the district elementary school is Abney. At first, the focus group recommended sending 12 oaks to Roberts next year. Daughter was not too excited about changing schools, but I could understand sending 12 Oaks to Roberts. Now the focus group is recommending that 12 oaks go to Russom. All I have to say to that is; WHAT?!!!! That school is at least 6 miles away. There is no reason why young kids should have to spend that much time on a bus when there are 2 more elementary schools that are less than a quarter of that distance from our home. :angry:


    Another thing that bugs me is this. Due West Crossing is recommended for Roberts and 12 Oaks is recommended for Russom; BUT Due West Crossing is closer to Russom and 12 oaks is closer to Roberts. People in these 2 subdivisions will have to drive past eachother to get to their school district. It just doesn't make sense. <_<


    I intend to complete a school choice form so daughter can still go to Abney. :D

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