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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Like any other bureaucracy, the cost overruns and time delays for Plant Vogle is getting very expensive. $700 million over budget and 19 months behind schedule. My link
  2. A new automobile tax took effect 1 March. The "birthday tax" is no longer applicable. My link
  3. Eventually, we will retire. Fortunately, both my husband and I love our jobs and made all the right sacrifices, moving to the right places, working for the right companies, getting the right education, all for the goal of the jobs we have now. Moved 8 times. Took many lateral moves or even lower paying jobs to get other skill sets. Travel to many countries to get other perspectives. Education in different places. Retirement will be when we decide we no longer want to work or have diminished capacity and we're no longer mentally fit. We take 12 weeks holiday per year now, so travel is n
  4. America has long charged the Chinese were involved with hacking. China says the US is doing the same to her. My link
  5. Many American business (more than 200) filed a friend of the court brief arguing to the United States Supreme Court that not allowing gay marriage makes it more costly for the companies. My link
  6. Exactly. It's not just non-educators who can see this but common sense dictates that every situation that holds threats like this be treated the same way. It is to protect everyone.
  7. Unless the student later on does do something that harms someone and then the school is liable for not taking action for the threats he made acting as if he had a gun. Put yourself in the place of other parents who hear this: "Mom, there was a kid today in the cafeteria pretending he had a gun in his hand and shouting 'Bang! Bang!' while everyone was trying to eat lunch."
  8. Except there is more to the story. The teacher says the lad was holding it while pointing to the ceiling and saying "Bang! Bang!" The rule is even something that threatens as a weapon facsimile is treated this way. So it wasn't the pop tart, but him holding it as a weapon and saying "Bang! Bang!" is making threats. My link
  9. I tried to be most mainstream. I was just a wee lass in the 1980s.
  10. Script costs vary depending on the insurance coverage and the contract each apothecary has with the coverage provider.
  11. Some perspective. The same was said of that style. 1950s.. 1960s. 1970s. 1980s. 1990s. American Amish. circa 1790 style and what they believed was the "correct" clothing style.
  12. Planning vacations always help my spirits.
  13. We will tip 20% minimum. If the service was dreadful, 15%. If it is disgustingly awful service, we ask for a manager. Normal to good service would be 20-30%. At fine restaurants, 35%-45%. At 5 star restaurants, 50% minimum, since the servers give a much better experience and know so much more, e.g., the food/wine source, how prepared, and such, e.g., Victoria and Albert's (my favorite, especially the Queen Victoria Room!) My link
  14. That doesn't explain why each time I travel, the resorts and restaurants are full. Victoria and Albert's (my favorite on the world) is booked 6 months in advance. Disney is packed and is doing exceptionally well. The cruise industry is still doing well. Sure, there needed to be less capacity in airlines but that doesn't mean the economy is in a death spiral when the people are spending money and coincidence is up. The fact is people feel much better about things inn the American economy and confidence is much higher. More Americans disagree with your assessment.
  15. The austerity cuts are new to the economic picture. The cuts will hurt the American economy and had nothing to do with the other reports.
  16. This its the same report America had had for the last 6 months. Slower growth the first half of 2013 and an acceleration the second half. Of course, austerity cuts the American leaders are allowing to happen will significantly hurt the economy.
  17. Exactly as I said. The initial number was an aberrant number. More slow and steady growth. Yet, it is growth.
  18. I'm doing splendidly well! Hope you continue and have the very best of fortune in your endeavors!
  19. The revised figures showed the American economy in the last quarter of 2012 actually grew slightly. While the 0.1% growth was minuscule it was not negative as the initial report had said (and as I had said it was an initial aberrant number My link). My link However, the number was not that dreadful. Remember that since 2009 there have been positive numbers each quarter and a blip or two is normal. Second, the drop in American military spending and a decline in inventories accounted for much of the bad news. Lastly, consumer spending was much better than expected, meaning mo
  20. An American footballer in the draft preliminaries was asked by one club: "Do you have a girlfriend? Are you married? Do you like girls?" The National Football League is investigating the allegations of discrimination in the interview process as those sorts of questions are blatantly illegal in the American employment system. My link
  21. What tosh. An onion does nothing to help a cold or any malady for that matter. I send my sick employees home. It is dangerous to those with whom we service and care for.
  22. Let's see. You got caught making statements that weren't true. And then you continued to make untrue statements. Then you can't handle it when someone points out that you didn't read the article and didn't know what you're talking about,. If you just can't admit you made a mistake, fine.
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