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Everything posted by glassdogs

  1. 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.' 'You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there!.'
  2. I'm just wondering who put a gun in your ear and made you get a teaching degree/certificate to start with? Each of us made career choices. Some worked out better than others as time passed. Somehow your post comes across as more of the NEA's "entitlement" mentality. Economies change, school districts have different needs from year to year. The districts' business decision to renew (or not) is very likely tied to economic constraints. Not "screwing you over".
  3. Wellllll, you're just flat wrong. On many levels. From a taxation standpoint, the top 2-5% of wage earners pay 90% or more of the income taxes. If you took ALL the income from the hated executives and distributed the wealth to the unemployed, you've changed nothing. Except lowered Federal revenue. Because those unemployed aren't paying much, if any, income taxes. Put the same $50 mil is in the hands of consumers. Whether it's one consumer or 50, or 500, or 5,000 consumers, that same amount of money is in circulation consuming goods and services. Now, the mix of what is consum
  4. I'm SURE you can give us all a list of all the companies and their $50 mil-earning CEO's who operate factories and use "slave child labor'? I didn't think so. Another baseless leftwing talking point that has been used ad nauseum. Bull cheese started by some ditzy activist Hollywood starlet and accepted by the effete liberal snobs as gospel,
  5. These briars are growing right up from the middle of some Barbary and Holly plants. They are very dense plants to start with, and the briars are coming right out of the same root ball as the shrubs. there's no way to dig the briars up without pulling the entire plant, which I don't want to do. I like Sound Guy's idea about RoundUp on a paper towel or sponge and wiping the briar's leaves. That might work.
  6. We have several shrubs that have become home to blackberry/raspberry-like briar vines. Tried several times to pull them up by the roots out of the middle of the holly bush. Always end up breaking the vine off somewhere above the roots and here comes another bramble vine popping out of the top of the holly or other evergreens. I'm afraid to take some brush killer to the pest plant for fear of killing the one I want to keep. Any suggestions?
  7. PM me. I have a used Maytag washer that you may have if you are still having problems.
  8. The one thing the "statistics" don't disclose is the actual residence of either the perp or the victim. Because Hiram is on two "through" highways, it gets more than it's fair share of outsiders that are involved. Those damn thugs from Powder Springs and Douglasville are skewing the numbers. It's time to defend our borders.
  9. Actually, Bigfoot, the action would be "libel". Slander is spoken, Libel is written. I agree with you that the whole phony "writ" thing is tasteless at best and probably not the smartest thing a businessman could have done to prove a point. Had he used cartoon characters to make his point, maybe everybody would have laughed and this would have been a non-issue. Oh! Wait! He DID use a cartoon character. Nevermind. Just fvote for JK Rogers and be done with all this.
  10. You may remember that I was a very strong supporter of Jason when he ran for Sheriff 4 years ago. He had some outstanding ideas to upgrade and modernize the PCSO. But, the good-ol-boys prevailed. JK would have been an excellent Sheriff with his LEO and Military command experience. I'm going to support his Senate campaign, but I do have a bit of hesitation only because he hasn't had any council/commission/representative legislative experience. But I'm of the opinion that a raw rookie with a heart of gold trumps two sleaze bags every time. Heath drips arrogance, and Carruth is, w
  11. In other words, NPR hasn't spewed forth talking points for ya.
  12. Yeah. Guessing "your" candidate is Stewart Alexander?
  13. I've had him on "ignore" for 2 or 3 years. It makes PCom a much more pleasant experience. May I suggest that if nobody wasted the effort to reply to his drunken ramblings, maybe he'd find some other sandbox to foul with his excrement. I frankly can't believe that Pubby has tolerated him for all this time. Must be a benefit of membership in the Liberal Brotherhood?
  14. That has to be the understatement of the decade. But we love ya, anyway.
  15. It's my observation that economics is not the only thing that you are clueless about. Are you an expert in anything except being a TROLL? The unfortunate thing is, you are so naive/biased/ignorant that whatever you happen to read first becomes gospel. Just because YOU declare someone an "expert" does not make them one. If you have no education/background in a subject, how in hell would you know if what you are reading is right or not? Yet you continue to spew forth bovine excrement with a "link" that you somehow must think gives credence to whatever your "cause" du jour might be.
  16. To paraphrase the 10th step of Alcoholics Anonymous, "continued to take personal inventory, and when we were wrong, promptly changed the subject and found someone else to blame". Like B. Hussein Obama does daily. Propaganda personified. BTW, thanks, Pat for telling your story. However, had you gone to a REAL journalism school (MIZZOU), Prof. Dale Spencer's Copyediting 101 class would have been a real challenge for you. Spencer couldn't handle verbosity. He would have made you rewrite your latest post probably 10-12 times. His favorite word was SUCCINCT. At a REAL journalism
  17. Why would you not have said you spoke to someone who was there in your first post? Why would you not say "according to my source (who wishes to be anonymous) this did happen"? You could have put all this to rest 15 or 20 posts ago. Or are you just trying to fuel the controversy?
  18. No, Laurie, you haven't. Assumed. Zero doubt. As far as I know. See where I'm going with this? Ah. "The simplest thing would be to ask those who were there, who they saw and how they personally felt about what happened." Now you are on to something. Since you are "journalists", I gotta ask why you haven't made a phone call or two to the guests on the list and verify or debunk the rumor. Instead you let a semi-literate rant by Animal become a major "story", when in fact none of it might be true, part of it might be true, or all of it. I really don't care what the facts
  19. More hearsay and speculation supported by your "gut". OK. In recent threads you've made a point of flaunting your journalistic integrity and experience. I'm just pointing out that rumor and innuendo seem to be rampant in this thread, and you are playing right along just like the main-stream media did when some alleged former high school classmate of Mitt Romney's accused him of some "assault" on a gay kid 50 years ago. It's a NON STORY to start with. Look at the source.
  20. More hearsay and speculation. C'mon, pubby.
  21. Humh. You took off "writing" this rant and didn't have a clue who the fund-raiser was for? And then started speculating about the use of the funds that might have been raised? Were you there? Did you witness the encounter between Jason A. and Mr. Austin? Or is this just more hearsay and speculation? Geez.
  22. Shakespeare was right in Henry VI, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". - (Act IV, Scene II). My only question is: Should we start in Dallas, GA or Washington DC?
  23. Hi, Pubs: I politely refer you to the last line in my post. "Sometimes you being a PITA has it's consequences". All of his public rants and raves about the Robber Baron Megadevelopers and King Jerry et al have come home to roost. (No chicken pun intended.) He's obviously pissed off someone in County government/ outside counsel who is getting their "revenge" by whatever method is at their disposal. And they are sitting behind their computers reading PCom and laughing their butts off at 'ol Pip as he flails away. Is it SLAPP or just a slap upside the head? I'm wondering if it
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