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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. As I was sitting here deleting junk mail, I had a brain fa*t. Why has not some one written the software for e-mail to include

    "Return to Sender" as well as deleting , reporting spam or block sender,etc. that would probably slow some of these yoyos down from sending out so much garbage if their computer got loaded down with their own junk. i know you can send back on reply but I do not want to open it, just return it

    . Or is there something like that out in cyberspace and I have missed it.

  2. Trying for a record with my dryer. bought in 1971. About every 4 or 5 years, I take it outside and disassemble it. Replace the heating elements, vacuum it out, spritz a little oil in the motor bearings, replace the belt and put back together. The only thing i have had to replace because of failure was the timer assy.

  3. Could you be trying to conserve water by placing objects in the toilet tank, so less water is used. If you are doing this maybe this is plugging up your line to the septic tank by not having enough force to push the waste to your septic tank.

    . How the low-flo toilet can use less water is that they increased the diameter of the hole in your toilet tank to the commode. this way you have more force with less water. I have bought a low-flo recently and when it is flushed it sounds like one those used on airplanes.

  4. My granddaughter got into trouble in elementary school because she was correcting the teachers. Her mother had a minor degree in English and a major in Journalism. My daughter did not condone misuse of the English language and would correct her daughter if she misspoke and then explain why.

  5. Trigger. My Gdaughter works as a receptionist/paralegal for an Attorney. There has been incidences in the past of irate people coming to the office who were not represented by this attorney and felt they were wronged. So far it has only been verbal but my Gdaughter was worried about the one they may turn into something physical. I took her out and taught her how to use a revolver and semi-auto. Gave her demonstrations on how so many EMPTYsemi-autos kill . One thing I told her was that if the situation gets to the point of where she has to draw that gun,PULL THE TRIGGER, I don't care if you shoot the floor, ceiling or at the person but pull that damn trigger. So again I ask, Could you pull the trigger?

    . By the way the attorney who handles divorces, custody, family law, etc. has 110 lbs of teeth (rottie) with a bed beside their desk in their office.

  6. FLICK!


    I'm sitting here at my desk and for some reason I looked up........



    Yep, co-worker picking his nose.


    That's why they tell us to keep our heads down B)

    Are you sure it was not a SCRATCH that appeared to be a PICK from where you were sitting?


  7. I wouldn't imagine you would be making a turn at 30 mph, but I guess anything is possible.
    I didn't mean they were making a turn. I was trying to say they may have jerked the steering wheel to try and avoid an accident and at 30mph, those top heavy things will turn over in a second..


  8. My guess - Teenager that was late for class.
    I don't think they were late, it happened before 8:00 am.




    How does that even happen in a school zone? How fast do you have to be going?


    With a sharp turn on the steering wheel, them suckers can flip easily at 30 mph.


  9. :wub:


    Does Miss Jessie read PCOM?


    Oh man - I smell artichokes cooking in the kitchen. OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN. And me - I do butter and not mayo. Mayo on artichokes is for chicks.

    the wife is a melted butter dipper . I brought several plants back from California once, planted them and produced several good years of artichokes. One winter didn't cut back and cover in time. Frost snuck in and killed them suckers.


  10. Is there any chance you could scan it and put it up here? I don't have the paper and it isn't on ajc.com.
    If you look on Colonial's website there is a map and also on the previous post there is a link to the map


  11. This is interesting. I live in the southern part of Paulding County. I would like to know the exact route of the proposed addition to the pipeline, but they may not even know yet.
    according to the proposal they will put the new line along the present 2 lines


  12. Not trying to create drama, just informing those unaware.


    This morning as I was reading the Dallas New Era, I came across a legal notification on Colonial Pipeline wanting to add a third pipeline to the existing two that are presently supplying gas from the Gulf area to the tank farm in Austell. This pipeline cuts across the southern end of Paulding county. Below is a paste from their site on this project and also a pdf site showing a map of the pipeline route. The legal notice in the paper gives some addresses that will be effected.



    What is Project ExCEL?


    Colonial is proposing to add an additional pipeline from Jackson, La., to Austell, Ga., that would run alongside the two current main lines to the extent possible. The pipeline is needed as a result of demand to transport increased production from announced Gulf Coast refinery expansions. Colonial's Project ExCEL, a proposed 460- to 500-mile pipeline expansion, representing a more than $2 billion investment, would provide additional capacity for Colonial to continue providing a safe and reliable energy source for decades to come.


    Currently, Colonial is moving forward to obtain permits from federal and state agencies. The permitting process involves close scrutiny and review of the pipeline design and proposed route. Comprehensive environmental analyses will be conducted as the route is finalized. Interested community members will be able to participate in the evaluation process, and we will keep you informed of these opportunities. Colonial anticipates being able to begin construction in 2010. If all local, state and federal approvals are received, we expect the project to be completed by 2012.




    This pdf map will come up at about 43%, but if you expand it to about 125%, you will get a good idea where the present pipe is.

  13. I had a daughter in law who was terrified of the ouija board, She drove truck with my boy. One day when they stopped by, I hid a board in their tractor. When she found it, they were down the road aways and she practically went into hysteria. My boy thought they were going to have to find a priest and do an exorcism before she would get back into the truck. I kinda regret i did it, but not to much

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