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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. well I think it is crazy too because I live on my own, pay for everything my parents give me nothing .. but they said they have to have my parents tax info and Yes it is basically free money will pell ..


    Well my quarters arent that expensive and YES I can afford the 500.00 but I was unawre of it having to be PAID in FULL and I dont have it until 3 weeks I need it by the 14th





    That is the point I am 100% Financially Independent I get NOTHING from my parents but my advisor said that I HAD to use there taxes .. so they put there income and mine together ..

    If your parents are not claiming you as a deduction, I fail to see why the school needs to know your parents income. When My kids turned 18, I stopped claiming them and they were eligible for grants and scholarships.


  2. Went to the Dr. today for some med problems to find out the end is near. I go cause I have a going problem (or groin) and get told that I have High BP, blood and sugar in my urine, swollen and possibly infected prostate, and possibly a kidney stone..... OH YEA, and now I have sore A$$! :o :o :o

    I am only 31 freaking years old!!!!!!!! Started eating better and working out and for what? To be told that I am falling apart and that I have to take BP meds?????


    Anyone up for a McDonalds run? :wacko: :unsure:

    Know where you are coming from even though i have a few years on you. several years ago went to the Dr. for a cyst on my back. Dr asked when was the last I seen a dr.. Told him 4 or 5 years. Took liquid samples, the finger wave . Went back 2 weeks later, understand i have probably taken at the most 6 or 7 days off in 30 years for illness, found out I had high bp, typeII diabetes, prostrate cancer and a melanoma(sp) and also still had that damn cyst.


  3. 1 package of Lipton onion soup mix


    1 cup water


    1 3lb beef roast


    1 lb baby carrots


    6-8 med potatoes cubed


    leaves from 1 stalk of celery


    Place roast in crock pot. Mix soup and water and pour over roast. Place carrots and potatoes on top of roast. Crush celery leaves with fingers and scatter over roast, carrots, and potatoes. Cover and cook on low for at least 8 hours. Remove, serve, eat, and smack your Momma, cause it's that damn good!

    I add a can of beef broth also. Then next day for leftovers I add can of stewed tomatoes, tomato sauce, can or bag of peas, if needed a few more carrots or potatoes. make a pan of cornbread to go with the stew.


  4. ??? Did the poster actually have an unpleasant experience or just fishing for info on this course? It is now about 11 hrs after the post and still no explanation about unpleasantry on course.

  5. Very strange! I have been getting that static on our small tv on the bar but not on any of the other tvs. I even moved it to another cable and I still got the static . As a matter of I was out pricing small tv's this morning for a replacement. All of my tvs are of the same vintage. I am on comcast regular cable.

  6. Another tax break for the rich.

    If you do not pay property taxes, say you rent, this is going to hit you hard in the wallet, you are going to be spending more on what you need, when you are barely getting by.


    This is the continuing trend of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

    Why do we blame the "rich" for this.

    this was proposed by your legislator(I did not vote him) who either has a selfish ulterior motive or through his ignorance or stupidity did not fully check into the ramifications of what has been proposed. So please step off this class envy soapbox. You are what you are through your own decisions.


    . I am far from being rich!

  7. Am I to understand that the Sheriffs office will no investigate a suspicion of dealing drugs, if you do not sign a report.

    Would you like to pm a few members on here wih the address of this house, perhaps a few hundred anonymous tips will get their attention.

    Maybe this is why you can't seem to bust meth labs in the county.

    You need to call the tricounty drug enforcement if you suspicion drugs. I did that to a neighbor and it took about a month to make a case, but he is a guest of the state now. Call the sheriff's office and ask for their phone #.
  8. How rude of you to call people that use those cards leeches. <_< Thank God you have never gone though a rough period in your life and had to ask for help. They too, well at least most of them, have paid taxes into this and should use it if they need it. Granted I think people should also work to get off of it asap. IE use it to better yourself.
    I did not mean for this topic to turn into name calling. Granted there are people who need a leg up at times, but lets face it that there are probably more that abuse the system.


  9. Food stamps run differently on the card. Kind of like using an ATM card to access 2 accounts. One account is only for food, the other is if you are receiving cash benefits. Unfortunately, if they are receiving cash, they can spend it anyway they choose. No different than if they had a check and cashed it. Hopefully, not too many people do this though. And not all receive cash benefits.
    Thanks for answering my question.


  10. This morning i stopped into the convenience store just north of Paulding county High to get a paper. I noticed there was a large sign in the door that basically said" get your alcohol, cigarettes etc with your EBT card. Not being totally sure what that EBT card was for, I researched on line and found this.


    What is EBT?

    EBT, which stands for electronic benefits transfer, is the new way Georgians receive cash and food stamp benefits. Instead of waiting for a check or food coupons to come in the mail, recipients use a debit card to withdraw cash benefits and purchase food and other items from local retailers.


    . I know you cannot by these luxuries with food stamps, but I guess it is okay to spend your assistance on such items.

    . My question is there anyway to differentiate between the cash amount and food stamps amount when you use the card??


    . Either way I find it reprehensible that the new owners of this establishment is specifically targeting the part of the public that can least afford these items.

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