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Everything posted by TabbyCat

  1. It makes me a bit ill when people use a potential disaster to make political points. I remember as Katrina was barreling through the Gulf. I remember watching the news and just feeling SICK that so many were choosing to stay put, thinking the worst couldn't happen. I remember watching as Katrina grew so large, it filled the whole space of the Gulf of Mexico. Hopefully, the worst case scenario won't happen this time. But I have that same anxious dread I did when Katrina did her damage.
  2. My brother lives very near the Texas coast where Ike hit 3 years ago. As with your friend, there was bumper-to-bumper traffic trying to get out, and no one was going anywhere fast. They decided to stay put. Where he lives, they took a very hard hit. They spent a terrifying night as the storm beat and severely damaged their home. After the storm, they had no power to their home for 6 weeks. Roads were impassible. While evacuating might be problematic, it's sure a lot more sensible than staying and facing the danger of a large and powerful storm. But that's just me. I'd evacuate
  3. I think the ONLY thing rivaling the size of Irene right now is THIS post! Not trying to make light of this, trust me. My husband is in NC, and will be through this weekend. Hopefully he's inland enough to avoid any harm.
  4. And no...I don't like to argue...but I do enjoy the occasional good debate. Goodnight.
  5. Bless your sweet little heart. I already did explain. Your reading comprehension really could use some work, you know? Nothing that comes according to Villegas' complaint (she who was an ILLEGAL and lodging a law suit..correct?) has any greater weight than the facts. She was stopped for cause. She speaks no English and has no driver's license. Uhmm...maybe there's enough to suspect ANOTHER crime? If I were stopped for a burned-out headlight but I happened to resemble the composite drawing of a woman who had just escaped Arbor Place Mall after a shoplifting spree, you can BET I'd be de
  6. Google is your friend. She was pulled over for reckless driving. The award she was granted wasn't for unlawful detainment. It was for being shackled while in labor..."inhumane treatment." Seriously. Unbunch your tighty whities.
  7. There is also no evidence that he pulled her over simply because of her looks! You are drawing conclusion outside of available facts--something you yourself would condemn others for! Pathetic. Did you even read the article this discussion grew from? Here, let me QUOTE it a critical part of it for you: "A police officer pulled her over and, according to Villegas' complaint, decided to arrest her for driving without a license because the officer suspected she was in the country illegally. The decision to arrest her was influenced by a controversial agreement between the police depart
  8. People who are in this country illegally are afforded the same rights to equal protection under the law by the 5th and 14th amendments of the US Constitution. And they are also subject to the same laws. I wouldn't expect if I were arrested for some "relatively minor" (quotes MINE) offense that I would walk if there was legitimate suspicion that I was connected to other crimes without expecting that those would be fully investigated to either indict me or exonerate me. IS that clear enough for you?
  9. How about you specify who/what YOU were quoting when you typed "illegal" (quoting you quoting someone else)? I find you argumentative just for the sake of arguing. You also probably have a point to make, too, but you bury it in so much rhetorical BS, one needs a map just to navigate to that point from wherever it was you started.
  10. Why would anyone think that driving as an illegal in the US without proper licensing and insurance is a "minor" thing? Try asking my ex-husband, who was hit head-on by an illegal FEMALE driver who had no license. She was arrested for driving without a license, but was released pending outcome of that charge. She and the other woman who was in the car with her fled back to Mexico before the court date, never to be heard from again. Meanwhile, my ex suffered not only the loss of his property from this accident, he also suffered the medical bills from the lasting back injuries he rece
  11. MD-- He looks petty enough without you pointing it out. After my last post in response to him, it occurred to me to ask him-- Can you, WHITEY, point me to ANY post you have ever made here that wasn't political and pretty much throwing stones at someone you politically disagree with? If there are any, I'd be interested in you pointing them out, because I don't recall ANY. You only post here to poke at people you disagree with politically. If I am wrong, give me several examples. One or two won't do. You only ever post here to poke political jabs. At least you're consiste
  12. In saw it. I thought it REALLY needed punctuation. It would have helped me understand it much easier. But what I got from it, unless the lack of punctuation screwed my understanding, is that you were primarily making a friendly (sorta) jab at Mr.Dis...right? I really like Mr. Dis. We don't always agree, but I find him generally agreeable. And we do often agree. With you? I don;t know that I've ever agreed with anything you've posted here. In fact, I find you rather disagreeable. I think part of that may be because politically, we likely would never agree, but even more tha
  13. Oh well, Subby...I won't swat a skeeter unless it bit me twice... But on the second bite? It won't ever bite anyone again. I don't try to talk all tough and stuff because I'm not all tough and stuff, but if I HAVE to be? I'm full blown Mama Bear, and no one should question that--not just from ME, but from any Mom who defends her "cubs." And many may be paws and claws the first time out...who wants to question which Mama bear they get that first time out? You wanna risk I'm the one who doesn't eat your face the first time?
