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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. I had mine checked in 1997 not long after I turned 26. It was 201. I have made some changes since then, although I've not had it checked again. :ninja:


    We eat a lot of produce. I stopped eating margarine and have cut way way down on trans fats. For a butter "spread" I use equal parts EVOO and butter mixed together. EVOO is good you, but should be consumed in moderation like any other fat. I have increased the amount of "whole grains" that we consume as well as increasing fiber intake in general; although I'm not sure that fiber helps in lowering cholesterol. I sprinkle a little ground flaxseed meal on my whole grain waffles in the morning, flaxseed is very helpful in lowering cholesterol as well is having the omega-3 fats.

  2. Italian pork chops

    soaghetti squash (cooked in microwave)

    spinach salad


    I have to say that today was my first venture into the land of spaghetti squash. It sure is good. My youngest two just love it.


    I don't use the oven very much at all when it is hot outside, just the stovetop, toaster/broiler oven and the microwave. ;)

  3. My girl was fairly easy...the boys--not so much. :blink:


    That was true for me too. The girls were quite easy. My son, who will be 4 on 7-5, has only been potty trained for less than 3 weeks and it was not an easy undertaking.

  4. I know who you are talking about!


    My ex sister-in-law went to see her although I can't remember which child she took there.


    Dr Denmark has never given an RX for a cough supressant. I do remember that. She said if someone is coughing, then they need to get it out. :)


    The things that take parents to Dr. Denmark have never happened to my children. If they had, I would have seen her as well. My oldest had a "colicky" time at around 4-6 weeks of age, and she is my only one with seasonal allergies. My middle has tonsils the size of ping pong balls, but they've never been infected. She has snored since as long as I can remember. So far so good with her, although I do expect a day of reckoning at some point over those gigantic tonsils. My youngest had a heart defect, and there was no other way besides "western medicine" surgery to help him have a chance at living.


    I say if you can find her, then go! Reflux makes life miserable from what I've heard~!

  5. You people should make me feel inadequate..........but you don't. :p


    I've been married for a long time (relatively speaking because of my age at the time) and then I tried again for a short time.


    I really just suck at being married it seems. I'm ok with it. Things are much simpler for me being single. I have always been a "Don't fence me in" kind of person anyway.


    But to all you happily married people, congratulations; you have caught the dragon as far as I'm concerned. :)

  6. NewHopeGirl, who just has gotten out of bed by the way, just asked me if I stole her avatar! Now she has never used this avatar and it was just on the computer screaming "pick me!". So I used it.




    BTW, where do you think you inherited the uncoolness? :blink:

  7. I don't have any.


    Since I was 18 I wanted the Super Man emblem just like Jon Bon Jovi has. Because of this past year, I'm glad I don't have it and will never get that one.


    You know what I really want? I have thought about this for some time, what it would mean to get a tattoo and what is my very favorite thing during my life in this body I have. I decided several months ago what it should be. Fireworks. I love fireworks, the grand finale of a fireworks display brings tears to my eyes every time. I want a tattoo of red and blue fireworks. However, I've never seen a tattoo of fireworks so I am somewhat uncertain if it can be done. :unsure:

  8. My Dad died when I was around the same age. :(


    It's hard only knowing your Dad as a child...never being able to have that adult relationship with him.


    I didn't even have any pictures of my Dad and myself together until just last year...when one of my brothers found this one. I enlarged it and it now sits on my mantle. :)



    It's an old picture...circa 1958...but I treasure it!


    Wow ACC! That is a great picture!


    Why did I have to open this thread this morning??


    I sit here and read and cry.


    I will stop now!! :)


    Mo, you made me go and get some pictures of Daddy holding me when I was a little girl.


    I miss him, always will.


    The swing set in the older picture is one he made for my siblings back in the 40's. I grew up hanging all over that old metal thing. I had it moved to my back yard about 10 years ago and now my grandchildren hang all over it while I swing.


    We are in the back yard of the house where I grew up in Dallas. The side street there is South St. and the main road toward the back of the picture is West Memorial Dr.


    The other picture is on the porch of my maternal Grandfather's house on Lookout Mountain while there for a family reunion.


    It will be ok, don't cry. :wub:


    This thread has inspired me! My Dad and I (I call him Deddy like any good southerner) have made plans for him to ride to Chattanooga and back with me tomorrow on Father's day. I have to go up there anyway to meet my sister. So we will celebrate Father's day by riding in the car and visiting to Chattanooga and back. :)

  9. Oh good for you, Brandi. I've been wondering about you.


    If you need me to help you, please don't hesitate to call. I could actually help you move some today if needed. Tomorrow I am meeting my sister in Chattanooga so that NHG can spend a week up there for her "vacation", so I won't be able to help tomorrow.

  10. Yesterday was a Pcom blast! Of course, I will pay for that at work on Monday, but it was Ave's birthday after all!


    Regarding the gardening forum. I think it's a great idea! When I grow things, I plant them in pots because of my phobia which I will never tell; so I hope the forum will accept "pot" gardeners. :ninja: I just can't plant things in the actual ground. Ewwwwwwwww!

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