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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. No one has mentioned the basis of the stay, i.e., that the law in the province of Georgia is that the state will not execute a mentally challenged person. Are people advocating Georgia not follow the law?
  2. I have so missed the sanity you bring. Glad you had a good trip!
  3. A hospital in the Michigan, USA,is being sued after it agreed to a patient's request that "no African American nurses" be allowed to care for his newborn child. My link
  4. Yesterday an American Appeals Court agreed to temporarily halt an execution for a convicted murderer whom, it is now argued, is mentally challenged. The law in that state says a mentally challenged person may not be executed so the argument is that Georgia may not violate its own laws. A future ruling will be required to make the stay of execution permanent and that is being argued by various barristers now. My link
  5. Love my Tempur-Pedic Cloud Supreme Breeze! With Tempur-Pedic you may get as soft our as firm as you like. The initial odor wears off but it it's there for a week or so. Get the adjustable base as it odd well worth it. The Luxe is the top of the line but it was too soft for us. If you don't like it, call them and they will change it out within the first 3 months.
  6. I see some people didn't read the link or my initial post. Just like the past years, prices began to climb between the time before Christmas and 15 January. The prices continued to go up this year just as in the past. I'm amazed that so few understand a rise on petrol price means demand worldwide is up because of the improving economic conditions.
  7. A Texas, USA, woman gave birth to two sets of identical twin boys. The odds of such a pregnancy are 1 in 70 million. My link
  8. This sort of coordination has been going on for a long time but this is the first mainstream news link I've seen about it. A hospital, in the United States capital city of Washington, has partnered with a leading American apothecary to help patients manage their scripts, patients who were recently discharged from a facility. The concept is to assist the patient in taking a usual long list on the script reconciliation, and help assure the patient is taking the needed medicines. More care providers are moving to this sort of partnership and it has, so far, provided positive results. My link
  9. Never mind. I can't get the video to post. Off to a breakfast and then to work bright and early!
  10. Can someone help me with the video to this? The site keeps going blank when I try to edit the thread and is giving me weird HTML code. I cannot get the video to link and this is getting too labour intensive.
  11. The old question of which came first is easy to answer. Maybe. My link
  12. Goldman Sachs is forecasting more of the slow and steady growth in the American marketplace for 2013 but "substantial" advances in the economy for 2014. As seen on Fox News. My link
  13. Not sure what you were replying to but you're right about the general Walmart shopper. The high end retail stores have a much better clientele, and they are spending money. My link
  14. As the remainder of the American marketplace improves, the spillover will reach everywhere as time moves along.
  15. My husband and I split the various household costs and have different banking accounts that each of us control. He handles the financial things like retirement, insurance, investments accounts, boarding schools costs, etc., We each contribute to a joint checking each month from which all household extra expenses, e.g, the new bedroom suite from Ethan Allen and the Tempur Pedic mattress we purchased 2 weeks ago. Other than that, we generally don't ask each others permission with a set rule but it has always been understood that anything miscellaneous over 2000$ would at least get a warning befo
  16. The American economy is improving, slowly but steadily. Here is another example in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. My link
  17. Consumer confidence for the American population rose to a three month high, and is helping to continue the gains in household spending. Spending is up 4.4% over 2012 January despite the increase in petrol costs and the expiration of the lower payroll deduction. My link My link 1 My link 2
  18. No, that's not what it means.
  19. On another sign post the economy of the United States is still having slow and steady growth, retail sales were up again in January, and up 4.4% compared to 2012 January. My link
  20. We are going to Orlando on Thursday evening for my youngest son's futbal tournament with Darlington Academy. Nothing planned for that evening but the following (whilst the lads are having their team meal) my husband and I are going to Victoria and Albert's My link for a 10 course, chef's table in the Victoria Room. It is the most romantic place and the best meal I've ever experienced. Menu My link
  21. Best of luck to you in the relocation and the employment endeavors!
  22. At what point will you accept the information and stop refusing the facts because out doesn't fit your agenda? America has had more than 3 years of economic improvement but no one accepts it? At some point, the question has to be asked, "Why not?" If you don't like the information because it makes the other political side look good, fine. But remember at some point, the same numbers will reverse and it won't look good economically. That is just how the numbers work. However, it had nothing to do with politics. I hope no one tries to bring up numbers then because I will remind them off this
  23. So you just don't accept the information at all. OK. Is it because you can't refute it, don't like it, don't understand it, or it simply doesn't fit with what your ideas? So can you provide the link that shows the economists are beholden to a certain political slant? Or is it that you simply don't like the information?
  24. The economists in the survey My link said that, too, is part of the growth process and hiring in the labour markets should accelerate in the second half of 2013.
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