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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Here is where you said you wanted to raise taxes on the poor. My link If they lose deductions at a certain point, that is a tax hike on their income.
  2. They do. They pay the payroll tax and all sorts of other taxes. They simply don't pay Income Tax. Why do you want to raise taxes on the poorest?
  3. No one said they didn't. But you've missed the entire point. They don't pay because they can't pay any more and have any resources to live.
  4. Don't go confusing them. They love Reagan until his ideas get in the way of their agenda, and then they blame those Reagan ideas on "liberals." Because that would mean the poorest would pay a highert percentage of their income in taxes compared to the wealthy. A $10 tax on clothing hits those who make $30,000 with 2 kids a lot harder than it does someone who makes $200,000 and no kids.
  5. Two of the Marines who were video taped urinating on Taliban corpses will be court-martial. The three other Marines received non-judicial punishment. My link
  6. Another one for a lack of decorum. An aid for Sec. of State Hillary Clinton got into a heated email exchange with a reporter and the reporter took quite a cussing. Maybe the aid and the reporter expected the emails to remain private but even if that is the case, we should expect more civilized words from the people in the Secretary of State Office. My link
  7. Here is a graphic that shows what the average person pays. My link
  8. Leaving the Westin now to make our dinner reservations at The Capital Grill My link and then to the Fox Theater to see Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me. Haven't decided where brunch will be for tomorrow but my husband and I will tour Turner Field and then have dinner tomorrow night at Hal's My link (best steak in Atlanta bar none).
  9. If you and Mrs Naughty Nurse get a free night, you MUST go to Victoria and Albert's for dinner. It will be the best meal of your life. Jacket required for men and cocktail dress or dressy pant suit required for ladies. You need to make reservations today. Don't take the kids (too expensive and they won't appreciate it at all). Be prepared to pay around $500 for the two of you but it will be the finest meal of your life. My husband takes me every few years and I can't wait to go back. My link If you don't want to go that much, reserve a table in the upstairs dining room (away from the walk
  10. You do realize that "socialist" in "National Socialist" referred to the German society and not to the economic system, right? Also, there are plenty of governments that acted in totalitarian fashion or all but wiped out entire cultures or people groups, e.g., the US all but wiped out the Indian groups here.
  11. And your economics degree is from where again? Remember fuel and food are not counted in the inflation calculations precisely because they are so volatile.
  12. No, "are" is the correct term. Rational people will agree. But I did say, opinions may vary. Obviously, you're not one that agrees. I'll not say anything further.
  13. A judge has over turned a Wisconsin Law that GOP governor Scott Walker insists is needed to balance the state's budget. Now, school districts and local municipalities will have to negotiate with public unions again. The voter referendum is still subject to the law. My link
  14. Even with great numbers of a tax hike and a budget cut, super confidence, and Europe is perfect, the computer of economist Mark Zandi says unemployment is still high. The new normal. The fact is that coming off a Great Recession, it will take at least a decade to get back to normal. No political party could fix this in one 4 year term or even an 8 year term. The fact is that it will take at least a decade. My link
  15. Pageants are abusive. No parent should do this to their child. Your mileage may vary.
  16. Shhhhh. Educated people are laughing big time. Please let them continue.
  17. Hush! I'm trying to win $10,000 here. Don't be giving no links or evidence. This one is very easy. So please, HUSH!
  18. Wanna place The Romney on that? $10,000 in the hands of the attorney of your choice. Security briefings every day and his advisers let him know the contents of the meeting. Deal?
  19. I'm saying that his advisers have the security briefing every day and inform him of what he needs to be aware of. Anyone wanna bet The Romney that I'm factual on that?
  20. How many can you give evidence of? I am willing to bet $10,000 right now that he has security briefings every day that his advisers attend and update him on what needs he should be aware of.
  21. But that is the small percentage of Americans who live in those very few states. This is out-of-touch talk going on. Wanna place The Romney Bet on what is considered middle class? $10,000 today? I'll put it in the hands of an attorney of your choosing and you do the same. Then we can get some non-biased arbitrator to give us an answer if $200k is "middle class." I'm sure we can call a professor at, say, University of West GA to give us an answer. Wanna bet? Just a small amount. The Romney. $10,000? Even $175,00 is middle class? This will be the easiest $10,000 I've ever made
  22. Oh, get real. Didn't W continue his golf game while we began the Iraqi invasion? And didn't W continue his vacation while the financial markets seized in the Fall of 2008? Really now. The president has advisers keeping him up to date on anything pertinent. What do you want Obama to do: wait by the phone on new information? The president kept going, as he should. The last thing we want is for the radicals to think their actions make us change course.
  23. Anyone wanna place The Romney Bet on what exactly Romney did say? $10,000 today? Any takers?
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