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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. I probably will see it.


    Hollywood does what Hollywood does.


    9-11 was a polarizing event for all of us. Movies have been made about such polarizing events before: JFK and Pearl Harbor spring to my mind instantly. Perhaps the only reason people find the new movie offensive is because 9-11 is just shy of 5 years old.


    I like a good movie and when I see it if it is good or bad I will post about it. As far as the donations are concerned I think that 10% is generous based on Hollywood standards. 9-11 was a very public occurance. We all had our hearts and minds in NYC that day and for a long time afterwards. My middle child was only in kindergarten when it happened, but she still remembers it vividly.


    I'm not offended by the movie in the least. Before you bring out your baseball bats for me I will just answer the obvious question. No, I did not have anyone I knew personally to die in 9-11. Had that been the case I might think differently, but probably not. I remember my mom making a commerative "picture" quilt for the son of a man who died in the WTC. Her tears were flowing, and she had never met these people but was donating a skill she had because it was what she could do to help this little boy to remember his dad.



    Tragic events happen in all our lives. 9-11 was just one of them.

  2. I use limewire as well.


    I can't say that I've never had problems, but I haven't uninstalled limewire.


    You know that when you install limewire you are agreeing for your computer to be a server to be accessed by other limewire users at any time. What I do is make sure to click "disconnect" when I am finished and then "connect" when it is time to use limewire again.

  3. Wow, you must really hate dirty dishes!


    I really do. There are 2 things that really get to me like that: dirty dishes and my girls wearing my socks.



    You might laugh but throw the dishes on their beds, (without the food on or in it) and after they have to pick them up and carry them back to the kitchen have them wash their now dirty comforters and/or sheets. They'll only do it once or twice before they learn.


    Well, you've never met my oldest. Things like that really wouldn't bother her. We would have no dishes in the kitchen....they would all be in her room. :huh:

  4. Here comes one of my old threads!


    Let me tell you that I am a dental nightmare these days. :angry:


    I have to have THREE fillings next week. :(


    So folks, let me just tell you that problem free teeth are a fleeting thing of youth.



  5. yep i sure do love ikea. hopefully when school starts back i'll be to go and spend the day...just me and ikea. :lol: shamelle ~ you and i will have to go soon. :)



    See, that's why I want to go alone. I'm afraid that I would scare my children when I scream with pleasure when I go there. :ninja:

  6. i got my catalog last week. it is better than the j c penney catalog


    Isn't it?


    I lusted after the IKEA catalog last year. I got this year's catalog last week, but haven't had time to look through it yet. Man I have to go to that store! :p

  7. Death affected me once, a long time ago... but not nearly so much since then.

    My first real experience with death happened back in 1977.

    Mom, Dad, and my 4yr old sister were killed in an auto accident. ('69 Chevelle SS 396 meets bridge. A horrible scene)

    ~Skip to the next post now, if you only wanted the short answer~


    I was 9... and the only one conscious after the event. (Which was to be a good thing for my 2 year old sister)

    My two younger brothers and 2yr old sister made it through alive, but were all unconscious at the time.


    As the EMT's were loading up we survivors, they basically asked me for a body count.

    They were able to account for everyone except the 2 year old, and repeatedly asked

    me if I was sure that there were 7 total in the car. Yes... I'm absolutely positive. Please find her!


    As I heard one of them tell the other one that I am most likely mistaken, and that the baby must be

    with a relative or something, since they'd searched the car, the roadside, etc... my sister began to cry.

    She was in the front passenger side floorboard with the entire dashboard caved in over the top of her.

    They would've never found her if she hadn't cried... because they couldn't see her. She had to be cut out.


    Well, long story shorter... there we were in the hospital, and again I overheard the adults talking about me as

    if I couldn't possibly hear them. This time it was doctors and nurses. "Should we tell him that they didn't make it?"

    I spoke up, "I was already pretty sure about my mom and dad... so who else didn't make it?"


    Hmm. I can still recall most every detail of that night, from seconds before the impact, until I left the hospital

    with an aunt and uncle the next morning. (My brothers and sister were laid up for the better part of two weeks)

    That's enough though. Heck, I'm not intending to write a book, here :rolleyes:

    Anyhoo, if one ever wonders where I get my pessimistic outlook, my cynical streak, or my underlying arseholiness from...

