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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. You're applying a blanket to every employee at every employer. That is not what the OP was about. In the cases you describe (and we all know of those people) that is a situation where management addresses THAT employee with THAT behavior. You don't take what a few employees do and then punish EVERY employee that doesn't do those things that are wrong. The fact is that if an employee is required to do company activities, even if waiting on the company's computers to boot, the employee should be compensated. If an employee is not doing her work or is taking excessive breaks, then manage
  2. Can we go shopping together next time?
  3. My kids call it Spaghetti Pizza but Campbell's Soup calls it Pasta with the Works. My Link I use spaghetti noodles that have been seriously chopped instead of Rotini (began using when the kids were young - worked better). Really good.
  4. 5 minutes a week = 25 minutes. That means on a 50 week work year (2 vacation weeks) there is almost 21 hours of non-compensated time. Yeah. I'd be complaining too. Getting ripped off is one thing but making you work for half a week for free is too much. If there are 100 employees, that is big money the company is not paying the employees for time worked.
  5. You're entitled to feeling how ever you want, but legally, the company is obligated to pay you for your time and you were working for free. I am a SAHM but when I was working, my time was worth more than zero. Otherwise, the company would take advantage of all the employees all the time. There are reasons there are labor laws. And you're right that employees are not entitled to a job but once they do have the job, the company is obligated (and the employees ARE ENTITLED) to pay the employee for the work, even if it is just sitting there waiting for the company's computer to boot up.
  6. That's right. Anytime an employee does company work, he is to be paid for that time, even if it on personal time or not. An employee who boots the computer and then has to wait for the computer to boot up, is still on company time. It is not the employees fault the computers were not already booted, take so long to boot, or that she has to wait for the computers to load everything. That is something management can address in other ways but not paying the employees for waiting on company computers is wrong. The employee is not at fault it takes so long to boot.
  7. If they are surfing the net, they are doing so on company's time they are being paid to be working. That is a management issue. But it is just as wrong to tell the employees to do company work (even waiting for the company computers to boot) on the employees' time and not pay them for that time. It doesn't matter it is 5 minutes, 15 minutes, or 30 minutes, if an employee is doing company work, (or performing work and then waiting for the company's machines to boot) the employee should be paid. It is not the employees' fault the machines take 30 minutes to boot up.
  8. I certainly disagree that corporations are persons under the Constitution. Hopefully, one day, that ruling can be overturned. As for your thinking companies can do better than the government, I disagree with that one too. If companies could do better, they already would have. Oh, and the waste I can cite with the levels of bureaucracy from companies who are trying to NOT pay the claims made. That is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house.
  9. But the booting of the computers is company business. If they are talking or messing around while waiting for the boot up, that is a problem with the company not giving them something productive to do. Requiring they be in the place while the computer boots is still requiring them to be there and they should get paid for it. Then you should, as a matter of principle, not want companies influencing elections or in charge of health care.
  10. And we ALWAYS KNOW companies will do the right thing, especially when it comes to labor and letting them get involved in politics. Back to the point you made. Companies have no incentive to "take care" of their employees, nor reward the best employees. They know that the employee needs the job and how it is to find another. So they can and will run roughshod over employees because they can. And the companies know there are another 100 people just as qualified, if not more so, waiting and begging for that job with less pay. And we want companies in charge of things that are important to
  11. That is not the same as the question you first asked. What you just said can be described as wasting the employer's time and the management should deal with that appropriately. As to the original question, if you're doing company work that is required to do the company's job, you're on the company's time and the company's payroll. Booting up the computers is not personal but company. Coffee and BSing with coworkers is personal or break time. Hope the lawsuit is won by the employees because if it is not, imagine what precedent that would set.
  12. Westboro is to Christian like Muslim Extremist is to Islam. There are crack pots everywhere. We just have to deal with it. Letting them get to us gives them power they don't have.
  13. Bradford Automotive just west of the hospital. PM for contact info.
  14. Most trashy people do not consider themselves as such.
  15. It helps to not park in the fire lanes AT ALL or handicapped spaces if you're able bodied. Those are in the top ten of Trashy Label checklist.
  16. Lying about sending a picture to a female and a crime are two different things.
  17. Personal responsibility? Are you kidding? A person can run 10 miles a day, never smoke, and do EVERYTHING right and STILL come down with cancer. Doing the right things doesn't mean you won't get sick. The article is about people who get caught in the cancer lottery and that pure bad luck takes them into financial ruin. Why? All because one of the spouses didn't work for a large company? Or got laid off a few months before the diagnosis? Personal responsibility doesn't always beat a cancer virus.
  18. When you have to chose between groceries, rent and basic things of life, or the extra cost of a might need insurance policy, most people get the food. A cancer policy or extra health insurance may not seem like a lot of money to some people, but to many of us, it is still a cost we can't afford.
  19. And if the worst happens and one of the spouses doesn't work for a large company with a good health insurance plan, the family is bankrupt in short order. They may have been doing everything right, paying all their bills, saving money and even had health insurance, but bad luck and no one working for a large company with great insurance put them at zero.
  20. Medical costs keep going up and that means insurance costs have to go up too, along with Medicare and all other means of paying for care. But people with cancer are in a life and death situations and, sadly, cancer means a financial nightmare for many. My Link Take, for instance, a look at the financial prognosis for cancer patients in the state of Washington. Researchers linked databases on newly diagnosed cancer and court records to figure out the risk of bankruptcy for cancer patients. Among the more than 230,000 people in the cancer database, they found that about 4,800
  21. I don't think there will ever be another Oprah but Katie Couric is going to try her hand at the day time talk show gig. My Link
  22. Imagine going under anesthesia for some dental surgery and waking up with a British accent. That's what happened to one lady and about 100 other people since the 1940s. It's a strange neurological event, usually caused by a stroke or some other brain injury. My Link
  23. Yes. Seriously. Since June 2009. My Link.
  24. Let's hope the courts strike down those portions of the AZ and GA law that are unconstitutional and AL won't waste more court time.
  25. But other nations may not allow dual citizenship. The point I made is that many people were born in the US and have a birth certificate here, but later gave up their citizenship and are now citizens of other nations. That means those people have an American birth certificate but are not citizens. That means that there are people with drivers licenses who were born here but are not citizens. That is not all that hard to comprehend, is it? The reason we don't tie a drivers license to citizenship is because many people are here on temporary visas, student visas, work permits, diplomatic
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