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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. It was probably my son who took it to a store...sorry!! ;-) Yesterday at Fernbank he was paying for a little trinket with his baggie of change he had insisted on taking and I realized he thought he had a quarter but he had one centavos from our trips to Honduras in the summers. If it helps you feel better we almost never get change in Honduras. Very few use it and there isn't a ton of it...so if you want me to exchange it for a dime I surely will...my kids would be thrilled as they get WAY excited to have Honduran change (as worthless as it is even there). But many get pretty excited to have it because it's seen so little
    I appreciate the thought, but I guess I will throw it in the drawer with my other coins that I had left over from my 2 tours of various Asian countries while in the Corps


  2. where is it located at?
    That was their problem. putting a store back off the road behind a gas station. No drop in business. They are behind the gas station across from Ingles on Bus. 6 (memorial dr)


  3. I took her dixie cup to her. She turn the brim down, put it on, got into her recliner turned the soaps on and everything is right with the world and her head stays warm without a lot of fuss.


    . Thanks again for you and yours and whoever else for getting it for her.

  4. About 28 years ago when i moved to this county, I went up to the feed store uptown(now a parking lot). While getting some horse feed I decided to grab some seeds and try some gardening. One of the older locals there said "don't do any summer planting around here until after Easter". You know he has been more right than wrong throughout the last 28 yrs.

  5. He!! that was all going on practically in my front yard and I was oblivious to it all. I went to Krogers about 4:40 and didn't see anything. Maybe that was why a sheriff's car was sitting in the turn lane to PCHS north bound when i was coming back home. That is all right, I have my small friend handy at all times.

  6. I went through this about a month ago. their ssi and food stamps can be loaded on the same card. I was told thereis like two accounts on the card. They can spend their ssi on anything. Of course they will be using your tax dollars to be buying all that fine stuff that is listed. By the way it was about the same sign.

  7. go to bottom of page and bring table to Paulding news and then scroll down to Turn on. you should find Paulding Place in the first paragraph. click on it


    there is a change "turn me on" is now listed on the table in forum home.

  8. I have a problem with believing what the place you checked with told you. I know of personal problems that people had with them. I don't know how many miles you drive a year, but I would think a problem with a rotor would rear its ugly head sooner than two years. Myself, if I did not do my own brakes, I would go to D & A or Dallas Tire to confirm problem.

  9. Huge difference though, between murder and someone smoking a joint...
    Not as much difference as you think. Dong Ha 1969, pot heads buying, using and hiding pot. someone using but not buying . Remove pot from hiding place, put frag grenade in hole under rock in its place. non-buyer removes rock,BOOM, one more marine going home in a body bag and for what.


  10. I guess I am little different that most of the previous posts. I like to satisfy my curiosity. If a strange car sits around my place, i will go inside, get my camera and make sure they see me taking pictures. If they are still there, I take my camera inside, grab my shoulder holster w/ .38. walk casually to the car and ask if I can be of any help. 99 out of a hundred times it is something perfectly innocent but for that other 1, they will know we won't stand for any crap in our area.

  11. Highway 61 south has nothing on it! Where are all the stores anyway? We need more, like food stores, please!!!!
    You want something like that Hiram mess over here? He!! it takes me 10 minutes waiting for a traffic slowdown now to get out on 61. Lets get 61 four lanesfirst before we start jamming it up.


  12. For real........I bet there are plenty of well educated people driving trucks.


    Just remember w/o those truck drivers some things wouldnt happen in this world! Especially the ones that deliver food to grocery stores and such!

    Also i would like to point out that practically everything not natural has come into contact with the trucking occupation at some time.



    Why is it that the lowest IQ drives the largest vehicle? Just don't make sense. It's kinda like wiping before you poop.
    If you are talking about dump drivers, I may have to agree somewhat with you. If you are talking about big rigs I will have to argue.


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