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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. This is so funny that everyone gets all bent out of shape over these numbers. The trend line and the projected reports are good. All the articles I read say this was expected and was compounded by the tornadoes and the disruption that caused. The recession was over a long time ago and it is very normal that these sort of months happen along the way. Politics is driving people's rabid phobias here, not reality. In a few months or quarters, this bump in the road will be forgotten and this will be on the upswing gain, though everyone will make their political jabs and spin again.
  2. Yes, it is an extra burden. Yes, it does make someone a second class citizen. The problem of illegal immigration is a Federal mandate, not for the states. Either follow the Constitution or just ignore all of it. The airport security analogy doesn't fit here because at airports, EVERYONE is subject to random search, not just those that look or sound different. You have to understand that just because some are breaking the law is no reason to subject American citizens to the presumption of guilt based solely on how they look or the language they speak. That IS making some second
  3. So we have a second class citizen who is treated differently because of the way he looks or sounds. Why not just call for Jim Crow laws again? The point is a drivers license does NOT prove citizenship but we are saddling a burden on some citizens merely because they look or sound different than most people. Why isn't that same burden place on EVERYONE? Here is another link for you on giving up US citizenship. My Link
  4. Many people give up American citizenship. Many nations do NOT allow dual citizenship. My Link The point is that a drivers license does NOT prove citizenship. So when YOU get stopped and show your license, do YOU have to prove citizenship? When a legal immigrant from Ecuador gets stopped and shows his license, he will have to show his proof of citizenship. That's the point I'm making.
  5. If that person gives up US citizenship, she is not a citizen. But she has a birth certificate. There are people with birth certificates from outside the US and that will get them a drivers license, but it does not prove citizenship. That's my point.
  6. Under what circumstance? People give up American citizenship all the time, come back here to visit on a visa, but are not American citizens.
  7. No. I'm answering you. You said And if the proper documents were shown to get that "PRIVELEDGE" of owning a license, just like you and I both had to show when we got ours, it wouldn't be a problem now would it? I'm afraid you really don't understand what the issue is because the law says if you're suspected of being illegal, you have to PROVE you're not. You said a drivers license will do. That is not true. A drivers license does NOT prove citizenship.
  8. But you don't have to prove you're a citizen. Those examples are what everyone has to show. Under this law, those suspected of being illegal have to PROVE citizenship. Would YOU be suspected of being an illegal? This law makes those people that look and sound different immediately suspected of a crime.
  9. No. It proves he was born here. Many people are born in the US but have citizenship elsewhere. Many people born outside the US are here but are not citizens and they only need to show a birth certificate to get a drivers license. A drivers license doesn't prove citizenship.
  10. And that proves you're a citizen? People are born outside the US all the time and may or may not be citizens. People born here may or may not be citizens. The birth certificate proves NOTHING about citizenship. I'm sure you are a fine person, but name calling is unbecoming.
  11. You had to show a passport? I thought it was a birth certificate.
  12. But you don't have to produce a passport or a visa. A license will do. For those suspected of being "foreign" they have to show more than a license.
  13. It is wonderful! But don't go outside the hotel or resort without a guide or envoy. We did that and almost ended up in some serious trouble because we didn't understand the language.
  14. A report from the Global Commission on Drug Policy says the war on drugs has failed and makes new recommendations that say we need to make some changes. My Link — An end to "the criminalization, marginalization and stigmatization of people who use drugs but who do no harm to others." — Governments experiment "with models of legal regulation of drugs to undermine the power of organized crime and safeguard the health and security of their citizens. This recommendation applies especially to cannabis." — Increases in "health and treatment services [for] those in need." — Less f
  15. The locally grown wouldn't be as plump, juicy, tender nor as good as those in the large farms.
  16. A few states have or are considering the availability of a third option behind burial or cremation, a process called alkaline hydrolysis, that essentially speeds up the decomposition process and allows the remains to be liquified and flushed. Some people are opposing it on various grounds, but it is cheaper and more environmentally friendly than cremation, and far less costly than a burial. My Link
  17. The posters on here are not understanding your point because they don't want to get it. Just ignore them. Easier that way.
  18. From everything I'm reading, this is normal to have things that sputter month to month. From where we were in 2008, things are VASTLY improved, though no one wants to admit it.
  19. The Renaissance Ross Bridge Resort in Birmingham is nice if your DH is a golfer. Barnesley Gardens in Adairsville is nice too, with the comfy cottages. More golf for DH.
  20. I'm wondering about the truthfulness of the receipt. Where and how did it get it posted on the internet? Seems fishy.
  21. I have no idea where you are getting that because I've never said that nor do I believe that. This is an example of you deciding what I believe and then deciding I've said that very thing in the past. Neither are true, just like the politics driving the "remembering" of people claiming Bush or Obama drive oil prices. I'm not saying no one has ever said that on here, especially since I haven't been on that long, but I don't think many would have said that. If there were one or two that did say that, that becomes what EVERYONE was saying because that is what some WANT it to be. It just i
  22. That is all Skype and nothing to do with Microsoft. The deal between the two companies has not been approved in the EU nor the US yet, so it is all Skype. I've never used Skype but your post makes me wonder if maybe this deal is a good thing since I can maybe do more with my computer one day. Anywho, sorry you've been violated. My Link
  23. I can't get any more bullets so I will just remain silent.
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