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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. The military does. Or at least, punishable, as the rules are applied. I certainly consider it immoral and unethical.
  2. There is a reason the military is under civilian control. This is an example to the genius of our Constitution.
  3. Military service is a not a license to violate the law nor military regulations. THAT is not the country service members fought for.
  4. Hazing will get you kicked of the university. And when you're dealing with the battle for the minds also, this sort of stuff helps the enemy. It is against our own rules. It is neither moral nor ethical. It violates the Golden Rule found across all moral spectrums. We are better than that.
  5. When it happens, we don't disregard it but deal with according to the rules we agreed on for our actions. WE ARE better than this.
  6. Are you advocating criminal activity as a normal course for our troops?
  7. Altoona Area High School, PA, 1988. My link
  8. We're better than that. We don't stoop to such uncivilized antics. We're Americans. And we should act like it. It is unbecoming a service member and they knew it was clearly against the regulations. It made a relations nightmare and put more lives at risk. We treat others the way we want to be treated, not the way they treat us. We're better than they are and should act like it.
  9. These findings show the rational for changing the policy as the benefits far outweigh the risks of the procedure, and the health benefits are beyond refutation at this point.
  10. The three Marines that were taped urinating on Taliban corpses were given non-judicial punishment, meaning they will likely lose rank and forfeit pay. The six soldiers who were caught burning pages of the Quran were also given administrative punishments. My link
  11. And the AAP has changed its view.
  12. The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a new directive on circumcision - its first significant policy change in 10 years on the subject - and now says the health benefits of circumcision clearly outweigh the risks of not being circumcised. My link
  13. Good intentions. A good law. Overreactions. Bad law, Overreactions. Kids are kids. Common sense has to be mandated by law. Neither a win nor lost situation. It is what it is. We all have to deal with it.
  14. I wish I could have made it but I decided I really had too much to do around the house this weekend. Next time, maybe I work it out. Glad the food was good.
  15. Inferior gas? They all meet the same standards. Quality is more of a marketing ploy, IMHO.
  16. Stop it. That scenario is too probable and too scarey to fathom.
  17. Hardly. I just base my opinion on evidence. If the evidence supports another position, I will change my stance. Give the evidence with empirical support and we can talk.
  18. Major disagree. The logical conclusion would be the exact opposit.
  19. Next thing you know TX is going to find marijuana on Willie Nelson. This is getting bad.
  20. See, I would disagree with each of your rationals. Gas was down because of the weak demand from the recession. The rise in gas prices show demand is up, meaning the economy is better than it was in 2009. The debt is high, no doubt, but we are now getting out of Iraq and winding down in Afghanistan, both HUGE drains on our spending, AND the slowly improving economy is shrinking the deficit as tax revenue increases and emergency spending slows. Unemployment is not at an all-time high, but is certainly high by normal standards. But coming out of a very severe recession, this is exact
  21. Well, Hell's Bells! I appreciate the offer but now I'm worried if I'm going to get mugged while there by some deranged paulding.com screen name that doesn't like me. Let me see what we have for tomorrow. No promises. I will see.
  22. You might be right about how bad it is going to be no matter which idiot we elect. However, I think we have to be realistic on the economy, here. Like you said, the president has little it any control over the economy. W initiated the big bailouts, not Obama. Obama only presided over round two of the spending. I don't blame W because he had no other choice. Paulson, Geithner and every non-partisan economist on the planet say the bailouts had to be done to prevent a complete economic collapse. W even said the bailouts were all on him and he applauded Obama for having the good sense to d
  23. Exactly. And this incident is even more of an indication of what can happen when have many armed people walking around just waiting to be Rambo. Really. We need to be honest with the whole gun issue. Common sense must win out over the Big Money Machine known as the gun lobby. Let's sit down, have an honest conversation, and realistically deal with the problems. Ideology is not the answer.
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