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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Not excusing it at all. I'm just saying how something like this can go unnoticed by the government.
  2. Did you really say this regarding Stephen Hawkings?
  3. Computer system was not integrated in 1982. Those sort of things do take a while, as unfortunate as they are. The systems now are more integrated and there are systems in place to catch those sort of things, though I'm sure some slip through anyway. All bureaucratic entanglements are like that.
  4. I think Stephen Hawkins is a wee bit more informed in this area and would be considered an "expert." But, hey, that's just me. Maybe he is not smart enough to know that this global warming stuff is all made up and just a way to get money and votes, right? My link
  5. A new ad campaign aimed at curbing obesity is getting a lot of people talking, and some are really upset. The ad campaign is walking a fine line between educating and shaming, says one publication. My link
  6. So do I. Everyday I have people who have life threatening problems that their insurance won't cover the needed treatment or won't pay enough to cover it. So don't tell me that being poor should hurt: That is just non-compassionate. Taxing them more while the gap between the wealthy and the poor widens, while corporate profits are on par (exaggerated) with those of the gilded age is preposterous. We've tried the process you're promoting once and we saw its failure. The reform movement of the turn of the century took 40 years to accomplish but it ushered in a great expansion of the
  7. A GA woman is asking for an apology from a manager of a Warner Robbins Kroger who told her: Excuse me for working for a living and not relying on food stamps like you. The exchange between the woman and the manager left her in tears as the line of other customers looked on. Kroger offered her a $15 gift card for her embarrassment. My link
  8. Because of the budget agreement made 2 years ago, the defense budget will take a huge hit in just a few months, causing some defense contractors to start cutting jobs now. My link
  9. Bob Inglis, former SC Republican Congressman, has a plan to combat global warming. He has paid a high price for accepting the science instead of the superstition around climate change, but he has a plan nonetheless. My link
  10. So you want to tax the poor even more and create a permanent underclass? That is not only a lack of compassion for fellow human beings but it is the worst possible economic policy. Again, Taxation and Policy 410.
  11. Not at all. It's called public health. The state has an interest in regulating the distribution of some products, if not stamping some products out completely. You're using the mega soda ban as an example but nearly all public health experts agree with it. No, that's not the"basic difference between democrats and republicans." That is very simplistic and very wrong assertion.
  12. Not really a rip off. They are providing a service that you may decide to pay for, or you may decide to do it on your own for the regular gym membership cost. Of course, if you pay the fee, don't work out, keep smoking, don't watch the diet, and watch too much tv, then it won't work no matter how much you pay.
  13. Exactly! We are taking about income taxes. That is EXACTLY the point I'm making. Again, Taxation and Policy 410. Income Tax is just one of many tax structures we have. Just one. Not everyone pays every tax. That is how it is designed. It is like that precisely because we know that putting too much of a burden on the poor is bad: bad for or society, bad for the poor, bad for successive generations, bad for the present kids, bad for businesses, bad for everyone all the way around.
  14. We may agree on the rationale but we disagree on the rest.
  15. Yes. The farmers vs the product. If the farmer sells out and the farm land is converted to other use, it cannot be reclaimed. The competing interest is one of national importance during emergency. That is just one example of many.
  16. But you are assuming the person is that lazy. You are also assuming the person is that smart to figure it all out. And you're assuming that the person will always be like that. To be sure, there will always be those people. There will always be a small number that do that. That number has to be shown a better option and the credit at least gives the option for the person (and the successive generations) to not be permanently on the rolls. And it is better than the alternative that gives no incentive at all. It is a cost-benefit analysis and the government sometimes has to make
  17. There are always competing interests.
  18. McCray vs US. My link There are some taxes the government may impose to discourage, or even completely stop, the sale of certain products or services. Again, Taxation and Policy 410.
  19. But it works. It incentivizes the behavior we want from everyone AND it gives those who really need the extra monetary help REAL help and not just a handout. Also, it goes away as the people make more money, get private employer benefits, and advances the skills of the people that need them the most. Perhaps best of all, the kids of those families are removed further and further from the cycle of poverty AND the poverty culture. It works. It is a means of promoting what we want fixing what we don't want, and doing it in a cost effective way.
  20. Yes. The government has an interest in those sort of things. It is part of the powers under the general welfare clause.
  21. Oh, Good Lord. CONTEXT. CONTEXT. CONTEXT. It means they WERE on welfare and WERE NOT working. The credit incentivizes them to get the job and NOT stay on welfare. It means they have a greater chance to advance in their job. It means the opportunity for getting better benefits that will further their kids chances of NEVER getting on welfare. It is just ONE piece of the MANY means to get people off welfare.
  22. Call it whatever you want, but it is a much better means than the alternative you're proposing. If you think Reagan was a socialist, say so.
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