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Super Girl

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Posts posted by Super Girl

  1. Why, yes, it does. :D :ninja:


    This post reminded me of one of my most delightful experiences as a license examiner ...


    Many years ago, after work one day, I stopped at the grocery store needing some feminine products. I was younger and more easily embarrassed in those days, and I had carefully scouted said aisle to make sure it was uninhabited before venturing down. (I had also made sure there was at least *one* female checker! ;) )


    I had made my casual but stealthy way to the required product, lifted my arm to the top shelf and literally had my HAND on the BOX when I hear someone shout:




    Certain this was one of those experiences one can only dream (or hallucinate), I turned my head slightly, only to see a thirtyish man bearing down on me, eyes alight with his great good luck. He strode up to within about 12 inches of me (very much inside my personal boundary) and proceeded to quiz me on what he would need to do to get his suspended license back. Of course, my telling him that I didn't handle reinstatements (which was true in those days) was no deterrent at all --- I had to repeat my lack of expertise two or three more times, all the while attempting to hide the offending arm and hand that had been engaged in the important but humiliating activity of procuring the necessary items.


    He finally figured out that he wasn't going to get the needed information from *me* and ambled off, disappointed. I, in turn, slunk out of the accursed aisle (sans product!) and tried to make myself as inconspicuous as possible as I fled the store.


    Since that day, I have shopped many, many more times on the way home from work, but I'll leave it to YOU to figure out the ONE thing I *won't* buy while in uniform. :p :lol: :ninja:



    Not to worry..............Happens to all of us! ;)

  2. He he!


    Been there, done that!


    Now to be truthful however; water will help. Drink it. :) Avoiding caffiene will help as well, so don't drink that (just get ready for a big a$$ headache :ninja: ). Activity will help lessen cramps a good deal. I know all this, but in spite of it.................... Cramps still hurt like a MoFo! :blink:

  3. SG, you can't lick him!! :lol:


    Why? :blink:


    Please throw him some sugar for me ;)


    Mmmmmm Mmmmm. Kenny doesn't need sugar! :wub:


    that is cool.


    need someone to go w/ya?

    how about a driver :D


    Got the other ticket covered already. I just hope my new sweetie can tolerate my drooling over Kenney. ;)

  4. This has to be one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me. :D


    A co-worker of mine had mentioned that he and his girlfriend were going to see KC when he heard me talking about how I had been trying to win tickets. A couple of hours later he told me that if I really wanted to go he had 2 more tickets for the suite that he would be happy for me to have. :rolleyes:


    How cool is that? :p

  5. I think it is because when parents hear those words they can kind of see a lot of pain headed for you in the future. Whether or not things will work out, there will be some hurt involved. Now, that is just my opinion; but I know how I would/will feel when my children get into that situation and knowing that it's my responsiblilty to protect them I would like very much for that to happen later rather than sooner.


    As much as I hate to admit it, my parents were right in the things that they warned me about. It was like they had a crystal ball or something. :blink: Actually, they were just trying to warn and protect me. Parents can't help but do that because they are actually drawing on their own experience and trying to save their child some pain if possible. Matters of the heart though, we all have to go through ourselves though. People are just wired that way.

  6. I'll throw this one in of me, cause you can't see my face :ninja:



    In Euaharlee, between Cartersville and Taylorsville.

    Here's the outside....





    You know why they call it Euharlee? Because if you blink, Euhalree miss it. :lol:


    Great looking boys REV, but you already knew I thought that.


    However, your girlie is much harier than my girls! ;)

  7. ok SG you find out what lunch she eats in, and I will make sure she eats something,!


    We can not have her passing out on us! I am glad she is feeling better!


    I asked her, and now she wants to read this!


    BUT she did tell me she goes to lunch in "D". So look for her tomorrow! I told her you would be making sure she ate! :wub:


    ok SG you find out what lunch she eats in, and I will make sure she eats something,!


    We can not have her passing out on us! I am glad she is feeling better!

  8. Glad she's ok. I remember friends talking about summer band pratice, with newbies dropping like flies becuase they would "lock" their legs at the knee and pass out...no matter how many times they would warn them.


    Experience is a great teacher...(I speck from getting shocked Sat. LOL)


    Less black + more water = less passing out


    She is a marching veteran and wasn't locking her knees, but you're right that is a real problem. Sometimes the up and coming freshmen drop during practice in May before they ever actually are in high school. :unsure:


    I know experience has taught me a lot of things as well. :ph34r:

  9. My oldest (a junior in HS) has a penchant for black shirts. Outside temperature is of no matter to her; she will wear her black shirts. :blink:


    She does make adjustments during band camp, but other than that one week she sticks to her regular dress code.


    Well, today she did not eat breakfast, skipped lunch, then went to band practice after school in her black shirt and blue jeans. Not surprisingly, she almost passed out. She is much better now, but it was scary for about an hour and a half.


    These aren't things we haven't talked about before, but until today when it actually happened to her I guess she did not think it was real. :unsure:


    Also, I want to give a shout out to the folks at EPHS this afternoon for taking care of her (2 of our very own Pcommers were taking care of her too: Ditch Doctor and Aunt boo). Thank you so much!


    Trust me, I think she will change clothes for practice from now on. ;)

  10. I've seen Super Girl drive.... maybe Ellen shoulda kicked in a little extra to give her a little class of her own! :p


    I'm a good driver (insert halo here). :)



    Watch it Misty...........


    You talking about MY kid.


    She can drive, she just likes to get there fast. :o


    That's right, just a slight case of the leadfoot.

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