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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. If someone looked in my truck early on saturday mornings, they would see I am not guilty of littering. I shovel it out each saturday. I am curious, has anybody ever heard of or know someone that got hit by a littering fine? Yet we have those signs all around , threatening up to a $1K fine.

  2. Like said before, it is a only misdemeanor for a child to try and buy tobacco products. let the law have her for the prescribed community service time throw a scare into her now. like said before she is at an impressionable age and that would make one he!! of an impression on her.

    To do a little hijack for those thinking of stopping. My wife stopped smoking in July. She smoked for over 45 yrs. She stopped because a small spot was noticed on her right lung, which was malignant, which was removed with one lobe of her right lung. The best part is that in recent x-rays it shows her lungs have already cleared up by about 25%. Like A-moose

    said, stop now and give your lungs a chance to clean that garbage out of themselves.

    . back to subject.

  3. Grumps would you like me to pick you up some Valentine Candy too? :D


    NC, what kind you want? Conversation hearts, chocolates? :)


    And I never answered the original question-- Almost done shopping, and I was broke before I started! :lol:

    Thanks for the offer, but the better half says I am too sweet now and she is worried about developing diabetes


  4. Don't go to the dealers lot. go on edmunds.com and price vehicle you are interested in. E-mail dealers with info on what you want to buy. if you get a reasonable offer, then go to dealers lot. If they change offer the least little bit, WALK OUT

  5. Wearing a baseball hat in any manner has never been considered "professional".
    Yes I know, but this was a flat-bed trucking outfit and if you are not aware, flat-bedders mostly dance to their own tune. If you ever pulled into a truckstop, you could pick out who pulled vans and who pulled flat-beds by their dress and demeanor.


  6. I think backwards is okay, sideways makes you stoopid.
    I worked as a dispatcher for a trucking co. If a driver came up to me with his hat on sideways, I would ignore them. When asked why , I would let him know that he is the company representative to that customer and he was to present a professional appearance and with his hat on sideways he was not doing that. They soon got the message.
  7. If you think drugs are being sold, call the tri-county drug task force. a house i suspicioned were selling because of the quantity and variety of traffic. Seemed like nothing was being done, 2 months later noticed house was vacant, talked to owner and he said all his renters were now guests of the state. The sheriff's department can supply you with the phone number.

  8. A little hijack. Saturday I was at special olympics at paulding bowling. Upon the wall of fame was a J.Herron with a 300 game. Could this be pcom's Joe herron that we have all grown to know and love? God forbid there be 2 of them.



    Back to subject!

  9. walking through my shop this morning and heard a call on scanner for the SO to remove pastor from Mt Olivet Baptist church grounds.

    Supposedly fired last week, showed up this morning. It sure is getting tough on everybody this holiday season.

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