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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Or a sandwich from Eats? Golly. I wish I got paid for this. To whom shall I discuss this?
  2. And I'm sure the Falange movement is proud of your efforts as well.
  3. An Indiana practitioner was apprehended in Italy after being on the run for 5 years. Mark Weinberger fattened his account by billing the government for felonious billing. He was given 7 years. My link
  4. No one is forced to do that. You nor me, nor anyone's mum, for that matter. We all may post freely and anonymity is a primary value. Moreover, it is none of anyone's business whom anyone else might be.
  5. Yes, my nanny was from Everton and she was my instructor for primary grades. Is that a problem? My high school years was a Altoona High in PA. Again, problem? Granted, the private schooling was something I cherished but it shouldn't a problem for anyone, should it?
  6. I anticipate your marvelous draught that counters the article to which I linked.
  7. Follow the money. Who is behind the Charter School movement? Big, corporate money and the dollar machines that are backing the politicians to support the Charter School movement. Politicians are manipulating voting behaviour for the purpose of getting at the tax money. And their efforts are not producing better results, just more money for the corporations running the charter school. The mould is one of avarice and we should all do well to realise it quickly. My link
  8. Student behaviour toward academics will suffer, IMHO, if on-line instruction for primary and secondary grades grow. Nothing can replace the seat time, in front of an instructor, interacting with other classmates, and the headmaster tending to the day-to-day operations of the learning environment. Nothing can replace verbal, visual, kinesthetic or auditory leaning, and certainly not a computer monitor. And it is money that is behind the charter school movement. I would STRONGLY encourage everyone to follow the money when dealing with Charter Schools. My link
  9. There is a wee-bit of a problem with that article. Darwin was only 14 years old when Jefferson wrote the letter and there was no science to yet explain anything. Jefferson was a Deist at best and to to say he believed in intelligent design (an invented term to make creationism sound more scientific) is a misnomer since everyone in that day believed that there was a creation point. Everyone. Since there was no other idea out there, there was no other option. The official voice of Jefferson today says what I just stated above, e.g., that Jefferson wouldn't have even contemplated the idea
  10. OK. If it worked as well as you're saying, why do the studies show Charter Schools not perform statistically better than public schools? My link
  11. No, it is not correct. The spin you're giving is just wrong.
  12. Good post. I'm not so sure the problem is "administration" as it is the home life/parents of the kids being the ultimate problem, but really, good post.
  13. I'm sorry but that is not true at all. Public teachers implement creative options all the time. And the evidence is that charter schools perform worse or the same as public schools, NOT better.
  14. Not true. The students we graduate today are the most educated ever. They are exposed to more and at earlier ages. There are more advanced classes and more students entering college than in prior generations. There will always be that 1/3 that don't perform well but that has to do with their homelife hindrances, individual apathy and lack of mental raw material more so than the school. Good students from advantaged homes do well. To improve education, we have to deal with health care, hunger and the poverty cycle that rapids the parents, too.
  15. But that is not how Charter Schools work. I don't know how else to explain it. NCLB was a back door attempt to make sure Charter/private schools get some of that public tax money by forcing tax money into the private arena. Make no mistake here: this is private groups eyeing the public money. Again, your premise is impossible since an entire school cannot operate as a Charter School. The private corporation running the Charter School doesn't have to take - and will NEVER take - the entire student body since it would mean a loss instead of a profit.
  16. Yes, it certainly does matter! GA allows all students to be tested and counted in the "rankings" while other states only allow their college prep kids to be tested. That accounts for the disparity of the lowest stanine to the middle stanine. OK. Let's try this: it is impossible to "charter" an entire school to a charter school since the private entity that runs the charter school can decide what students to accept and which students to deny. So think about it: will the Charter School take the special ed student? The high discipline student? The high cost student? Of course not. The Charter
  17. Couple of things ... the "rankings" are not as easy as that since the scorings in GA include every student and that is not the case with most states. People in education know that. Corporations are hoping you don't and will play on your emotions with a disingenuous fact. Second, the money doesn't just take an entire school but the students who go to the charter school. That means the tax payer is on the hook for the added cost PER STUDENT that is not allowed in the charter school, but must stay in the public school with less money to perform the same educational service.
  18. Money. Power. Keep one class down and the class barely above them will vote to keep them down - thus the power structures in place - every time. Just look at Jim Crow as an example. This is basic US History here. Come on!
  19. No, the power grab is by corporations going after the taxpayer's money that funds public education and the corporate money is paying for a lot of disinformation, designed to play on people's emotions, to get that pile of money. It is not about choice; it's about profit. It is not about the kids but about money and the power that comes with it. If we lose public money to charter/private schools who don't have to abide by the same rules as public schools, the more affluent will be more than willing to move their kids outside public education. That will leave the poorest kids, with the least
  20. But that is not what you said. You made the statement that unions prevent tenured teachers from being fired. Let's look at your exact quote, shall we? None of the is accurate. Schools are held accountable and so are teachers. Teachers may be fired for cause or no cause at all if not tenured. When you talk about performance, how do you measure the effectiveness of a teacher? I'm really interested in how you would score a teacher. Really. No, there are no teacher unions in GA because GA has no collective bargaining with the teacher groups. There are only professional organizati
  21. Wrong. Teachers are held accountable. Teachers may be fired, tenure or no, only with tenure, there must be cause. And there are no teacher unions in GA. The best indicator of student achievement is the socio-economic situation of the parents, and that is directly correlated to the parents educational attainment. It is not private or charter or public school that is the issue but the demographics. Let's not put a red herring out there and manipulate people with inaccurate information, shall we? The fact is that charter schools is corporate America trying to get to the public tax rol
  22. It washed up on the FL coast. Don't know what it came from yet. There is something out there, that big. My link
  23. This is nothing but a means of corporations to get public money. It leaves the public school with the most troubled students, the highest cost, and less money to do the job.
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