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granny ma

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Posts posted by granny ma

  1. Initially had clog problems with new low flow. Then I discovered that for urine do a quick flick of handle, only 1/3 of tank used. For other, hold handle down for a second or so , uses whole tank and waste is gone.

  2. He was having alot of trouble with the steps out back and my hubby made him a ramp out of plywood and staple carpet on it. It has helped him alot going in and out to potty.
    Done the same thing about six years ago for my red-tri color aussie. Then my red one got up in age so I recarpeted it..

    It is still there because the wife's peke is long in body, short in legs, unable to jump up steps.


  3. I have read several posts lately of people losing dogs to parvo. Last night on channel 46, they done a story on a new strain of Parvo that seems to be somewhat resistant to todays medication. It seems to hide until the last moment and the dogs may die within hours of the first symptons. I was unable to find the story on 46's website but I did find these comments on the new strain of Parvo.




    .parvo F-Strain Virus

    There is a recent mutation of the parvo virus which is more virulent. It attacks the lower intestinal tract or large intestine. Dogs contracting this new strain will have accelerated symptoms.

    Care should be given immediately!


    Symptoms to watch for:

    Gelatin-like stool with some blood.

    Vomiting with bile and foam.

    Rapid weight loss (within a few hours after becoming ill.)NOTE 2: There is currently a new strain of Parvo in the environment that has come over from Europe and it is known as Parvo "F Strain". There is no Parvo shot made to protect against this current strain, which is the 7th mutation of the Parvo disease. Here is a link to the information on the New York Pug Club website (http://nypugclub.org/health/parvo.htm) . This new strain of Parvo can live in the environment for up to one year, it can be caught by simple airborne exposure, it shows symptoms within 4 days of exposure, and it can kill a completely healthy and vaccinated pup or young dog within 8 hours after symptoms show.

    we have been told to vaccinate the pups with at least four 4 PUPPY shots and then give several ADULT boosters along the way and then yearly. if they dont get there series of pup shot correctly there ammunity could be affected however with this new strain it does not help. it does not mean not to vaccinate it just means there is one strain that it will not help with so take other precautions. also the is a drug called tamaflu that has been saving parvo inflicted dogs it has been 100% effective however not everyone knows about it nor do they have it. keflex it a good start though. please read the link above and i am sorry for you loss

  4. I guess in best case they just pull out the meter and pop the new one in. Somehow the existing meter had held up to tremendous stress and when it got pulled, the entire backplane gave in, shorting everything out.
    Done mine. 10 minutes and they were gone.


  5. My Granddaughters Aussie is 12 years old and I noticed he is a little slow in getting up from a laying position. What have any of you used too maybe relieve the discomfort in an older dogs's hips. Once he is up he plays like a pup like he always did. So again what have any of you used and saw good results? I do not care if it is natural, holistic or manufactured, just as long there is good results. Thanks

  6. Was it surveyed when you bought the place. a lot of times they will put a metal staub in he ground with ribbon on it. Could that staub still be in the ground. If you have your plat, roughly figure out where the corner may be and use a metal detector to detect the the staub. Myself, I drove mine into the ground for future if needed.

  7. As i said in the other post about this. the drivers would like the price reduced, but most of them know that is a fantasy. What they want is the federal and state governments attention so to reduce or do away with the taxes on the fuel.


    they feel that since the farmer gets his fuel at reduced or no taxes to grow the stuff, why can't they get the same deal to deliver the product.

  8. Trust me if you knew how petty this is you would be laughing your ass off......















    I forgot to turn the lights off in my office when I left last night. :rolleyes:

    If they were aware of it, how much effort does it take to reach inside the door and flick a switch or is your door locked. If the door is not locked and they did nothing, they are just as responsible. Did they make a big to do within earshot of the boss of your transgression? I think because of their attentiveness, they should be the last to leave in the evening to insure that this does not happen in the future.


  9. what is behind this that the truckers want to get federal and state governments attention so that they will lower or do away with the taxes on Diesel which could be anywhere from $.50 to a $1.50 a gallon depending on the state.



    > I guess if the farmer don't have to pay tax on diesel to grow the food, the trucker shouldn't have to pay the tax to get it to you.

  10. my son says scheduled for April 1st. Of course the large trucking companies probably will not participate. The cost of fuel is killing the independents and small out outfits. The more of them that goes under will give the big outfits more to haul and increase the cost of hauling.

  11. do you have an older oven that has a broiling pan? If so, turn on broil, put steaks in pan. for rare I would give about 5 minutes a side. Medium about 7 minutes a side and well done should take about 10 minutes a side. Newer ovens with just a Broil setting. The element on the top of the oven is the broil element. raise your racks to highest setting. Put steak in some type of pan with a rack insert so they are not laying on bottom of pan. Use times already suggested

  12. I wouldn't panic just yet. Many years ago I had a German shepherd cross that occasionally digested a sock if she couldn't find a tree to chew down. Every time the sock passed with no problem. Of course I was not aware she had consumed the sock until I saw it laying in the yard where she squatted.

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