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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. My wife got a young Peke several years ago over my objections. He was about a year old give or take and not house trained. For the next two weeks it was "watch out where you step". She went to Biloxi to do some gambling and left me with the dog. I took the little fart outside every hour or so and if he evacuated front or back He got a reward. At night I closed him up in the bathroom. After 3 days of this, he started coming to me to go outside. He still has accidents occasionally but that is because we were gone to long. My reward for him is the snack of fried pork skins. Cheap and he loves them.

  2. Very good advice already. I just want to add that I am with GEICO and they would like a report of the accident on file just in case something may arise in the future like the case is dismissed in the courts and the original yo-yo who caused the accident tries to put in a claim.

  3. On the 17th I posted the following on another thread.


    I am not changing my usage of water. I feel I have been fairly conservative before all this. Now for my reasoning.

    . Many years ago I lived in the state of fruits and nuts which was going through a drought situation. They said if each household did not drop their average usage by 10% they would be charged a penalty fee, which seemed horrendous at the time. So if I cut back now from what I am presently using and the powers to be lay something like that on us now, I would have to decide whether to have clean clothes or a clean body monthly.


    Now that Sonny is requiring all permitted water providers to cut their usage by 10% from the previous year and Paulding does not have that many businesses, it looks like it is going to fall upon the landowners again to make the sacrifice.

  4. Had a new gas meter reader recently I saw him carrying a stick with a tennis ball on the end. I watched him come up to my gate and my mean aussie come to the fence to lick him to death. He pushed him away with the ball end. My aussie thought it was play time and came again. He pushed him away again and I guess he realized the dog just wanted to play and ignored him. I came out and told him, I was glad to see how he used his stick and had he hit my dog, all 240 lbs of me would have been on him like ugly on an ape. He just chuckled and said have a good day.

  5. I am not changing my usage of water. I feel I have been fairly conservative before all this. Now for my reasoning.

    . Many years ago I lived in the state of fruits and nuts which was going through a drought situation. They said if each household did not drop their average usage by 10% they would be charged a penalty fee, which seemed horrendous at the time. So if I cut back now from what I am presently using and the powers to be lay something like that on us now, I would have to decide whether to have clean clothes or a clean body monthly

  6. Yes he deserves what he got. But my question is: Here is a man sentenced to death already for killing 2 people with no actual witnesses but by irrefutable evidence and and Brian Nichols who killed 4 people with actual eyewitnesses to some of the killings is still sitting in court smiling and a million plus taxpayer dollars have already been spent to defend his butt and his defense attorney wants more.

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