  14. Hope everyone has one.
  15. So it would delight you if county services were eliminated because of your political party affiliations? Isn't that speshul. I hope you or someone you love aren't the ones who needs services when that call is made to the precinct who has been cut because there are no funds to pay those who might save any of your lives. You are a particularly nasty individual, and even so, I would not wish that on you.
  16. If what you say your tax bill was last year is true TP, you are in no position to criticize me in any way. I paid around $750 in federal taxes (over and above what I "owed" and paid from regular tax deductions), and thankfully this year, my state taxes just about canceled out what I paid in excess to the federal government so I pretty much broke even. And yet you are on here daily bitching about rich people and their taxes? Seriously? When I find a GOOD year is where I simply break even or owe less than $300?
  17. You'd be completely accurate if you gauged me as PISSED OFF. You can take me and multiply ME by thousands--those of us DEEP into mortgages we have always and still will honor BUTT FRU+ED by people who bought more home than they could ever afford and now are crying for assistance from those of us who have ALWAYS been responsible. And there are folks who want to call us names and say we don't care? WE CARED ENOUGH TO FINANCE THE HOMES THEY LOST THE FIRST TIME AROUND BECAUSE THEY FAILED TO UNDERSTAND THEY COULDN'T PAY FOR THEM...we aren't very likely to do that cr@p again. Look where
  18. Minus his horrendous spelling, I do agree with TP. I don't have a huge distaste for the TEA party. I think in this exact political moment, they serve a very important function. People in the media have a vendetta out to make the TEA party out to be much more than it ever intended to be, and frankly, I think many in the TEA party movement are standing back and saying, "WTF?" (only in much kinder language). The TEA party is, at the grass-roots organizational level, NONE of the things that paranoid democrats would ascribe to it. NONE. OF. WHAT. IS. ASCRIBED. Is it so hard for any libe
  19. Thanks, BB! It irks me a bit when I'm called on the carpet for being dishonest. No one needs agree with me, but I'm not dishonest in what *I* believe, ever. TP is still welcome to engage me in a thread he starts as a one-on-one debate. I am not in any way fearful of going head-to-head with him, if he wishes to call me names and call me out. The ball is in his corner. I am sick to death of his empty threats and insults to everyone here. Let him make it, and I'll be there.
  20. It is endlessly amusing that YOU would question my intelligence, TP. Really? You who I know is no dummy? What is your point in insulting me? To discredit my opinion? Really? You would attempt that? How about you start a thread of your OWN where we match wits? ARE you prepared for that challenge? Because honey, I am. You start it, and I'll be there to match wits with you. And I hope you pray before you get there. Because as stupid as you seem to think I am? Oh, this will be SWEET!! Do it. I challenge you. I look forward to it. And most ESPECIALLY for you? This song agai
  21. Let me guess...you only read liberal media that presupposes all of your conclusions, right? Rock on, zoo! Life is so much better when you don't think. I envy your gullibility! Bless your sweet heart!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Pp66FNd54M
  22. Reading this thread... I am a lucky woman. My b-day is coming up very soon. It's my last one before a "big" one where people make lots of fuss. I don't have anything I want that I don't already have. I know I am fortunate to say that. I am glad that it's true. I'd like a card and some "happy birthdays" this time. I don't want any special gifts or recognition. A bouquet of flowers and a dinner out will be perfect. All low-key. My life is a gift every day. Next year though? Folks better recognize!!
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