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Everything posted by carrie2675

  1. I asked one of the restaraunt owner's this not too long ago. Their answer was that taking checks was much easier for them. Plus, they did not want someone to come along and accuse them of stealing the debit card numbers (or be at risk of someone else doing this to their customers).
  2. My answer is pretty much all the above answers listed.
  3. I know that Joan's (near the old courthouse) used to take checks, I am pretty sure they still do. Yes, Baby Jane's does. Other than that, I am not sure of any others.
  4. We got back on Friday night after being there since the previous Friday. The crowds were starting to come in when we left. It was nice, we could not have asked for better days there.
  5. I live in Dallas and work in Smyrna. When school is out, it takes about 35 minutes (depending on when I leave). It is about an hour when school is in session. I also don't have to be there until 8:30, so that allows a little time for the heavier traffic to clear out before I head that way.
  6. Haven't seen the movie, just now started reading the book.
  7. I take Celexa and have been on it for about a year now. I have not had any problems with it. I will say that my family sure can tell when I have not taken it
  8. We love it!!! I am hoping that they funded for the pre-k so my 4 year old can continue going there!!!
  9. I was watching an animal show not to long ago and it was suggesting to feed your pets a little bit of garlic. The garlic comes through your pet's fur and the fleas do not like it. They also suggested rubbing a small amount of olive oil on their fur.
  10. I see what you are saying. My ADHD child has issues with change also!!!! I too have the issue with wanting to wear things 1 size to small and not coordinating very well.
  11. Given that I know Little Dis, I can understand your frustration!!!! No, I do not think you did a bad thing. If wearing a "uniform" works, then go with it. I used to fight with little Dis everyday when he was in pre-k about the shoes.
  12. My prayers go to this family!!!! I am sorry to hear of Ashton's passing.
  13. Trisha, I am so sorry to hear about Lane. My prayers are with you and your family.
  14. My prayers are with the family at this time. Thank you Zoo for posting the information about visitation and funeral.
  15. My thoughts and prayers are with this family. I know the dad through my job.
  16. Ms. Kruse was my teacher in the 6th grade when she taught at Hiram Elementary. I had her about 21 years ago. The year I had her, she had a swimming party for those who got A's in her class for the last 6 weeks of school. She was a great teacher!
  17. I am so sad to see this. This family is one of my favorite customers. Their children go to school with mine. Prayers sent to David, kids, and family.
  18. Oh my god!!!! I know Tiffany (when she was married to David) from when she and I worked together at another bank a few years ago. She and David adored their children. I remember Casey as a baby. Does anyone here know how to get intouch with her. I would like to send her something. Please PM me.
  19. I hate to hear of this. I went to school with her too. Prayers said.
  20. I just saw this thread. I know Mary and Steve. Steve was a wonderful person and father!! I worked beside Mary a few years ago. Yes, Connor looks just like Steve. It is hard to believe that it has been 2 years ago .
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