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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. If it were one of my boys, would I want the calls to go out to everyone?
  2. That's not what the investigation found.
  3. Your source is spinning again. The scientists were cleared. My Link
  4. Exactly. It wasn't real science but it was Fox News, the latter of which is the problem. My Link
  5. There was no questionable science with this at all. Good job trying to make the leap of logic for political spin.
  6. Because the book is just now coming out and is news for us in America since it was an unheard of phenomenon. Ian Frasier, while researching his "Travels in Siberia" (2010, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux) recorded an interview with Marina Tabakova, who took care of both flamingos at the Winter Garden in Severobaikalsk in Siberia. He generously allowed us to use his recordings.
  7. I heard this report this morning. Even sat in the car for another 5 minutes after dropping off my little boys at school just to make sure I didn't miss the rest of the story. Flamingos? Falling from the sky? In Siberia? Not a joke either. A mystery for sure. My Link Audio Story
  8. Just goes to show that Lucifer could run as a Republican and Jesus as a Democrat and Ol' Beelzebub would win with the R after his name.
  9. That so reminds me! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_d8C4AIFgUg
  10. That's it, I think. The "news" is so commercialized that it is designed not to inform but to incite. It now appeals to the emotions. The more they can get you emotionally worked up, the more you watch (seen all the teasers?) and that means the more advertising space that can be sold for the higher price. The news is not the news anymore but a means the companies use to manipulate people so the media can make more money. That's why the number of people who watch a particular news channel is irrelevant, except that it shows they get more people worked up emotionally more than anyone else. I
  11. The same as I feel about Christians putting their religion in our laws - not a good idea for any religion to do that. How do you feel about Christian laws in our laws? For example, putting the ten commandments on the courthouse walls, saying Christian prayers before government meetings, teachers leading prayers in school, or having Bible readings at government meetings.
  12. No different than people have been trying to put the Bible in our law here for 200 years. Pot, meet Kettle.
  13. But not all speak out against them. The outliers should just be ignored and not given the satisfaction of an acknowledgement.
  14. Just like followers of the same religion that take out aboortzion doctors and protest at soldiers' funerals, and meet at just about every corner of our county on Sunday morning.
  15. I don't have a problem with Heath voting his conscience and not always voting the way the people want. That's why we have a representative form of government instead of a democracy. So if he goes the other way than most people want, that's fine. I just happen to think he is wrong on this.
  16. Want some comic relief disguised as a news commentary? The Daily Show - Crisis in Dairyland - For Richer and Poorer - Teachers and Wall Street Tags: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook
  17. Insensitive? Certainly, because it has not been long enough after the Civil War to move past this. One day -- when we all get over the racism and bigotry -- this sort of lesson will be standard fare in most classrooms because it does re-create the situation in a way students can learn. I remember doing role play lessons in the sixth grade about the Christian persecution in Rome and the slave system under the Greeks. No one complained because it was ancient history. Slavery is not ancient history but still recent history. One day, the role play will be used and no one will have a problem wi
  18. Isn't this a tax increase by our Republican representatives? What is Paulette Braddock's position on this?
  19. So now GA is trying to get around a federal requirement that phases out incandescent bulbs by 2014. My Link
  20. Let's make some tin foil hats and pass them out to the people in need.
  21. Will anyone give Obama credit for this when he got blamed for it on the way down? It wasn't his fault it went down and all he did was continue the same (necessary) policy to bring it around. Anyone? Anyone?
  22. The people who believe this sort of stuff are the same ones that don't believe Obama was born in Hawaii or say that water fluoridation was a communist conspiracy.
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