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old hippie

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Everything posted by old hippie

  1. It takes a couple of days for the cemo to really kick in but then she gets a little sick for another couple of days. She might be a little groggy on the day of the cemo but mermaid says we can try to stop by to see ya'll on the way back from Sandy Springs. She has a very good doctor and they take exellant care of her there. I think this is harder on us than is is on her. We love her so very much.
  2. About halfway through this contest we found out that our beautiful Cheyenne has a very agressive form of cancer. Thursday we will be taking her for her second cemo treatment. We can try to come by afterwards depending on how she feels. Thanks to everyone who voted for her!!!!!!!
  3. Thought I'd bump this up.........anybody know?
  4. VOTE FOR CHEYENNE!!!!!!!!!!........oops wrong contest.
  5. We've been gone for a week.....so when are the winners gonna be announced?
  6. I do not like green eggs and ham Sam.
  7. What would you charge to come over and break the lawn mower you sold us? Mermaid is working my a$$ off with it.
  8. When she's done over there could you send her over here? I have no dignity.
  9. They should throw the book at her.
  10. The deeper you plant them the thicker their stalk will get to support the fruit.
  11. While the engine's running take the radiator cap off and look to see if the water is circulating. If not you could need a water pump.
  12. Where I come from it's called a tent.
  13. Got some hail over here near Rose's.
  14. I'll believe it when they find the bones of two unicorns.
  15. I have a good used mower but the d#%m thing starts the first time I pull the cord!!!!!!!! BTW I have an extra pull cord and some weed eater line I'll give you next time I see ya.
  16. Orange Roughy (broiled) sweet potato for her, red potato for me, and corn.
  17. Shrimp usually weigh under a pound....even the jumbo ones.
  18. I just resent you a new pic of Cheyenne, let me know if you don't get it. oop's I see you've already got it.
  19. Already entered another pic of Cheyenne Jerm., Best one yet!!!!!!!!
  20. I think I just got another grey hair.
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