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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. Not to hijack the Iraq thread. I know you are navy through and through, so I will relate this. In 65 when we left Japan for Viet Nam, we had a convoy of 5 or so LST's. We rendezvoused in Okinawa with some more LSTs and LSDs. About the 2nd day out of Okinawa, I woke up one morning, went out on deck and there was the what looked like the whole damn navy around us. CVTs,LPHs, Destroyers and god knows what else. One evening about sunset I saw the wake from a sub periscope in the water. I do not know where you may find info what ships were there, but I guarantee you it impressed the he!! out of me.

  2. I think the government has much more important things to spend my money on. It should be up to the parents and business's to do something. The sign going into a business should read No shirt, no shoes, Underwear showing, no service

  3. Cingular Go phone. It's their prepaid service. Metro PCS is good, right around the metro area. But only around the metro area. You can get a cheap Cingular GO phone at Walmart or whatever, and just pay for the minutes you use. No contract.
    Watch out on the cingular go phones. The prepaid minutes have an expiration time. If not used in a certain period of time , they go by by.
  4. Me too REV. I absolutely love them. Have forever :wub:. Sorry Grumps :)
    They don't bother me either when I am awake and have had my first cup of coffee, but i don't like being woke up by them. By the way I am usually up around 6AM anyway.
  5. I always thought it was called a "jack" brake. Whatever it's called it can be annoying when you're right there at it. It's very loud, but I'm glad they have it as a safety precaution to help them slow down.


    Sorry it's waking you up. My mom lives on a country county road and the big trucks (who aren't supposed to use that road) fly by all day long using their jack brake.

    Sorry, it is a Jake brake named because of the company that invented it. Jacobs Vehicle System Inc.
  6. Why in the he!! are all these dump trucks running up and down hwy 61 early in the morning using their Jake Brake. You are on a flat road and usually light traffic until about 7 AM. Why are you waking me up at 5:30 with your damn Jake brake? Is it because you think you are being cute or macho. I used to drive semi and I drove through towns where it was illegal to use it from 10 or 11 at night to about 6 in the morning, plus it was being respectful to others. I think I will contact the county and have the Noise ordinances amended to make it illegal to use a jake brake from 11:pm to 6:00 am.

    . For your edification: A jake brake is actually a way to use the engine to help slow the truck down by restricting the exhaust when the driver lets up on the fuel. It is controlled by a switch on the console that selects the degree of braking assist or turn it off. If you are near a truck that lets up on the fuel and your windows start rattling, that is the Jake brake working.

    . I am getting old, I need my sleep! Turn it off.

    . Gripe over.

  7. Woohoo!! I'm happy to hear that she is doing well. :D
    Thanks a lot. Now that we got her healthy enough, it s time to go back into the hospital and get that little spot off her lung that scared her into stopping. luckily she goes in for checkups and this little sucker had just started to form. They are not going to do a slice and dice on her just go in through a couple of small incisions and take it out.
  8. Stop it people...I'm tired of these useless posts that are negative of Gods precious creation.


    It's clear God gave animals dominion over man and ordered us to buy their food at the Piggly Wiggly...some versions order us to

    buy their food at Publix....or Noah's grocery back then they called it.




    "Thou shall have no other Gods before the four legged furry creatures"

    A little sarcasm there Joe or are you getting mellow with age.
  9. My wife has been smoke free since 7/4/07 and shw was using chantix with no side effects. You could go into the quit smoking forum and read the posts in there. Pass word STOPNOW all caps.

  10. I mean, sure, we could say that everyone who's dealing with such a think should have to let's say, wear striped wrist bands, so they can be IDed with a problem in such a situation, but then most people would freak out over that saying you're pinning them with a scarlet letter or something.
    You wouldn't think twice to have your child wear medical bracelet if they were diabetic or asthmatic so why not wear one to show they are autistic. That way, even if the officer has to "get them under control" he would immediately know the situation and take appropriate steps.
  11. Channel 2 done a story on all the buyers who have already paid the full price for a house that right next door is a house that is discounted $20k_$30k by the contractor so he can get out from under it. In other words in the market right now they have lost a whole lot of value. If they try to sell now, they will be losing big.

  12. Presently we are in the gym as stated. Right now they are trying to teach the kids how to swing a bat and seeing if they may have to use a tee instead of having the ball thrown. In the future they will be traveling to other towns to play other special need teams. Come on out, there is players from about 5 yrs old up to 20+ yrs.

  13. When I was driving truck, I met a trucker up in Ashville, NC at a Lowes picking up a flatbed full of pallets. Ask him what they do with them. He said they paid $4 apiece for them. The ones that were salvageable they sold to a manufacturer for $8 and the really bad ones they sold to a outfit that chipped them and sprayed some red dye on them and sold it as mulch for lawns.

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