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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Right on. The community as a whole suffers. The best kids and the best parents end up in the charter school and the poorest end up in a cycle with no way out.
  2. America tried that once and it did not work too well. Has anyone addressed the points the article raised?
  3. A true statement. Would you please provide a link that shows otherwise?
  4. It's an interesting balance between the need for a fair wage and an overpriced cost centre when dealing with labour. The article raises the various arguments but it comes down to societal costs when larger numbers of the labour force are not paid at certain levels. My link
  5. Interesting article about a disease that, only 60 years ago, was feared like few others. Because of American efforts, polio today is found in only the most illiterate and culturally hard to reach places. Hopefully polio will be eradicated in just a few years. My link
  6. Quite a fanciful theory there. I shant ask from whom I'm supposedly being paid, although that would be entertaining. I'm turning in. Got meetings early in the AM after breakfast at the Flying Biscuit. Fun, fun. Apparently, mine too.
  7. Can we move along? This is not humourous at all. If we are going to laugh and have fun, that's one thing, but I don't think that is how the detractors of my posts are going to go with this since they will make this personal.
  8. If I'm supposed to be getting paid, it is news to me. If true, I expect back pay, aggravation pay, and hazardous duty pay for all the pot shots I take on here.
  9. The latest consumer confidence survey is the best since September 2007. The recent spate of good news shows people are feeling better about the slowly improving economy, despite the short term storm that many fear in 2013 due to the political problems the US faces with the budget. My link
  10. Doesn't matter what the evidence shows. This is about corporate money and what will lead to a defacto segregation. This is what they have been trying to get since Brown v Board of Ed. They are finally going to get it by manipulating people with their inclination that the Boogy Man is the government instead of the complex socio-economic dynamic at work.
  11. The evidence is Charter Schools do not work better than public schools. Again, follow the money. The end result will be a defacto segregation. We've tried this mould before and it didn't work then either.
  12. So when should seniors hang up driving? Seems there is no one, single age but there are signs the certainly point to efforts that should be made before calamity strikes, such as before they plough through a gathering of pedestrians. It is rather difficult to have the conversation but for everyone's sake, children need to take this responsibility in a sombre fashion. My link
  13. And? Isn't that what every bankrupt company does?
  14. First, that is not what this thread is about, since the OP was not comparing the 2 men. Second, you're making a comparison of present ideas that address specific modern issues with Enlightenment Principles. You cannot make that comparison since the 2 men were not contemporaries to know how they would respond to each other.
  15. If you have evidence they knew they did anything illegal, or that the business model was not workable, produce the evidence to the Federal prosecutor. This is thread is not about that. Start your own thread.
  16. AGAIN, if you can produce evidence to counter the studies at Stanford and the rest of the research, let's see it. Are you saying only those people that you agree with politically are correct? Look at the information and then see what the other information is. Then judge the preponderance.
  17. The science on that is overwhelming. Boogeration. Mea culpa.
  18. I wasn't commenting on government, though I would strongly disagree that I would hold much variance from Jefferson on his ideas of personal liberty, particularly since he derived his thinking from Locke and other Enlightenment thinkers. I was merely commenting on the idea of intelligent design, a concept Jefferson would have been quite perplexed to hear since the contrast of evolution didn't exist yet. On the other hand, Jefferson's ideas of government, while foundational, are not what hardly anyone would hold today since 2 centuries have changed praxis ideas of everyone. Principles, yes.
  19. Then neglect what I said until a better time for you and your husband. My husband and I went to Empire State South and had the Chef's Tasting last weekend. Very good. Put that on your list too. My link But you MUST go to Birmingham and try Hot Hot Fish Club. Stay the night. Have a taxi take you to and fro - you will need it after the wine pairings. Listen to the wait staff. Get what they tell you. It is worth the drive. My link
  20. Ah, the BOARD OF DIRECTORS is not the same as the research itself. Again, if you can counter the claims, let's see it. The same could be asked of Liberty Council, Heritage Foundation, or any other research group. Yes, one of kids is at Darlington. The other is still in elementary school and will be there (or at McCallie) when he attains middle school. But I still have standing in this matter since the quality of education touches everyone in the community and ultimately the nation, since the outcome will be the climate for a generation.
  21. How much to spend? For steak, try Hal's. If you can swing the tab, try Eugene's and the get Chef's Tasting. You will talk about the meal for years. My link
  22. Beautiful place. Seville is gorgeous. But the beauty of central Europe (Austria) is stupendous! Breathtaking, especially the stretch from Vienna to Salzburg. I managed a stay at Melk when I was in graduate school. Ah! The 3 weeks there were amazing! Try again. It is the research of the group. You are welcome to produce the studies and evidence to counter theirs. I look forward to it.
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