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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. The US military is adopting a different training program for new recruits, one that has yoga-like stretching included in the physical training, coupled with low fat, high fiber meals. The intense training is still there but it is more than what it used to be. My Link
  2. So the Wiki link is wrong? Ok. Then who is the master in the parable that held them accountable?
  3. The parable was about being a wise user of the resources given, was it not? If you agree, that is a fact. Being a good steward of the resources trusted to us is a good thing.
  4. What does a story about wise use of resources have to do with science?
  5. I had never heard of the parable of the talents but I looked it up. From the discussion there, it was god the servants feared but I would like to hear your take on it.
  6. I don't like Dish and changed to Comcast. Much happier.
  7. Yes, he left those already in the program to continue. Here's the next sentence in the Washington Post link that I gave above so it looks like you didn't read it.
  8. That's not an interpretation. Evolution doesn't say we came from apes. It says apes and humans have a common ancestor on that branch of the evolutionary tree. From your very biased link. You should read the source before you cite it.
  9. Did you read it? The results indicate that students who received vouchers realized higher academic achievement than students who were not awarded a voucher, though the differences between both groups of students were not statistically significant.[2] Despite this lack of statistical differentiation, students who participated in the Opportunity Scholarship Program achieved higher reading scores than students who did not. Look at the footnotes of 2 and 3. [2] Statistical significance is a measure by which researchers can determine whether or not some phenomenon happened
  10. I don't think you're reading the same thread the rest of us are. The money we're talking about is the money the teachers get paid. Poor evaluations mean no job which means poor evaluations go to poorer schools. No, the DC program did not work.
  11. Yes. At best the voucher bill improved only reading scores by 4 months, but as a group the participants simply didn't show that sort of gain. My Link
  12. You're right. There is no proof we descended from apes because we didn't and evolution doesn't say we did. That's why we don't teach that in schools. Evolution says apes and man have a common ancestor/s and that is what is taught because we do have that proof. The Theory of Evolution is what is taught.
  13. The voucher system in DC did not work. Think of the Haves and Have Nots this way. Poorer areas = lower performing students = lower test scores = poorer teacher evaluations = worst teachers go to these poorer areas Richer areas = better performing students = better test scores = better teacher evaluations = better teachers stay
  14. Terrible thing. There is no way teachers can be properly evaluated with this method. Anyone who thinks this is a fair method - or even possible - has not an inkling how education works. The test scores of the advanced students will always be higher than the scores of say the students who are repeating pre-algebra in high school for the third time. Does that mean the teacher with the advanced students is any better? How do you evaluate the phys ed or art teacher? We all know the students in the highest socio-economic areas do better on the standardized tests but that is a product of the
  15. Now this is weird. Officials in one town in Arkansas are trying to figure out why over 1000 dead blackbirds fell from the sky onto a 1 mile area. There were signs of physical trauma leading to the speculation that perhaps the flock was hit by lightening or hail, but exactly what happened is a mystery. My Link
  16. Measurement is only needed for us since we are the only species that requires a measurement (on earth, anyway). Time exists. How it exists is more a matter of physics, if you want to get into the hard science of it. Time exists. It exists for the historian as a construct to explain events relating to us. Time exists. It exists for the philosopher as a construct to explain Why. Time exists. It exists for most people in smaller increments of seconds to years, perhaps decades or a lifetime, to measure the substance of an existence. Honestly, most don't give a crap so we just g
  17. I remember that part of the aquarium!
  18. I can't wait! Love Oprah!
  19. Linear is Medieval thought. The Greeks would say time is like a spiral. Some religions say time is neither spacial nor quantitative. Physics and math say time is in various planes or even dimensions. Me? It's in the mind. You're only as old as you act.
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