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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. I got a question and since we are are in the hi jack thread and I started it I am gonna hi jack this thread this is a serious question!


    Jabez you know alittle of what has been going on, but since yal are the ones that I talk to the most in here, I thought I would get opinions


    but I want to know If custody of a child has went through a lawyer and this child has been with these people for 2 years, and the mother has just now gotten to where she can take her daughter back, (and the people that have the child are not gonna fight the mother)


    what are the steps for the mother to regain custody of her child the legal way? would the people have to go back to the same lawyer? or just appear in front of a judge and give custody back to the mother?


    Does anyone know the steps that would have to be taken?


    I'm not sure if she would have to get the same lawyer, but she definately should get "a" lawyer. I understand that whenever favorable for the child, the judge does like to place the child with a natural parent.


    GO SG!!!! one day maybe I'll have someone clean mine too ... I'm still at the stage where I need to clean the house before someone comes in to clean the house :wacko: !!!


    I used to do that! I would have then hubby and the girls cleaning like crazy the day before the ladies came to clean the house! :blink: I even cleaned today before Brandi came over. :wacko:

  2. Well!!! I never!!! :angry:


    ((No never had a maid but would love one and a babysitter too!!)) :lol:



    Well actually, I have had someone clean my house before. :blush: However, it was back when I had a broken leg.


    I just spoke with BrandiBlueEyes today and she is going to clean mine for me later this week. I just got so far behind this past week. :blush:

  3. When I was in school I had many bus drivers.


    The one bus driver that sticks out in my mind is Danny Rakestraw. When I was living with my mom in a tiny mobile home on Macland road (high school) Danny was my bus driver. He knew our family and recognized me right away when I first started riding that bus. As he asked me to, that evening I told my mom that Danny Rakestraw asked me to tell her hello. My mom worked swing shift back in those days and I didn't see her very much, but she always made sure to leave breakfast for me and my sister in the mornings. After she realized that Danny Rakestraw was my bus driver she started leaving breakfast for him as well. So my routine was to give him a busciut for breakfast every morning when I got on the bus.


    I haven't thought about that in forever, thanks for starting this thread. :)

  4. Hey Frecks!


    Today is the end of the funeral parade for me and my little ones. :)


    My mom and step-dad took my son to see some fireworks last night and then today they got the boat in the water for a little while.


    I went to the funeral home in Dallas to see my great-aunt, then I took my oldest to the funeral home in Acworth where the girl's great-grandmother is. I stayed for a few hours and visited with my ex in-laws. They are good people and I just love them. :wub: They are all just as good to me as they ever were.


    I cannot express how much relief I feel now that this week is about to be left behind. :mellow:


    My little boy will be 4 on Wednesday, but because of everything that has happened over the last week, I've not planned a thing for his birthday. :(


    Have any of you frecks even missed me at all? :huh:

  5. We have had three deaths in three days. :blink:


    I can remember a time when a funeral home wasn't my residence, really I can. <_<


    The days drag out because of some weird time warp that exists for people who have lost a loved one though; at least it seems like they do.


    I really want to have a blow out for the 4th right now!!!! On the 5th, my baby will be 4 and I just want it to be a happy day for all of us. :rolleyes:

  6. SG,

    Best wishes....


    Let me know if y'all have an interest in getting involved with the Paulding County HeartWalk.


    I am out of town at present, but would like to speak with you about the HeartWalk some time if you want. Just let me know when.


    If it is Harvey Sacks, tell him we said "Hello"....his office is sponsoring a HeartWalk Team this year.


    His "main" cardiologist is Dr James Sutherlin. He is the one that told me about his heart condition when he was only a day old. "Dr. Jim", to his patients. I would love to participate in the heart walk. My oldest child is in band and we are very busy in the fall, but maybe if I plan ahead we could work it out.


    You are taking him today, Friday June 30 ?? Or is this a wacky doodle board thingy?


    By the way, he is so cute, he makes me want another baby.


    Yes, today first thing I took him. He is a handsome fellow!!!


    How'd did his visit go??


    How are you after today?? You've been in my heart all day. ;)


    Thank you! The Chancester has a clean bill of health for this year. :) He needs to go back in 18 months for the next time instead of 12 months. His heart is not leaking any worse than it was last year. He may or may not (the chances of needing it are 30%) need some "maintenance" on his heart in the future. By in the future, he should be an elderly man if the need arises (his cardiogist assured me of that for the past few years). He can do whatever he wants: rollercoasters, martial arts, Tee-ball; just will never be able to participate in varsity sports. The varsity sports hasn't come up yet, since he will just be 4 next week. :wub:



    SG you have had to deal with alot these last few days, but you are a tough cookie,!


    PLease let us know how it went!



    It was fantastic. :)


    We have had 3 matriarchs in this family die 3 days in a row. :( My Granny on the 28th, my dad's aunt on the 29th, and my girl's dad's grandmother just today. :(


    We are not through this yet, and my girls are just heart-broken. I hope I can hold it together for them. :unsure:

  7. Tomorrow morning I'm taking the Chancester for his yearly cardiology visit. Please keep your fingers crossed and send good vibes our way.


    It takes a while to get him scheduled, and we've had this appointment since May :mellow: . I decided not to reschedlue even though Granny's funeral is tomorrow, because it would take until probably August or September to get another appointment for him. It is early in the morning, so we should be OK on time.


    Just hope with me that his heart is doing fine. :)

  8. SG is there anything I can do for you and your family? I am here if you need me


    can you tell me the funeral arrangements?

    Hey Boogieman whats up?


    LR, I have been gone all day so I'm just now getting around to replying to you. I'm not sure if you saw the obit posted by ClarkFuneralHome earlier today, but her funeral will be tomorrow at 2 pm. We received visitors tonight, but that was from 5-8.


    We are all fine for right now, although I may need some help catching up with my laundry :o . Seriously, thank you so much for asking about us.

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