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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. The computer skills are expected to be known by every applicant. The skills of word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, etc., are as expected as knowing how to use a phone. There are no "skills" on the computer any longer, unless it is programming, and those require another skill set beyond what a high school student should know.
  2. Dogwood Terrace in Acworth. Quite lovely. Fine dining but not with the higher prices you would pay in Atlanta. My link Aria. Reservations required. Upscale. Very good. One of my favorites.Wine list is very good. My link Hal's. Best steak in the Atlanta area. Reservations. My link Babbett's Cafe. Wonderful. Cozy. Highly recommend. Call and see if there is seating available. My link Bacchanalia. No need to describe it since the reputation speaks for itself. My link
  3. I am going to have to disagree with you. Employers prefer someone who has shown the discipline to get a degree over raw eagerness. If one doesn't perform, I can fire them later on but I first need someone who has demonstrated an ability to perform, organise, manage time/deadlines, and pass the tests. With that being said, many parts of Europe have apprentice type programs where lads and lassies who don't demonstrate a proficiency in more advanced primary curriculum to begin training in the early teen years, and become highly skilled in their craft by the end of their teen years. That is a
  4. I was simply making a statement regarding those who want to say a four degree is not necessary at all. That is not true.Many, many employers like myself will only hire those with the four year degree. I meant nothing else by my statement. It is the reality of the world in which I employ people. With that being said, there are always opportunities for other positions requiring a different set of skills. However, the marketplace is not more competitive and the former years of getting a blue collar position with little effort and making a career of that one position is not likely. There are t
  5. This is an example of not understanding what the numbers mean and spinning something to fit your agenda. Had you understood how seasonal employment figures are calculated and what they mean, you would have been applauding the numbers just as the Labor Secretary for the State of Georgia was doing. Read more here: http://www.ledger-en...l#storylink=cpy Or perhaps this link would be more to your liking. My link
  6. I will say it again, but we don't even give interviews for most positions unless it is a traditional, classroom setting, four year degree. Blue collar positions require at least experience and preferably a technical school diploma. Obviously I have a manager that hires some with only high school diplomas but those are for a narrow band of positions. I interview only those that have demonstrated an aptitude for the four year program, have high references, outstanding professional history, superior communication skills, and preferably degrees in non-related areas, e.g., 4 year degree plus a degr
  7. Thankfully! I remember many places refused to do so for many years as an outright slap in the face of his legacy. Thank you!
  8. Isn't that the point? America is not Iran? Yet you are calling for the same action, e.g., stop this voice, from being here? That makes you as extremist as those in Iran, only you won't resort to the violence, though the sentiment and end result is the same. Hypocrite. Hush. They don't like it when someone else has a dissenting opinion and uses informed support to back up her voice. You know that only works for the majority, not minorities and certain, never, women who stand up to the Alpha Males,
  9. Actually, there are several issues relating to privacy, speech, warrants and searches, and various other civil rights concerns that are being decided every day in the courts regarding this. For example, does it violate the 4th amendment for the police to install a GPS tracking device on a vehicle without a warrant? That was never even thought of in the 18th century but the courts have to apply the text of the US Constitution to the changing times, i.e., s living document. Is it relevant?
  10. Stop it. You're using the factual info from the article coupled with real world examples. That will never do. Profits, then people.
  11. I look forward to your statistics that refute the article. Exactly. Improving economy. Slowly.
  12. Pregnancy. Absences. Office talk. Yes, it does happen. And it is illegal.
  13. zoocrew


    Isn't that what all criminals say?
  14. I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm merely saying that discrimination is wrong and that even if it is done in a legal manner, it is neither ethical nor moral. The person that intentionally discriminates in a legal manner, is no different than the bigot who refuses to hire a minority because of her skin color under the Jim Crow Laws. Ethical and moral behaviour requires a higher standard than simply what is legal. I'm so sorry you were treated this way. It is simply wrong. Legal, yes, but wrong nonetheless.
  15. I'm just saying that the laws are there and ask how it was different. If you are able to justify it, I'm sure you're in good company with others. It was designed to protect the worker. Those laws were written to protect people. When discrimination is outlawed, only outlaws will practice discrimination.l
  16. I don't have an answer for you, I can only speak for me and my situation. However, if i find any of my employees or staff who have discriminated in employment decisions, or against another individual, the actions taken are swift and fierce. It is not tolerated at all. There is a reason the laws exist and they exist to protect everyone. When people violate the law, they are, in fact, criminals.
  17. Does it happen? Sure. Should it? No. That is why there are laws against it. And those laws exist to protect everyone.
  18. That is blatantly wrong and illegal. It is not even moral.
  19. If you find it acceptable to discriminate, that is your and the EEOC's business. However, I do find it a a wee bit hypocritical to complain about criminals with guns when discrimination is also illegal.
  20. So when Dan Rather falsified a story about President W. Bush to make a point, it was not a big deal?
  21. Not rude. Frustrated at someone who refuses to even read what is said and decides what my position is, even when I've expressly said that is NOT what I believe. If you would only spend time reading and trying to hear what I'm saying instead of attacking me with a position I never said, it would be far easier to communicate. Totally untrue. I never reported any posts nor threads tonight. I, in fact, said I am a big girl and have handled much worse from far better.
  22. I'm curious, then, how that would make you any different than the person who preys on the elderly in order to make money for himself and the employees who do the shoddy work? Isn't it criminal? What is the difference in discrimination against someone based on race or religion? Is that not also illegal? And bigoted toward a class of people? Profit over people? When discrimination is outlawed, only outlaws will practice discrimination.
  23. You know, I think the problem is that you really don't understand what you're reading. I've never said the American people don't have the right to bear arms. I have never said they didn't. Again, this is an example of you not being able to understand written word. Second, I see you don't have enough of a background to understand the context of the ideas. Moreover, you are easily duped as evidenced by your giving of spurious quotes that anyone with a modicum of history training would recognise as complete falsehoods. Because your 13 year old is not possibly capable of delving
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