    ...there you have it.


    I've also been told I come off as rather cold and unfeeling wherever death is concerned.

    I guess that's because I was forced to accept death as the ultimate result of life, from quite an early age.

    I can feel sad that you're sad, and I can be genuinely sorry for everyone's loss... but I feel nothing much

    about a person's actual death, since there's nothing to be done but to accept it and get on with your life.


    But hey, that's just me :)


    Well, hey. Death is what happens to us all. You have been kind to me in a time of desperation (remember the toilet seat?). Whenever you post, I read that post with anticipation.


    I have been told I am cold about death and I have been told I am tough. Either one holds true. There are things that I've seen and done that I just won't speak of out of respect for the dead. It didn't bother me at the time or else I wouldn't have done those things. :unsure:


    I'm not filled with sunshine and rainbows, just because life is tough for all of us. You have been served your fair share and then some to say the least. ;)


    I always kind of chuckle to myself when the "miracle" topic comes up. I have been called to the carpet because of my son before. His average every day existance isn't a miracle as far as I'm concerned. He is the benefactor, and to a lesser degree I am, of the advancement of medical science through the years. To me, a miracle would be seeing someone who died (unforseen with no health problems beforehand) get up and carry on with life like nothing happened.


    So, yes, I believe in luck. I also believe that people who loved me and have died look out for me.


    As far as that goes, I've been very lucky and watched over.

  8. My mother is a diabetic, and went into a diabetic coma 3 years ago, almost didn't make it through the night. It was a horrible night for me. My daughter was only a few months old at the time. I would have hated it if she had never known her.


    I hear you.



    My son was born really sick. :( I would have hated it if he had not lived and no one ever knew the baby who I loved so much. :huh: He did live though! Everyone loves my friendly boy now. :rolleyes:

  9. Hello I was 5 when my grandfather passed, that was the first time i saw my dad cry :( and now it is too many to count. I have lost friends and family and i am only 26. I lost my mother a year ago that has been the hardest.


    I'm not ready for the losing a parent thing. :(


    My mom just had a birthday on 7-31. It's been a rough summer for us, because she just lost her mother (my grandmother) in June.


    She knows she better hang on for quite a while or else I am going to jack her up. :ninja:

  10. I come on P.com before I go to AJC because: l) most of the news is local and, 2) somebody always knows something about the subject that gives a bit more insight to the topic at hand.


    I have seen some posts that are a bit jagged when responding, but overall, most posters are courteous and will apologize when their posts muck up the thread. Anyway, things that are written sometimes come across wrong because in our minds we are "speaking" while we are typing and the words don't always portray the expressions we hope are coming across.


    I agree. I actually come to Pcom first because of numerous reasons.


    #1 I like the poople here and am related to or are friemds with a great deal of Pcommers.


    #2 I belong to a "family name" that is one of the founders of this county and have relatives in places of respect in this county. (I kind of try to keep that under the cuff).


    #3 I want to know what my peers think.


    #4 I like to be able to read the news, which I really don't have time to watch IRL and then inform my counterparts of the happenings if need be. :ninja:


    I just love Pcom. ;)

  11. I have many angels watching over me! My uncle was just the first. I lost a cousin to an auto accident when I was 15 and he was 17. I remember 2 of my great grandparents and their passing, all 4 grandparents, and my precious baby boy who passed away 13 years ago.

    Both my MIL and FIL have passed, as well as a BIL. Just too many.


    I nnever knew there were any angels watching over me until 1998 or so. A friend of the family died in December 1997. We all loved him. He was like a grandfather to me, He took care of me and my sister when my actual grandfather died in 1980. :wub: He actually died of a heart attack too. Since he died in 1997 I have never felt unguarded. Some might say that it has to do with "coming into my own", but I have had him illustrate some dreams for me. :unsure: So, as far as I know, he was the first angel I ever had. Since 1997 I have had some very unusual dreams. My grandfather who died in 1980 has visited me in my dreams and called me by the same nickname he called my mom when she was little. I had no way to know that, but it happened just the same. :o

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