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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. That's the sort of stuff that gives California a stinging characterization.
  2. I don't think you understand how the rankings work. First, the difference between the 50th and the 1st is only a few questions. The kids in one state are not smarter than any other, though the demographics are vastly different. The more educated a state's parents, the more likely the kids are to score better. The higher the socio-economics of a state, the higher the test scores. It's not some sort of secret. Second, not all states are scored the same in the testing since each state gets to decide what students will be part of the composite score. GA, for example, allows all student sco
  3. I would strongly disagree with your assertion of Jefferson supporting the idea of the 2nd Amendment as it is being promulgated about today. The extremism of the American gun lobby amazes the rational world. Nonetheless, the idea that "liberals" are opposed to guns is preposterous.
  4. Since Man U and FC Barcelona are both, it doesn't matter.
  5. Not exactly what makes Georgia appealing on the world scene.
  6. Radio Liberty has been broadcasting in Russia since the 1950s as a Cold War tactic to persuade the Ruskies that The Yank ideals were superior to their own communistic ideology. After the collapse of the Soviet Empire, Radio Liberty actually had a facility in Moscow and operated freely. Now, a new Russian law prohibits foreign entities from owning a majority stake in a broadcasting concern. That means Radio Liberty is moving to an on-line operation and the AM signal will no longer operate. My link
  7. Another federal court has struck down the Defense of Marriage Act because it discriminates against same-sex couples. My link
  8. There are bad apples in every organization and pedophiles prey on organisations that deal with children. Let's hope that the release of the files will prompt better scrutiny and action for all organisations in the future to keep all children safe. My link
  9. Please be truthful. The president doesn't put the numbers together but the BLS does. The president has no influence or control of what is reported.
  10. Because worldwide demand was not as high as it is today, particularly in emerging economies like Brazil, India, China, etc. Thus the price was low to correlate with demand.
  11. I don't think you understood the article you just read. Remember there was a refinery fire on the West Coast that is affecting prices there.
  12. Low gas prices from 4 years ago were due to low demand from the Great Recession. Higher gas prices are due to worldwide demand up on the recovering economy. Obama was right about that one and Romney knows better than to make the charge since he is playing politics with that one.
  13. I think she is taking about total of the working poor, underemployed, retirees with FICA only, those on disability, etc. In other words, those without good jobs and good benefits.
  14. Everyone thinks their candidate won. Doesn't matter which one wins because they both will have the same problem the next 4 years as the previous four years. Coming off a Great Recession such as we've completed takes a decade to fix, not one presidential term.
  15. The Baby Boomers are retiring. That is the largest demographic that is ageing into retirment. As for 18 year olds, you conveniently didn't mention many of them enter school so those numbers are not part unemployment catalouge. That has always been the case. The only people that make the claim that the "real" number is higher are those that don't understand the numbers, are intentionally misleading everyone, or are just political spinmeisters. Everyone who deals with this professionally already knows that and the only ones who are making an issue of it are those that are pretty naive on
  16. But unemployment has always been counted liked that. When economists look at the unemployment figure, they know what it means because the U6 is already known. Three only people that are making an issue of that are partisans who don't utilize those numbers on a daily basis a part of forecasting. In other words, you're making an issue of something that people who deal with this know what the number means already. Also, you're not accounting for the 10,000 per day that are turning 65 and begin the retirement process. That means more than 300,000 of those you are saying just dropped out, have actu
  17. Context. Only partisans try to spin that out of context.
  18. But that was the period before labour laws. If that is not the period to which you speak, please define the period.
  19. Let's use some common sense here. As the population ages, these people will be required more and more, yet the minimum wages won't go up BY LAW unless states override that. Now. Let's try again. Go back to the Gilded Age when there were no minimum age requirements and labour was treated as servile whilst the robber barons gorged themselves.
  20. Not true when the control of funds keeps the cost low and barriers to entry artificially high. My link
  21. It's a fascinating exchange in this debate from various experts that consider the question: should we ration end of life care? My link Listen to the Debate
  22. New research shows that social mobility has more to do with your family than your individual success. The research demonstrates this to be true across nations and continents. My link
  23. Not true. The period before labour laws was long prior to the Great Depression. What you're arguing for is Social Darwinism, an idea that took hold after the Civil War until the reforms of Theodore Roosevelt and William McKinley, ideas that roughly followed the Ten Hour Movement and other reforms across Europe.
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