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Everything posted by champsbbcoach

  1. The fair tax will totally eliminate the IRS. That's a goal to work towards.
  2. if you stand next to him, make sure you're wearing that bull dog shirt we gave you.. rofl
  3. LOL...you really expect Americans these days to stand up and fight for anything? They're too busy with their sweet 16 brackets or their future college football drafts, or they have their heads too far up Oprah's arse to know what's happening to our country. They can tell you who they voted for on American Idol and who is left standing, but they don't know who their congressman or state representative is and they don't really care. All they want to do is sit back and let someone else, (the government by way of hard working taxpayers ) take care of them and their daily needs. The hell with w
  4. you have to add "Sad Eyes" by Robert John to the list of sad songs.
  5. "free health care" my a$$e. Some hard working individual somewhere had that money stolen from him by the govt to pay for it. And that's how it will be here.
  6. Let me add one more thing. Get all of them involved in sports, if they aren't already. It doesn't matter if it's baseball, football, soccer, basketball, track.... Get all of the involved and keep them involved.
  7. Hiya Lady.. Havent heard from you in a while.. Hope your new year is good. It sounds like the boy has found him a sugar mama. He's going to take as much as he can get.
  8. You're in for some fun.. they will get acne, but avoiding greasy foods, chocolate, and drinking plenty of water every day will help. And washing face twice a day is a must, and good luck with that one !! Boys will be boys, you know. They will experience plenty of peer pressure too, so get to know ALL of their friends, whether they like it or not. Moody like girls??? not necessarily so, but be prepared for mood swings, especially if the horomones kick in that day. They tend to get bossy . BTW.... speaking from some experience so I know what you're facing.
  9. Sara Babb park ball fields are flooding again. Water rushing over the headwall, flooding the field.
  10. Yep, I seed you, but before I could react, you were gone. Your wave and smile put one on my face though.. Thanks
  11. Can I bring you some cheese to go with that wine?
  12. Kinda looks like liberals heading for gov healthcare
  13. Hardly any water pressure on Hiram Sudie at Hwy 61.
  14. Up in the sky.. man, did it ever spring a leak and then blow a gasket.
  15. wth is that murdering sob doing in our sports section?
  16. murray rider, needs starter put back together and tune up
  17. wth is it with people wanting to kill every snake they see. total stupidity!
  18. A husband finishes reading the book, "Be the Man of Your House". He says to his wife, From now on my word is law. You will prepare me a gourmet meal tonight with a lovely dessert and aftewards you will pleasure me anyway I want. You will then bathe me as I relax, towel me dry and massage my feet and back. Then tomorrow guess who will dress me and comb my hair?" The wife replies, "The f***ing funeral director would be my first guess". Men are like fine wine. The begin as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the s**t out of them until they turn into something acceptable to h
  19. Need cheap produce for animals.........Researching healthcare reform
  20. Go to Sara Babb, behind the little field ( field 2 ). Those woods are full of baseballs, believe me !
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