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Everything posted by cliograd

  1. dang, never even rained over here (off Bill Carruth). just some dark clouds alternating with sun & LOTS of wind, and one or 2 rumbles of thunder. now it's just brilliant sunshine
  2. good night LPPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. cliograd


    let me know when you come down!
  4. Okay, I've made the TTDM list for the first time in ages, and I can barely hold my eyes open. Good night all!
  5. go down to the very bottom of the page in any thread, and you can see who all is in the thread at that moment. the only ones you can't see are the people who sign in anonymously, it just tells you how many anonymous users there are in the thread at that moment
  6. cliograd


    wow, I can't remember the last time I was on the list!
  7. I remember you talking to him on the phone the night I met you when he was in New York - sounded like he was having a grand time, and a bit more than tipsy Quiet as a wee mouse I am
  8. I see her stuff on FB from time to time, but until last week I've been so busy haven't had much time to keep up with people..
  9. I'm Clio, not Miss Cleo...but good luck telling Oscar and LPPT that! (Clio is the muse of history, but don't ask me to read your past either, since I can't even remember what I did yesterday ) I don't even know what I'm doing tomorrow...so if I tried to read somebody's future no telling what I would come up with!
  10. Just let him have a little..if he gets tipsy just imagine what we'll be able to get away with!
  11. You know I ran into Oscar in Target one day and she posted on Facebook that she had seen Miss Clio in Target..and everyone thought she had run into the REAL Miss Cleo And when I met Baritone, she told him I read palms - and he believed her!
  12. Huh?? I never got a pet name!
  13. it's okay. we won't tell.....
  14. had them at the restaurant, the owner is a pretty nice guy Last week was pretty rough, my home-based tequila bottle is empty
  15. they were my favorite brand - FREE
  16. I could so go to sleep right now dang, this doing nothing all day is wearing me out. or maybe it's the tequila shots I had at dinner
  17. you forgot to include that you guys are breaking in a newbie...a YANKEE newbie no less!
  18. Oh I would go through withdrawals if I didn't!...and I'm going to be broke for a while, so this is all the entertainment I'll be able to afford There's nothing like this in Savannah!
  19. hey there, been an interesting week. moving back to Savannah at the end of May - not sure if that makes me or
  20. you guys are cracking me up...and keeping me entertained, instead of packing & sorting clothes & all my other stuff like I need to be doing - thank you very much for it!
  21. I saw this yesterday. Sounds like now that they got a favorable opinion from the courts for their antics at funerals, they are trying to stretch and see what else they can get away with. I'm curious to see how close they plan to set up to protest at these schools. Disruption of a public school is a crime, I hope they do something that allows them to be charged with doing so.
  22. Is your cousin a heavy sleeper? I used to think I never dreamed either. Turns out I was an extremely heavy sleeper, So heavy that when I went for my sleep study, I didn't even stir when the hospital's fire alarm went off in the middle of the night Instead of going in & out of the various stages of the sleep cycle, like normal people do, I was going straight to the deepest stage (R.E.M) and staying there all night. Once we figured this out & I got on meds for it, I could remember my dreams, and they are usually really weird, sometimes I wish I would go back to not remembering them at
  23. frozen grapes (especially when it's hot out) apples with peanut butter muddy buddies (way too often!)
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