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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. Thanks for the Special Olympics picture. Saves me from posting pictures and such of the kids. Teri Tankard (owner and teacher) is my daughter and Kristie (instructor) and Michael are my grandkids. "Charlie" who used to be mine, taught my oldest gdaughter to ride, then taught Kristie and now teaching special needs children. Not bad for a 20 year old horse.

  2. Your check is probably clearing in 24 hrs. Then the bank can use these funds for high interest short term lands and make a lotta bucks on it before they release it to you. As was explained to me one time, these financial institutions will make high interest overnight loans to businesses that may need a little cash to finish a business deal.

  3. WRONG! Coach was wrong period. Coach apologized to player, his parents and team. That should have been the end of it. But the BOE stepped in and suspended him for five days. If the players parents hadn't stepped up for the coach with the interviewer from the BOE then he might have been fired as well. Players parents reiterated repeatedly that his apology was enough, and that their desire was that nothing to happen to him that would be disruptive to the team or the coaches family. A suspension was disruptive to both.


    People make mistakes. Even good coaches. Thing is, no one was harmed, and he was man enough to admit his mistake and apologize for it.


    If Hirams coach was fired then that is a shame. I wonder if it was the head coach ior an assistant that subdued the player?


    Anyway the Hiram coach should be applauded not fired.

    What am I missing here? If what i read is that the coach only stopped a fight and nothing more, why in the heck is he apologizing to any one. With the facts stated here, everyone ought to be apologizing to the coach.
  4. Talking about crosses. Where we kept out horses in california, these people had 2 dogs, gus and charlie.Gus was a dane shepherd cross, looked like a shepherd but the size of a dane. Charlie was a dane mastiff cross. Looked like a dane on steroids. Both good tempered as far as people but god help any other dog, coyote or whatever came on to the property.

  5. The way I was told was that city and county have to give you 10mph if they are using electronic measuring devices. But if they set your speed by following and using their speedometer, they do not have to give you that 10mph present. GSP, can nail you at any speed in excess of posted speed.

  6. Welcome! Just remember this site has thousands of subscribers and they all have varied opinions if you post something. So take whatever is posted with a grain of salt and stick around for the fun.

  7. Hey Lt. Dee! I was just brainstorming here, and I may have an idea for you. My daughter is a member of GCGMAACGMA, and NACMAI. Each year we "host" a concert which benefits Toys For Tots. Even if there isn't time to organize one this year, you may wnat to consider doing one for next year. We typically have enough performers to fill at least 1.5 - 2 hrs. We charge a $5 admission + a new unwrapped toy. We also hold silent auctions for donated items. All of the proceeds go to Toys For Tots. It's a really fun event. Think about it, and PM me if you are interested.
    What are these organizations? It is not just you, but I have noticed many people use abbreviations or acronyms on P.com without a explanation. Please, for us who may be ignorant , put into text what these abbreviations or acronyms mean. Who knows, it may be something I or someone I know maybe interested in joining or assisting in some way.




    Sorry, didn't mean to hijack

  8. My water meter is never read by the people that are supposed to read it. It is estimated. I have sit & watched them just sit in the truck & write something down. I have watched them do the same thing at my moms house. Its gonna be unfair
    could you per chance have one of those new meters that can be read on a drive by. I noticed one day that i had a new cover and there was a small dome on it to allow them to get info by readout in the truck.
  9. You could do like my grandparents did back in the days of root cellars. If you have some fairly big green tomatoes on a vine, pull that sucker up , roots and all. If you have a basement, tie a rope around the roots and hang upside down. You can have vine ripened tomatoes into the holidays

  10. Thank you for your commemoration display for Veterans Day. You may not be aware of the importance of the day you are beginning to some of us(Nov. 10th). That date is the birthday of the USMC (Nov. 10, 1775). So as a 2 time vietnam veteran and as a retired Marine. Thank You.

  11. My dog got sick yesterday and vommited all over our deck. I took the hose and rinsed it off .. I guess that makes me a selfish pig .. and someone is going to report me :angry2: Mind your own damn business people.
    Bull sh1t. When I have a perfectly good pressure washer that I could blast the paint off of my porch in 1 or 2 days instead of scraping like i have been doing for a week or more, you better believe I will report your a** if you are going against the guidelines set down.
  12. I don't think I'd do online stuff for eyeglasses.


    Sounds like it's gonna be Sam's Club. I keep trying these from Costco tonight and I can't figure out how they could get them so wrong (??). I took my old eyeglasses in with me and they supposedly have a machine that can figure out what the lenses are on it when they run it through the thing. The only thing I can think of is that they had a standard "Malibu Barbie" 19 year old chick working that part of the store, and most likely she was too busy texting someone and didn't get that part right. I'll make sure I get all adults at Sam's. Grrrr


    I did the eye exam right and didn't flub up any answers - answered them all as far as what was clear and not. The doc said she was making a "very small"5 point adjustment to the right eye and that was it, but these things are totally off. One of the two pairs even gets blurrier toward the upper part of one side than the other. DAMMIT. It's like I bought some cheap off-the-shelf stuff. I expected a lot more from anything related to Costco.

    Sounds kind of what happened once to me. They rotated my prescription 90 degrees when they done 1 lens.
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