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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. This mornings AJC had a story that Mr. Richardson wants $10 more per vehicle when registered each year. This is to support Grady Hospital. He also supports Gov. Perdues plan for special fines for excessive speeding. I may be wrong but I am assuming these two are thinking automobiles accidents is a major cost to this hospital. Myself I think it is the care provided to indegents and uninsured that use Grady as a "doc in a Box". The care for indigents and uninsured accounts for 53% of their patients. Don't get me wrong, if you have a valid reason, go. It does not need to be used for scratches ,small cuts, colds and headaches, etc.





  2. I have no idea as to what happened, so I will present this scenario. Car sitting in blind spot behind truck(if you cannot see a mirror, driver can not see you). Driver sitting min. 60 ft from car w/windows up, horn useless. Truck sitting on incline, try to get 80,000lbs moving, may roll back some. Car to close to DOT bumper, crunch.

    If driver is aware of vehicle behind, he can set trailer brakes and when he feels tractor pulling, release trailer brakes and no rollback.

    I am not laying fault on either driver, just be aware of things around you and possible consequences..

  3. The last place i worked before retiring, the terminal managers stepfather would come in periodically and strike up a conversation with us. I would give him a few minute and converse with him and then I would say " Sorry, but i have to get back to what ever i was doing" I would start working and within a few minutes he would go about his way.

  4. This has been a good read, thanks for posting about it.

    There are miniature horses in Beulah near us. That is one of the reasons we chose to live here. It is nice seeing them out everyday when we drive by.

    If he hasn't already, I am sure beulah boy will step in here. He raises miniatures.


  5. I think he means he got a fake email from someone saying to go to a "regions" website and it wasn't really a regions website, but a hack attempt.
    that is what I meant. Sorry if I confused any one. A little side note: I am running Mozilla with AVG, Ad-ware and spybot. All free and they haven't let any thing get by them to cause me any heartaches yet.
  6. The story behind this picture is that one day a while back we were picking up our dog from the groomer. There was a little boy in the mall who was scared to get his picture taken with Santa. We asked the little boy if our dog got on Santa's lap and had her picture taken, would he. He said yes and Santa said ok. Boob ( not enough room to type paper name) jumped on lap, picture taken, she got down and little boy got on Santa's lap.



  7. Every once in awhile my wife tricks or coerces me into buying groceries. Now i am not a real big man but i am big enough. I either just push their basket out of my way or growl at them to move that "damn" basket. If something is said, I just tell them to kiss my butt aloud. I can be a rather rude person if need be, generally I am the one saying excuse me or pardon me if the circumstances call for it.

  8. I understand what you are trying to say but it would not work in this case.


    The Bank holding the funds does not have the funds to start with so there is no extra money to be loaned out. They have the same amount regardless if there was no check to start with so holding it would serve no purpose other then to verify that once they pay out on the check they will get their money from the issuing bank.


    The only way what you are saying would work is if the issuing bank was in cohorts with the receiving bank. Because the issuing bank has the funds and the bank holding the check is holding it to make sure that the issuing bank actually has the funds to pay the bank holding the funds after they give the money to the person cashing the check.

    Like the title says, with the technology today, these banks should know within a matter of hours whether the check is good or not and funds are transferred immediately and what I am saying is the receiving bank is using the hold to make a little extra money. Banks are so used to holding checks like they did in the days and that is why the government stepped in.


    Other types of deposits that have next-day availability include:


    * Checks drawn on the U.S. Treasury and deposited into an account held by the payee.


    * U.S. Postal Service money orders (deposited in person and into an account held by the payee of the money order).


    * Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Home Loan Bank checks (same stipulations as the U.S. Postal Service checks).


    * State or local government checks (deposited in person and in the same state where the check was issued).


    * Cashier's, certified, or teller's check (deposited in person and into an account held by the payee of the money order).


    * Checks drawn on and deposited into the same or another branch of a bank as long as it's in the same check-processing region as the deposit.




    Non-Local: Non-local checks are drawn on banks outside the check-processing region where the deposit is being made. These funds must be available to you by the morning of the fifth business day after the day of deposit. Beware--deposits of cash or checks made at ATMs not located at the bank with which they're affiliated can be held as long as non-local checks.

  9. How are they making money by holding the funds?
    By making short term high interest loans to businesses or other banking institutions. Back in the days of yore when I was a computer hardware technician, one of our accounts was a world wide financial and banking institution. I was working in their local customer service office . I literally heard the reps loaning out millions upon millions of dollars to businesses for any where from a 24 hour loan to whenever. So when they know they put a hold on your funds for x amount of days, they know they will have x amount of funds available for loans.
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