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Everything posted by DallasRed

  1. I heard them yesterday on the news saying they were upset they were hiring WHITE VETERANS and not people from the town.
  2. I'm tooooooooooooo old I don't think I could handle it.....20 years ago sure I would love tooooooooooooooooo.
  3. BMI-for-age[edit] BMI for age percentiles for boys 2 to 20 years of age. BMI is used differently for children. It is calculated the same way as for adults, but then compared to typical values for other children of the same age. Instead of set thresholds for underweight and overweight, then, the BMI percentile allows comparison with children of the same sex and age.[9] A BMI that is less than the 5th percentile is considered underweight and above the 95th percentile is considered obese for people 20 and under. People under 20 with a BMI between the 85th and 95th
  4. My son is very active too, but the extra weight does cause health issues...Thus the reason to lose weight I don't want him ending up with Type 2 Diabetes and High Blood Pressure. He is a grown man so it is up to him. All I can do as a Mother is take him to the DR. If my son weighed 247lbs he would be OBESE at 6'2". He just started lifting heavy weights, that is not safe to do until you are an adult as we were told by our DR. Now instead of HS barely feeding you...He is off to College where it is ALL YOU CAN EAT! That can cause more issues....Like the FRESHMAN 15.
  5. My son is 6'2 and needs to lose 20lbs at age 18....He needs to get down to 190, this is coming from our DR. Here is the BMI Cal for anyone interested. 6Ft and 247? Is that a typo? If I remember right I think your son is only 14 or 15 right? 20,000 in the state of GA? See that is the problem. I really worry about our children and their health. http://fit.webmd.com/teen/bmi/calc-bmi
  6. Not that I know of. When my daughter wants something that will be half way warm, we put it in a Thermos for her.
  7. It was round but not FAT. I saw her at the BALL. https://www.google.com/search?q=michelle+obama+commander+in+chief%27s+ball&espv=2&tbm=isch&imgil=sNoNM27wx9QVzM%253A%253B1tm5eRWBhj39HM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.defense.gov%25252FPhotoEssays%25252FPhotoEssaySS.aspx%25253FID%2525253D3503&source=iu&usg=__L2HJv8DHrQhBwS7s3e0SNpO-S1s%3D&sa=X&ei=8VDyU-f-Dsa-8gGOk4CoDw&ved=0CDIQ9QEwBQ&biw=1600&bih=799#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=sNoNM27wx9QVzM%253A%3B1tm5eRWBhj39HM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.defense.gov%252Fdodcmsshare%252Fphotoessay%252F2013-01%252Fh
  8. I had to sell candy too. That was easy...Kids would by it on the bus and at school from you. I never walked the neighborhood with a box of candy to sell...It sold itself. At my last job the kids didn't even sell it...The parents brought it to work and it was the honor system. You take a bar of candy and leave a dollar in the box.
  9. Normally they try to charge 8.50 for a wedge salad and I roll my eyes and never order it. If I went to this restaurant I would be all about the SEAFOOD and wouldn't worry about the price of a salad. No, I was going to go there for my 25th Wedding Anniversary Dinner last week but chose Fogo instead.
  10. I really see nothing wrong in trying to serve healthier meals. If your child doesn't like it then pack a lunch full of crap for them. I remember Jamie Oliver trying to serve the kids healthier meals and they didn't like it. We are raising a generation of kids that for the first time ever won't live as long as their parents. Kudos to Michelle Obama for stepping up...I think it is a worthy cause.
  11. All they need to do is add a morning snack. Send in A DR Note and if they don't allow it then get angry...And have the snack in the form of a drink...Slim Fast etc....... Breakfast at 630...Snack at 930....Lunch at 11:00,,,,,,,,,,Snack at home..........Dinner...........Snack after Dinner. My daughter would have to eat her snack on the bus since she gets home so late.
  12. Beachfront bargain....Yeah I watch to much HGTV...........................
  13. Looks like 1800 is the average amount needed for kids. I guess they are coming up with 300 because you are supposed to eat 6 small meals a day instead of 3 large ones. http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/estimated-calorie-requirement
  14. I saw her in person and her butt isn't big at all.
  15. That is what my daughter takes most days. When I was a child in MN on the first day of Kindergarten, my Mom sent me to school with a lunch and I was told I had to eat the school lunches. This was back in the STONE AGES...AKA early 70's.
  16. My daughter said the food at school is nasty. She takes her own lunch which consists of a sandwich, chips and a piece of fruit. She did tell me she is going to eat a snack on the way home from school because she is hungry. The child gets on the bus at 720 and doesn't get home till well after 4PM. Her lunch is also over by 11AM. My sons said the school food is junk and not healthy at all. My youngest son wouldn't even eat lunch at school and he is 6'2 and 210....He didn't come home saying he was all weak?? Now at college he is going to do the same eat breakfast and skip lunch. When did h
  17. DH was on that website years ago. They got sued for some reason and he got a ck back from them
  18. Ahhh good for them. Lesbians have it easy in starting families. It is the Gay men I feel bad for since it would be harder to start a family unless you have $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  19. OK I will admit I haven't been following this story that much...But didn't the kid punch the cop in the face and try to take his gun? People are upset/surprised he was shot? Cops cant defend themselves while being attacked REALLY? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR465HoCWFQ
  20. I always told my kids that if someone hits you....you HIT back. Never let anyone bully you. My oldest son was the only one that was ever hit. Both times it happened to him was a sucker punch from behind that he didn't see coming. He fought back and that was the end of it. Once was at our SUB I did go tell the parents about it. They were nice enough till I told them I expected them to foot the ER bill. The other time was at school and both kids were sent home for the day. My other two children are so tall no one messes with them.
  21. Right now it seems to be Sailors and Airman taking care of business. Why???? That really is what it was all about. Always has been.
  22. So tragic. They said on the news he had 3 Masters degrees and a PHD. It was also his first time in a combat zone in his 34 year Army Career.
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