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Everything posted by carrie2675

  1. "bank account".....sends me screaming everytime
  2. YES....I would do it. Of course, I would prefer hubby to go with me.
  3. We are getting Beatles Rock Band for the family. Hubby and I really don't exchange gifts, we mostly get for the kiddos.
  4. They are cute!!!! But I am a little prejudice I think Dylan look like you some, but also favors his daddy when he was young.
  5. I love watching this show!!! I also read their book.
  6. Alicia Minshew (Kendall) is making the move to LA. I read where she taped scenes ahead of time, so she will be on air through her maternity leave.
  7. Sounds like mine. It was only about $250 and also in TN.
  8. Not only that, but if someone is in my yard harrassing me and I ask them to leave...how is that going to put me in the wrong???? When you have more than one person saying something about the HOA, obviously there is a problem. I will also say that I do not know the other posters in this thread so it will not be assumed that we are having a "pity party".
  9. I agree, you come walking around someone's home at night, you might get more than you bargained for!!!! That is going beyond extreme.
  10. If you don't mind me asking, what is an ACC check? I am sure there will be something said about the Halloween decorations in the yard too. They HOA sent a letter complianing about how we edged the yard (I guess it wasn't to their satisfaction), yet for the longest time there was a dumpster that sat infront of a house with no work being done on the house. Trust me, if they are in the yard, hubby has no problem telling them "politely" to leave
  11. I thought the same exact thing. We have had several issues with the HOA!!! I told hubby the next time I see the HOA person out front taking pictures or using his little clipboard, I am going to go outside and start taking picture of him and making notes. Not once has he come to our door to talk to us.
  12. I have one to add to the list. At my job, I constantly hear "I needs a checkings withdrawal/deposit thang" and "I needs a row of qwarers". I do try so hard not to laugh when I hear these phrases.
  13. My pick is Ghost. I am so glad someone else mentioned Marley & Me (I thought I was the only one). I also pick Steel Magnolias, but it is the part were M'lynn picks up her grandson right after Shelby dies.
  14. She needs to talk to an attorney. I have a friend who went through a similar situation. The judge awarded her the car (even though it was in the husbands name) because there were children involved and the husband basically "bought" the car for her and it was during the marriage.
  15. took me 3 hours to get home from Smyrna/Vinings area. 1 1/2 hour of that was spent on Lost Mountain road trying to get to Dallas Hwy.
  16. I have been on it for over a year. I take the 20 miligrams also. The tiredness is the only side effect that I have. I do agree with everyone else....don't just quit taking it!!!!! And yes, it does cause one major side effect that your spouse may not like
  17. All I know is that tomorrow is when the Beatles Rockband comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Are you referring to Jump-N-Jax??? I hope so since I used to get a lot of my daughters' clothes from her store. If so, good I will just have to drive a little further up the road.
  19. I usually do in the fall. I may open them for a little bit right now to let some fresh air in here.
  20. All I can say is....my older brother left a "wonderful" trail for me to follow
  21. I haven't seen the video, but I heard it this morning on the show also.
  22. If the child is only 6 months old, I don't see why he would need shoes on. Talking about kids running around without shoes on, I was in Little Ceaser's the other day and I saw a child (about 4 years old) in there with no shoes, shirt or pants on!!!!! Yes folks, he only had on his underwear
  23. Uh oh, I wish I got on pcom a little earlier. I think Covalli's is closed. We rode by there a couple of weeks ago and I noticed that it looked empty for a Saturday evening. Then the other day when I rode by, I noticed the sign on the building was gone.
  24. carrie2675


    Beautiful pictures!!!!!! Hard to believe he is old enough to get married. I remember him as a little kid in the old neighborhood.
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