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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. One Persons opinion (mine). If your boy can sit and play a video game for at least an hour without losing interest, he does not have a attention disorder. his problem is he is not being stimulated enough. Like said before, self defense course, books on science/math, sports etc.

  2. If you do not take a full course on self-defense the 3 most tender spots on a mans body is the instep, groin and nose. If you are held from the back, stomp the hell out of his instep. Facing use a knee to the groin and/or the heel of your hand to his nose. If you come up hard enough with the heel of your to the nostril area, you can actually stop him forever. This can break the nose and drive splinters into the gray matter.

  3. wow no way, is that what it sounds like? the oil light and dinger come on when i stop and make turns doesnt continually stay on.

    thanks for your advice i will definately be talking to hubby. I hate spending alot of time at auto repair places especially because i have to take my kids with me.

    could be your screen over the oil pump is getting clogged. a quart of Rislone substituted for a quart of oil on your next oil change might clean it or if you are a quart low now put it in instead of oil. Rislone is a very high detergent motor oil substitute to help clean your engine.


  4. I've been thinking about you this week surepip, and all the folks that live over that way........


    Even with this ice cold weather you could still smell the sh*t....


    I had to go by our wonderful water department earlier this week and you could even smell the sh*t inside.


    How do those poor people that live in those subdivisions stand it?? and the school??


    Where's the indignation over the situation?


    Do any of them complain or go to the meetings to complain?


    Isn't the county in violation? Are they paying a fine for this violation?


    And lastly, does anyone know how many of those band new houses that start at $285,000 and go up to $435,000 have sold?






    I stopped by the water dept. bldg this morning to pick up a rebate form for my new lo-flo toilet i installed this weekend. I could not believe the stench that those people working inside have to put up with daily. It was awful.


  5. SEEDS is an organization to teach youth about hunting, fishing and the great outdoors. It encourages education and converservation for our youth.


    HSUS is a radical group that believes that animals should be protected at any cost. They are not related to your local animal shelter but use the title "Human Society" to make you believe they are.

    When you see some of the folks on TV that are putting up a fight against wearing fur, or chaining themselves to trees they are many times associated with HSUS.

    Thank you for information. Now I will go back and read again and maybe this time I will understand what is going on.


  6. Not even close. The only force pulling it to earth is gravity and it has wind resistance acting against it. It is still dangerous and can kill people but the bullet does not reach speeds that fast on the way down.
    correct! as an avid viewer of mythbusters, they debunked that a bullet shot vertical will fall with enough force to kill. you may end up with a lump. basic physics.size,weight,elevation


  7. if you want to stop Pectin is a chemical that suppresses the receptors for nicotine. The problem with patches and gums is that it doesnt really kill the addiction since the chemical addiction is to Nicotine and those continue to give it to you. Other treatments like the shot and O's lightsaber to the head methods dont address the physical addiction (i.e the oral fixation) so those dont work very well either. Pectin on the other hand will attach itself to the nicotine receptors and block nicotine's effects. in other words if you get this chemical into your system (its usually ingested) then smoke right afterwards the cigarette will actually make you feel VERY ill momentarily (it passes after a few minutes) it also affects your taste receptors for nicotine as well thus the cigarette will taste absolutley awful (same chemestry toothpaste and orange juice). Now again this chemeical isnt even close to 50% effective, more like 25% of all people who have tried this method are successful (some people dont react to pectin the same way) but the upside is its alot cheaper than the gum, the patch, theshrink, the shot, and the star trek phaser.


    pectin is most prevelant in 2 well known items:


    Granny Smith Apples

    Luden's brand Cough Drops


    the granny smiths contain more of it but are more cumbersome to carry. the idea isnt to not to suppress the addiction, the idea is to trick the body into finding it phsyically revolting; thats how this works. give it a try if your not already on something. the worst that happens is you get extra vitamins and lower calories from eating green apples before smoking or not coughing from smoking so much by sucking on a ludens before you smoke.


    just my friendly input.

    chantix blocks the receptors. wife used starting in July, hasn't smoked since. hardest was to break habit of reaching under certain circumstances.

  8. we have a member is more or less in that type of business. you might want to send him a pm with your questions. i can't recall his name right now but if i run across it, i'll be back

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